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package org.gcube.datacatalogue.catalogue.utils;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean;
import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean.Type;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.catalogue.beans.resource.CustomField;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.utils.CatalogueUtilMethods;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.DataType;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataField;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataFormat;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataGrouping;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataTagging;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.NamespaceCategory;
import org.geojson.GeoJsonObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanGroup;
* Validate creation item requests utilities.
* @author Costantino Perciante (ISTI - CNR)
* @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR)
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public class Validator {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Validator.class);
private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_SIMPLE = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_HOUR_MINUTES = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
* Check resources have at least url/name
* @param json
* @param caller
* @throws Exception
public static void checkResourcesInformation(JSONObject dataset) throws Exception {
JSONArray resources = (JSONArray) dataset.get(Constants.RESOURCES_KEY);
if(resources == null || resources.isEmpty()) {
} else {
Iterator it = resources.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
JSONObject resource = (JSONObject);
String name = (String) resource.get(Constants.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY);
String url = (String) resource.get(Constants.RESOURCE_URL_KEY);
if(url == null || name == null || url.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Resources must have at least a name and an url field set!");
* This method validates the incoming json, in this sense:
* <ul>
* <li> add author
* <li> add author email
* <li> check license (?)
* </ul>
* @param json
* @param caller
* @param applicationToken
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static void checkBaseInformation(JSONObject dataset) throws Exception {
// check license
String licenseId = (String) dataset.get(Constants.LICENSE_KEY);
if(licenseId == null || licenseId.isEmpty())
throw new Exception(
"You must specify a license identifier to be attached to the item. License list can be retrieved invoking license methods");
// set author and author email
if(!ContextUtils.isApplication()) {
JSONObject profile = CatalogueUtils.getUserProfile();
JSONObject profileValues = (JSONObject) profile.get(Constants.RESULT_KEY);
dataset.put(Constants.AUTHOR_KEY, profileValues.get(Constants.FULLNAME_IN_PROFILE_KEY));
dataset.put(Constants.AUTHOR_EMAIL_KEY, profileValues.get(Constants.EMAIL_IN_PROFILE_KEY));
} else {
dataset.put(Constants.AUTHOR_KEY, ContextUtils.getUsername());
dataset.put(Constants.AUTHOR_EMAIL_KEY, CatalogueUtils.getCatalogue().getCatalogueEmail());
// version
String version = (String) dataset.get(Constants.VERSION_KEY);
if(version == null || version.isEmpty()) {
version = "1";
dataset.put(Constants.VERSION_KEY, version);
// owner organization must be specified if the token belongs to a VRE
ScopeBean scopeBean = new ScopeBean(ScopeProvider.instance.get());
String ownerOrgFromScope =;
boolean isVREToken =;
String ownerOrg = (String) dataset.get(Constants.OWNER_ORG_KEY);
String organization = isVREToken ? ownerOrgFromScope.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_")
: ownerOrg != null ? ownerOrg.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") : null;
if(organization != null) {
if(!ContextUtils.isApplication()) {
dataset.put(Constants.OWNER_ORG_KEY, organization);
} else {
throw new Exception("You must specify the field '" + Constants.OWNER_ORG_KEY + "' in which the item should be published!");
* This method validate the incoming json dataset wrt a metadata profile
* @param json
* @param caller
* @param profiles
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static void validateAgainstProfile(JSONObject obj, List<String> profiles) throws Exception {
JSONArray extrasArrayOriginal = (JSONArray) obj.get(Constants.EXTRAS_KEY);
JSONArray groupsArrayOriginal = (JSONArray) obj.get(Constants.GROUPS_KEY);
JSONArray tagsArrayOriginal = (JSONArray) obj.get(Constants.TAGS_KEY);
if(extrasArrayOriginal == null || extrasArrayOriginal.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("'extras' field is missing in context where metadata profile(s) are defined!");
if(groupsArrayOriginal == null) {
groupsArrayOriginal = new JSONArray();
if(tagsArrayOriginal == null) {
tagsArrayOriginal = new JSONArray();
// get the metadata profile specifying the type
CustomField metadataTypeCF = null;
List<CustomField> customFields = new ArrayList<CustomField>(extrasArrayOriginal.size());
Iterator iterator = extrasArrayOriginal.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
JSONObject object = (JSONObject);
CustomField cf = new CustomField(object);
if(cf.getKey().equals(Constants.TYPE_KEY)) {
metadataTypeCF = cf;
} else if(cf.getKey().equals(PackageCreatePostActions.ITEM_URL)) {
} else {
if(metadataTypeCF == null) {
throw new Exception("'" + Constants.TYPE_KEY
+ "' extra field is missing in context where metadata profile(s) are defined!");
// fetch the profile by metadata type specified above
MetadataFormat profile = null;
for(String profileName : profiles) {
profile = CatalogueUtils.getMetadataProfile(profileName);
if(profile.getType().equals(metadataTypeCF.getValue())) {
} else {
profile = null;
if(profile == null) {
throw new Exception("'" + Constants.TYPE_KEY
+ "' extra field's value ('" + metadataTypeCF.getValue() +
"') specified as custom field doesn't match any of the profiles defined in this context!");
} else {
JSONArray extrasArrayUpdated = null;
List<MetadataField> metadataFields = profile.getMetadataFields();
if(metadataFields == null || metadataFields.isEmpty()) {
extrasArrayUpdated = extrasArrayOriginal;
} else {
extrasArrayUpdated = new JSONArray();
List<NamespaceCategory> categories = CatalogueUtils.getNamespaceCategories();
logger.debug("Retrieved namespaces are {}", categories);
List<String> categoriesIds = new ArrayList<String>(categories == null ? 0 : categories.size());
if(categories == null || categories.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("No category defined in context {}", ScopeProvider.instance.get());
} else {
for(NamespaceCategory metadataCategory : categories) {
categoriesIds.add(metadataCategory.getId()); // save them later for matching with custom fields
// the list of already validated customFields
List<CustomField> validatedCustomFields = new ArrayList<CustomField>(customFields.size());
// keep track of mandatory fields and their cardinality
Map<String,Integer> fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(metadataFields.size());
Map<String,Integer> fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(metadataFields.size());
Map<String,Integer> numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(
// keep track of the groups that must be created AFTER validation but BEFORE item creation
List<String> groupsToCreateAfterValidation = new ArrayList<String>();
// now validate fields
int metadataIndex = 0;
for(MetadataField metadataField : metadataFields) {
int categoryIdIndex = categoriesIds.indexOf(metadataField.getCategoryRef());
logger.debug("Found index for category " + metadataField.getCategoryRef() + " " + categoryIdIndex);
List<CustomField> validCFs = validateAgainstMetadataField(metadataIndex, categoryIdIndex,
customFields, tagsArrayOriginal, groupsArrayOriginal, metadataField, categories,
fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap, fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap, numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap,
// check mandatory fields
Iterator<Entry<String,Integer>> iteratorLowerBounds = fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap.entrySet()
while(iteratorLowerBounds.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> entry = (Map.Entry<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>) iteratorLowerBounds
int lowerBound = entry.getValue();
int upperBound = fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap.get(entry.getKey());
int inserted = numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap.get(entry.getKey());"Field with key '" + entry.getKey() + "' has been found " + inserted
+ " times and its lower bound is " + lowerBound + " and upper bound " + upperBound);
if(inserted < lowerBound || inserted > upperBound) {
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + entry.getKey()
+ "' is mandatory, but it's not present among the provided fields or its cardinality is not respected ([min = "
+ lowerBound + ", max=" + upperBound + "]).");
// if there are no tags, throw an exception
if(tagsArrayOriginal.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Please define at least one tag for this item!");
// sort validated custom fields and add to the extrasArrayUpdated json array
logger.debug("Sorted list of custom fields is " + validatedCustomFields);
// add missing fields with no match (append them at the end, since no metadataIndex or categoryIndex was defined for them)
for(CustomField cf : customFields)
// convert back to json
for(CustomField customField : validatedCustomFields) {
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put(Constants.EXTRA_KEY, customField.getQualifiedKey());
jsonObj.put(Constants.EXTRA_VALUE, customField.getValue());
// add metadata type field as last element
JSONObject metadataTypeJSON = new JSONObject();
metadataTypeJSON.put(Constants.EXTRA_KEY, metadataTypeCF.getKey());
metadataTypeJSON.put(Constants.EXTRA_VALUE, metadataTypeCF.getValue());
// create groups
for(String title : groupsToCreateAfterValidation) {
try {
createGroupAsSysAdmin(title, title, "");
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create group with title " + title, e);
obj.put(Constants.TAGS_KEY, tagsArrayOriginal);
obj.put(Constants.GROUPS_KEY, groupsArrayOriginal);
obj.put(Constants.EXTRAS_KEY, extrasArrayUpdated);
* Retrieve an instance of the library for the scope
* @param scope if it is null it is evaluated from the session
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static CkanGroup createGroupAsSysAdmin(String title, String groupName, String description) throws Exception {
return CatalogueUtils.getCatalogue().createGroup(groupName, title, description);
* Validate this field and generate a new value (or returns the same if there is nothing to update)
* @param metadataIndex
* @param categoryIndex
* @param customFields
* @param tagsArrayOriginal
* @param groupsArrayOriginal
* @param metadataField
* @param categories
* @param numberFieldsSameKeyMap
* @param fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap
* @param isApplication
* @return
* @throws Exception
private static List<CustomField> validateAgainstMetadataField(int metadataIndex, int categoryIndex,
List<CustomField> customFields, JSONArray tagsArrayOriginal, JSONArray groupsArrayOriginal,
MetadataField metadataField, List<NamespaceCategory> categories,
Map<String,Integer> fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap, Map<String,Integer> fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap,
Map<String,Integer> numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap, List<String> groupToCreate) throws Exception {
List<CustomField> toReturn = new ArrayList<CustomField>();
String metadataFieldName = metadataField.getCategoryFieldQName(); // get the qualified one, if any
int fieldsFoundWithThisKey = 0;
Iterator<CustomField> iterator = customFields.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
CustomField cf = (CustomField);
if(cf.getKey().equals(metadataFieldName)) {
validate(cf, metadataField);
checkAsGroup(cf, metadataField, groupsArrayOriginal, groupToCreate);
checkAsTag(cf, metadataField, tagsArrayOriginal);
// in case of mandatory fields, keep track of the number of times they appear
if(metadataField.getMandatory()) {
// lower bound
int lowerBound = 1;
lowerBound = fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap.get(metadataFieldName) + 1;
fieldsMandatoryLowerBoundMap.put(metadataFieldName, lowerBound);
// upper bound
boolean hasVocabulary = metadataField.getVocabulary() != null;
int upperBound = hasVocabulary ? (metadataField.getVocabulary().isMultiSelection()
? metadataField.getVocabulary().getVocabularyFields().size()
: 1) : 1;
upperBound += fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap.get(metadataFieldName);
fieldsMandatoryUpperBoundMap.put(metadataFieldName, upperBound);
// fields with this same key
int countPerFields = fieldsFoundWithThisKey;
countPerFields += numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap.get(metadataFieldName);
numberFieldsMandatorySameKeyMap.put(metadataFieldName, countPerFields);
// if there was no field with this key and it was not mandatory, just add an entry of the kind {"key": "key-value", "value" : ""}.
// Sometimes it is important to view the field as empty.
if(fieldsFoundWithThisKey == 0 && !metadataField.getMandatory()) {
toReturn.add(new CustomField(metadataFieldName, "", -1, -1));
return toReturn;
* Check if a tag must be generated
* @param fieldToValidate
* @param metadataField
* @param tagsArrayOriginal
private static void checkAsTag(CustomField fieldToValidate, MetadataField metadataField,
JSONArray tagsArrayOriginal) {
MetadataTagging tagging = metadataField.getTagging();
if(tagging != null) {
String tag = "";
switch(tagging.getTaggingValue()) {
case onFieldName:
tag = metadataField.getFieldName();
case onValue:
tag = fieldToValidate.getValue();
case onFieldName_onValue:
tag = metadataField.getFieldName() + tagging.getSeparator() + fieldToValidate.getValue();
case onValue_onFieldName:
tag = fieldToValidate.getValue() + tagging.getSeparator() + metadataField.getFieldName();
tag = tag.substring(0, Constants.MAX_TAG_CHARS > tag.length() ? tag.length() : Constants.MAX_TAG_CHARS);
logger.debug("Tag is " + tag);
JSONObject tagJSON = new JSONObject();
tagJSON.put("name", tag);
tagJSON.put("display_name", tag);
* Check if a group must be generated
* @param fieldToValidate
* @param metadataField
* @param groupsArrayOriginal
* @param isApplication
* @throws Exception
private static void checkAsGroup(CustomField fieldToValidate, MetadataField metadataField,
JSONArray groupsArrayOriginal, List<String> groupToCreate) throws Exception {
logger.debug("Custom field is " + fieldToValidate);
logger.debug("MetadataField field is " + metadataField);
logger.debug("JSONArray field is " + groupsArrayOriginal);
MetadataGrouping grouping = metadataField.getGrouping();
if(grouping != null) {
boolean propagateUp = grouping.getPropagateUp();
final Set<String> groupNames = new HashSet<String>();
switch(grouping.getGroupingValue()) {
case onFieldName:
case onValue:
if(fieldToValidate.getValue() != null && !fieldToValidate.getValue().isEmpty())
case onFieldName_onValue:
case onValue_onFieldName:
if(fieldToValidate.getValue() != null && !fieldToValidate.getValue().isEmpty())
for(String title : groupNames) {
logger.debug("Adding group to which add this item " + CatalogueUtilMethods.fromGroupTitleToName(title));
JSONObject group = new JSONObject();
group.put("name", CatalogueUtilMethods.fromGroupTitleToName(title));
if(propagateUp) {
List<String> parents = CatalogueUtils
for(String parent : parents) {
JSONObject groupP = new JSONObject();
groupP.put("name", parent);
// force group creation if needed
if(grouping.getCreate()) {
for(String title : groupNames)
* Validate the single field
* @param fieldToValidate
* @param metadataField
* @param isFirst
* @return
* @throws Exception
private static void validate(CustomField fieldToValidate, MetadataField metadataField) throws Exception {
DataType dataType = metadataField.getDataType();
String regex = metadataField.getValidator() != null ? metadataField.getValidator().getRegularExpression()
: null;
boolean hasControlledVocabulary = metadataField.getVocabulary() != null;
String value = fieldToValidate.getValue();
String key = fieldToValidate.getKey();
String defaultValue = metadataField.getDefaultValue();
// replace key by prepending the qualified name of the category, if needed
if((value == null || value.isEmpty()))
if(metadataField.getMandatory() || hasControlledVocabulary)
throw new Exception("Mandatory field with name '" + key
+ "' doesn't have a value but it is mandatory or has a controlled vocabulary!");
else {
if(defaultValue != null && !defaultValue.isEmpty()) {
value = defaultValue;
return; // there is no need to check other stuff
switch(dataType) {
case String:
case Text:
if(regex != null && !value.matches(regex))
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't match the provided regular expression ("
+ regex + ")!");
if(hasControlledVocabulary) {
List<String> valuesVocabulary = metadataField.getVocabulary().getVocabularyFields();
if(valuesVocabulary == null || valuesVocabulary.isEmpty())
boolean match = false;
for(String valueVocabulary : valuesVocabulary) {
match = value.equals(valueVocabulary);
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' has a value '" + value
+ "' but it doesn't match any of the vocabulary's values (" + valuesVocabulary + ")!");
case Time:
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't seem a valid time!");
case Time_Interval:
String[] timeValues = value.split("/");
for(int i = 0; i < timeValues.length; i++) {
String time = timeValues[i];
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't seem a valid time interval!");
case Times_ListOf:
String[] timeIntervals = value.split(",");
for(int i = 0; i < timeIntervals.length; i++) {
String[] timeIntervalValues = timeIntervals[i].split("/");
if(timeIntervalValues.length > 2)
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't seem a valid list of times!");
for(i = 0; i < timeIntervalValues.length; i++) {
String time = timeIntervalValues[i];
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't seem a valid list of times!");
case Boolean:
if(value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
} else
throw new Exception("Field with key '" + key + "' doesn't seem a valid boolean value!");
case Number:
throw new Exception("Field's value with key '" + key + "' is not a valid number!");
case GeoJSON:
try {
new ObjectMapper().readValue(fieldToValidate.getValue(), GeoJsonObject.class);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new Exception("GeoJSON field with key '" + key + "' seems not valid!");
* Validate a time date against a formatter
* @param value
* @param formatter
* @return
private static boolean isValidDate(String value) {
try {
return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.debug("failed to parse date with hours and minutes, trying the other one");
try {
return true;
} catch(Exception e2) {
logger.warn("failed to parse date with simple format, returning false");
return false;