package org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server; import static; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean.Type; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.ckan.ExtendCkanClient; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.ckan.MarshUnmarshCkanObject; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.ckan.MarshUnmarshCkanObject.METHOD; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.db.DBCaller; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.gcat.GCatCaller; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.DataCatalogueRunningCluster.ACCESS_LEVEL_TO_CATALOGUE_PORTLET; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.utils.CKANConveter; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.utils.CatalogueUtilMethods; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.utils.url.EntityContext; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.LandingPages; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.ResourceBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.RolesCkanGroupOrOrg; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.State; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.exceptions.JackanException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanDataset; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanGroup; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanLicense; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanOrganization; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanResource; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanUser; /** * This is the Ckan Utils implementation class. * * revisited by * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR ( */ public class DataCatalogueImpl implements DataCatalogue { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataCatalogueImpl.class); private String CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL; private String CKAN_DB_NAME; private String CKAN_DB_USER; private String CKAN_DB_PASSWORD; private String CKAN_DB_URL; private Integer CKAN_DB_PORT; private String PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE; private String SOLR_URL; private String CKAN_TOKEN_SYS; private String CKAN_EMAIL; private String URI_RESOLVER_URL; private boolean MANAGE_PRODUCT_BUTTON; private boolean SOCIAL_POST; private boolean ALERT_USERS_ON_POST_CREATION; private String CONTEXT; private Map extendRoleInOrganization; public Map mapAccessURLToCatalogue; private static final String CATALOGUE_TAB_ENDING_URL = "/catalogue"; // gCat client private GCatCaller gCatCaller; // db client private DBCaller dbCaller; // ckan client private ExtendCkanClient ckanCaller; // hashmap for ckan api keys private ConcurrentHashMap apiKeysMap; //http ckan caller //private DirectCkanCaller directCkanCaller; //is not needed anymore? // apikey bean expires after X minutes in the above map private static final int EXPIRE_KEY_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * The ckan catalogue url and database will be discovered in this scope * @param scope * @throws Exception if unable to find datacatalogue info */ public DataCatalogueImpl(String scope) throws Exception{ DataCatalogueRunningCluster runningInstance = new DataCatalogueRunningCluster(scope); // save information CKAN_DB_URL = runningInstance.getDatabaseHosts().get(0).trim(); CKAN_DB_PORT = runningInstance.getDatabasePorts().get(0); CKAN_DB_NAME = runningInstance.getDataBaseName().trim(); CKAN_DB_USER = runningInstance.getDataBaseUser().trim(); CKAN_DB_PASSWORD = runningInstance.getDataBasePassword().trim(); CKAN_TOKEN_SYS = runningInstance.getSysAdminToken().trim(); CKAN_EMAIL = runningInstance.getEmailCatalogue().trim(); CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL = runningInstance.getDataCatalogueUrl().get(0).trim(); PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE = runningInstance.getPortletUrl().trim(); mapAccessURLToCatalogue = runningInstance.getMapAccessURLToCatalogue(); MANAGE_PRODUCT_BUTTON = runningInstance.isManageProductEnabled(); URI_RESOLVER_URL = runningInstance.getUrlResolver(); SOCIAL_POST = runningInstance.isSocialPostEnabled(); ALERT_USERS_ON_POST_CREATION = runningInstance.isAlertEnabled(); SOLR_URL = runningInstance.getUrlSolr();"In the scope: "+scope+", I read the catalogue URL: " + CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL); // build the clients gCatCaller = new GCatCaller(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL); dbCaller = new DBCaller(CKAN_DB_URL, CKAN_DB_PORT, CKAN_DB_NAME, CKAN_DB_USER, CKAN_DB_PASSWORD); ckanCaller = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL); //directCkanCaller = new DirectCkanCaller(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL); //is not needed anymore? // init map apiKeysMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // save the context CONTEXT = scope; // extended roles extendRoleInOrganization = runningInstance.getExtendRoleInOrganization(); } /** * The ckan catalogue url and database will be discovered in this scope. * * @param scope the scope * @param sysAuthentication if true perform the sys authentication * @throws Exception if unable to find datacatalogue info */ public DataCatalogueImpl(String scope, boolean sysAuthentication) throws Exception{ this(scope); if(sysAuthentication) ckanCaller = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); } @Override public String getCatalogueUrl() { return CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL; } @Override public String getPortletUrl() { //PATCHED By Francesco ScopeBean context = new ScopeBean(CONTEXT); if( {"Working with the {} scope returning the path read from GR 'Ckan-Porltet': {}", Type.INFRASTRUCTURE.toString(), PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE); return PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE; } String vreNameLower =; //CHECKING IF THE PORTLET URL CONTAINS THE VRE NAME INTO URL if(PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE.toLowerCase().contains(vreNameLower)){ //THE PORLTET URL READ FROM GENERIC RESOUCE 'CkanPortlet' SHOULD BE ALREADY VALID, POITING TO CKAN PORTLET return PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE; }else{ //ADDING VRE getApiKeyFromUsernameNAME AND THE SUFFIX 'CATALOGUE_TAB_ENDING_URL' TO URL String buildedUrl = PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE.endsWith("/") ? PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE : PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE + "/"; String defaultSuffix = vreNameLower + CATALOGUE_TAB_ENDING_URL; buildedUrl+= defaultSuffix; LOG.warn("The Portlet URL read from Generic Resource 'Ckan-Porltet' does not contain the portlet suffix, so I added the default: "+defaultSuffix); return buildedUrl; } } @Override public String findLicenseIdByLicenseTitle(String chosenLicense) { LOG.debug("Requested license id"); // checks checkNotNull(chosenLicense); //retrieve the list of available licenses List licenses = ckanCaller.getLicenseList(); for (CkanLicense ckanLicense : licenses) { if(ckanLicense.getTitle().equals(chosenLicense)) return ckanLicense.getId(); } return null; } @Override public List getLicenseTitles() { LOG.debug("Request for CKAN licenses"); // get the url and the api key of the user List result = new ArrayList(); //retrieve the list of available licenses List licenses = ckanCaller.getLicenseList(); for (CkanLicense ckanLicense : licenses) { result.add(ckanLicense.getTitle()); LOG.debug("License is " + ckanLicense.getTitle() + " and id " + ckanLicense.getId()); } return result; } @Override public List getLicenses() { LOG.debug("Request for CKAN licenses (original jackan objects are going to be retrieved)"); //retrieve the list of available licenses return ckanCaller.getLicenseList(); } @Override public CkanDataset getDataset(String datasetId, String apiKey) {"Request ckan dataset with id " + datasetId); // checks checkNotNull(datasetId); checkArgument(!datasetId.isEmpty()); try{ if(apiKey!=null && !apiKey.isEmpty()) {"API-KEY found. Calling the "+ExtendCkanClient.class.getSimpleName()); ExtendCkanClient client = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, apiKey); return client.getDataset(datasetId); } String authzToken = SecurityTokenProvider.instance.get(); if(authzToken!=null && !authzToken.isEmpty()) {"gcube-token found. Calling the gCat client"); String jsonDataset = gCatCaller.getDatasetForName(datasetId); return MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toCkanDataset(jsonDataset, METHOD.TO_READ); }"No api-key or gcube-token found. Calling Ckan Client without API-KEY"); return ckanCaller.getDataset(datasetId); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to retrieve such dataset, returning null ...", e); } return null; } @Override public String getUnencryptedUrlFromDatasetIdOrName(String datasetIdOrName) { LOG.debug("Request coming for getting dataset url (not encrypted) of dataset with name/id " + datasetIdOrName); // checks checkNotNull(datasetIdOrName); checkArgument(!datasetIdOrName.isEmpty()); String url = null; try{ // get the dataset from name ExtendCkanClient client = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); CkanDataset dataset = client.getDataset(datasetIdOrName); String name = dataset.getName(); if(dataset != null){ if(getUriResolverUrl() != null) url = getUrlForProduct(CONTEXT, EntityContext.DATASET, name); if(url == null || url.isEmpty()) url = getPortletUrl() + "?" + URLEncoder.encode("path=/dataset/" + name, "UTF-8"); } }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Error while retrieving dataset with id/name=" + datasetIdOrName, e); } //requestEntity.put("clear_url", Boolean.toString(unencrypted)); return url; } @Override public Map> getUserRoleByGroup(String username) {"Get user role by group called. The username is: "+username); checkNotNull(username); Map> toReturn = new HashMap>(); try{ String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); Map partialResult = dbCaller.getGroupsByUserFromDB(ckanUsername); for (String groupID : partialResult.keySet()) { CkanGroup group = ckanCaller.getGroup(groupID); HashMap subMap = new HashMap(); subMap.put(group, partialResult.get(groupID)); toReturn.put(groupID, subMap); } LOG.debug("Returning map " + toReturn);"Found " + toReturn.size() +" group/s with the user "+username); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Failed to retrieve roles of user in his/her own groups",e); } return toReturn; } @Override public Map> getUserRoleByOrganization( String username) {"Get user role by organization called. The username is: "+username); checkNotNull(username); Map> toReturn = new HashMap>(); try{ String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); Map partialResult = dbCaller.getOrganizationsByUserFromDB(ckanUsername); for (String orgID : partialResult.keySet()) { CkanOrganization org = ckanCaller.getOrganization(orgID); HashMap subMap = new HashMap(); subMap.put(org, partialResult.get(orgID)); toReturn.put(orgID, subMap); LOG.debug("For organisation: " + org.getName() + ", the user "+username+" has role: "+subMap); } LOG.debug("Returning map " + toReturn);"Found " + toReturn.size() +" organization/s with the user "+username); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Failed to retrieve roles of user in his/her own groups",e); } return toReturn; } /** * Retrieve an url for the tuple scope, entity, entity name * @param context * @param entityContext * @param entityName */ private String getUrlForProduct(String context, EntityContext entityContext, String entityName){ String toReturn = null; try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) { HttpPost httpPostRequest = new HttpPost(getUriResolverUrl()); JSONObject requestEntity = new JSONObject(); requestEntity.put("gcube_scope", context); requestEntity.put("entity_context", entityContext.toString()); requestEntity.put("entity_name", entityName); StringEntity params = new StringEntity(requestEntity.toJSONString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); httpPostRequest.setEntity(params); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPostRequest); if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) throw new Exception("There was an error while creating an url " + response.getStatusLine()); toReturn = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); LOG.debug("Result is " + toReturn); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Failed to get an url for this product", e); } return toReturn; } @Override public LandingPages getLandingPages() throws Exception { LandingPages landingPages = new LandingPages(); landingPages.setUrlGroups(PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE + "?path=/group/"); landingPages.setUrlItems(PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE + "?path=/dataset/"); landingPages.setUrlOrganizations(PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE + "?path=/organization/"); landingPages.setUrlTypes(PORTLET_URL_FOR_SCOPE + "?path=/type/"); return landingPages; } @Override public String getUriResolverUrl() { return URI_RESOLVER_URL; } /** * Check if the manage product is enabled * @return */ @Override public boolean isManageProductEnabled() { return MANAGE_PRODUCT_BUTTON; } @Override public List getOrganizationsByUser(String username) { LOG.debug("Requested organizations for user " + username); // checks checkNotNull(username); // in order to avoid errors, the username is always converted String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); // list to return List toReturn = new ArrayList(); try{ Map partialResult = dbCaller.getOrganizationsByUserFromDB(ckanUsername); for (String orgID : partialResult.keySet()) { CkanOrganization org = ckanCaller.getOrganization(orgID,false); LOG.debug("User " + ckanUsername + " is into " + org.getName()); toReturn.add(org); } // get the list of all organizations //List organizations = ckanCaller.getOrganizationList(); // iterate over them /*for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : organizations) { // get the list of users in it (if you try ckanOrganization.getUsers() it returns null.. maybe a bug TODO) List users = ckanCaller.getOrganization(ckanOrganization.getName()).getUsers(); // check if the current user is among them for (CkanUser ckanUser : users) { if(ckanUser.getName().equals(ckanUsername)){ LOG.debug("User " + ckanUsername + " is into " + ckanOrganization.getName()); toReturn.add(ckanOrganization); break; } } }*/ }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to get user's organizations", e); } return toReturn; } @Override public List getGroupsByUser(String username) { LOG.debug("Requested groups for user " + username); // checks checkNotNull(username); // in order to avoid errors, the username is always converted String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); // list to return List toReturn = new ArrayList(); try{ Map partialResult = dbCaller.getGroupsByUserFromDB(ckanUsername); for (String groupID : partialResult.keySet()) { CkanGroup group = ckanCaller.getGroup(groupID,false); LOG.debug("User " + ckanUsername + " is into " + group.getName()); toReturn.add(group); } /* // get the list of all organizations List groups = ckanCaller.getGroupList(); // iterate over them for (CkanGroup ckanGroup : groups) { List users = ckanCaller.getGroup(ckanGroup.getName()).getUsers(); // check if the current user is among them for (CkanUser ckanUser : users) { if(ckanUser.getName().equals(ckanUsername)){ LOG.debug("User " + ckanUsername + " is into " + ckanGroup.getName()); toReturn.add(ckanGroup); break; } } }*/ }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to get user's groups", e); } return toReturn; } @Override public List getOrganizationsIds(){ List toReturn = new ArrayList(); List orgs = ckanCaller.getOrganizationList(); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : orgs) { LOG.debug("Retrieved org " + ckanOrganization.getName()); toReturn.add(ckanOrganization.getId()); } return toReturn; } @Override public List getOrganizationsNames(){ List toReturn = new ArrayList(); List orgs = ckanCaller.getOrganizationList(); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : orgs) { LOG.debug("Retrieved org " + ckanOrganization.getName()); toReturn.add(ckanOrganization.getName()); } return toReturn; } @Override public List getOrganizationsNamesByUser(String username) { LOG.debug("Requested organizations for user " + username); // checks checkNotNull(username); // in order to avoid errors, the username is always converted String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); List orgs = getOrganizationsByUser(ckanUsername); List orgsName = new ArrayList(); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : orgs) { orgsName.add(ckanOrganization.getName()); LOG.debug("Organization name is " + ckanOrganization.getName()); } return orgsName; } @Override public String getRoleOfUserInOrganization(String username, String orgName) { String toReturn = null; String apiKey = getApiKeyFromUsername(username); String usernameCkan = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); try{ ExtendCkanClient client = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, apiKey); List users = client.getOrganization(orgName).getUsers(); for (CkanUser ckanUser : users) { if(ckanUser.getName().equals(usernameCkan)){ toReturn = ckanUser.getCapacity(); break; } } }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to retrieve the role the user has into organization: "+orgName, e); } return toReturn; } /** * Check if the user is valid by checking if its API_KEY is present into DB. * * @param username the username * @return true, if successful */ @Override public boolean checkValidUser(String username) { String apiKey = getApiKeyFromUsername(username); return apiKey != null; } private String getApiKeyFromUsername(String username) { LOG.debug("Request api key for user = " + username); // checks checkNotNull(username); checkArgument(!username.isEmpty()); // in order to avoid errors, the username is always converted String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); // check in the hashmap first if(apiKeysMap.containsKey(ckanUsername)){ CKANTokenBean bean = apiKeysMap.get(ckanUsername); if(bean.timestamp + EXPIRE_KEY_TIME > System.currentTimeMillis()){ // it's still ok return bean.apiKey; } } LOG.debug("Api key was not in cache or it expired"); try{ String apiToReturn = dbCaller.getApiKeyFromUsername(username,; // save into the hashmap if(apiToReturn != null) apiKeysMap.put(ckanUsername, new CKANTokenBean(apiToReturn, System.currentTimeMillis())); return apiToReturn; }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to retrieve key for user " + ckanUsername, e); } return null; } @Override public boolean existProductWithNameOrId(String nameOrId) { checkNotNull(nameOrId); checkArgument(!nameOrId.isEmpty()); try{ ExtendCkanClient client = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); CkanDataset product = client.getDataset(nameOrId); return product != null; }catch(Exception e){ LOG.debug("A dataset with name " + nameOrId + " doesn't exist"); return false; } } @Override public CkanOrganization getOrganizationByIdOrName(String idOrName) { checkNotNull(idOrName); String ckanName = idOrName.toLowerCase(); try{ return ckanCaller.getOrganization(ckanName); }catch(Exception e){ LOG.warn("Failed to retrieve the organization with name " +idOrName+ " on the ckan: "+ckanCaller.getCatalogUrl(), e); } return null; } @Override public boolean checkRoleIntoOrganization(String username, String organizationName, RolesCkanGroupOrOrg correspondentRoleToCheck) { LOG.debug("Request for checking if " + username + " into organization " + organizationName + " has role " + correspondentRoleToCheck); // checks checkNotNull(username); checkNotNull(organizationName); checkNotNull(correspondentRoleToCheck); checkArgument(!username.isEmpty()); checkArgument(!organizationName.isEmpty()); // convert ckan username String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); // check if this role is already present in ckan for this user within the organization String organizationNameToCheck = organizationName.toLowerCase(); try{ boolean alreadyPresent = isRoleAlreadySet(ckanUsername, organizationNameToCheck, correspondentRoleToCheck, false); if(alreadyPresent) return true; // just return else{ //TODO PASS by GCAT? // we need to use the APIs to make it String path = "/api/3/action/organization_member_create"; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("id", organizationNameToCheck); obj.put("username", ckanUsername); obj.put("role", RolesCkanGroupOrOrg.convertToCkanCapacity(correspondentRoleToCheck)); LOG.debug("API request for organization membership is going to be " + obj.toJSONString()); try(CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();) { HttpPost request = new HttpPost(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL + path); request.addHeader("Authorization", CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); // sys token StringEntity params = new StringEntity(obj.toJSONString()); request.setEntity(params); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request); LOG.debug("Response code is " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + " and response message is " + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); return response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK; }catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error while trying to change the role for this user ", ex); } } }catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Unable to check if this role was already set, please check your parameters! ", ex); } return false; } @Override public boolean checkRoleIntoGroup(String username, String groupName, RolesCkanGroupOrOrg correspondentRoleToCheck) { LOG.debug("Request for checking if " + username + " into group " + groupName + " has role " + correspondentRoleToCheck); // checks checkNotNull(username); checkNotNull(groupName); checkNotNull(correspondentRoleToCheck); checkArgument(!username.isEmpty()); checkArgument(!groupName.isEmpty()); // convert ckan username String ckanUsername = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromUsernameToCKanUsername(username); // check if this role is already present in ckan for this user within the group String groupNameToCheck = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromGroupTitleToName(groupName); try{ boolean alreadyPresent = isRoleAlreadySet(ckanUsername, groupNameToCheck, correspondentRoleToCheck, true); if(alreadyPresent) return true; // just return else{ // we need to use the apis to make it String path = "/api/3/action/group_member_create"; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("id", groupNameToCheck); obj.put("username", ckanUsername); obj.put("role", RolesCkanGroupOrOrg.convertToCkanCapacity(correspondentRoleToCheck)); LOG.debug("API request for organization membership is going to be " + obj.toJSONString()); try(CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();) { HttpPost request = new HttpPost(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL + path); request.addHeader("Authorization", CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); // sys token StringEntity params = new StringEntity(obj.toJSONString()); request.setEntity(params); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request); LOG.debug("Response code is " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + " and response message is " + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); return response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK; }catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error while trying to change the role for this user ", ex); } } }catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Unable to check if this role was already set, please check your parameters! ", ex); } return false; } /** * Check if the user has this role into the organization/group with groupOrOrganization name * @param ckanUsername * @param organizationName * @param correspondentRoleToCheck * @return true if he has the role, false otherwise */ protected boolean isRoleAlreadySet(String ckanUsername, String groupOrOrganization, RolesCkanGroupOrOrg correspondentRoleToCheck, boolean group) throws Exception{ // get the users (if you try ckanOrganization.getUsers() it returns null.. maybe a bug TODO) List users; if(group) users = ckanCaller.getGroup(groupOrOrganization).getUsers(); else users = ckanCaller.getOrganization(groupOrOrganization).getUsers(); for (CkanUser ckanUser : users) { if(ckanUser.getName().equals(ckanUsername)) if(ckanUser.getCapacity().equals(RolesCkanGroupOrOrg.convertToCkanCapacity(correspondentRoleToCheck))) return true; else break; } return false; } /* * * * * * * * * * * WRITE OPERATIONS * * * * * * * * * * */ @Override public String createCkanDatasetMultipleCustomFields(String username, String title, String name, String organizationNameOrId, String author, String authorMail, String maintainer, String maintainerMail, long version, String description, String licenseId, List tags, Map> customFieldsMultiple, List resources, boolean setPublic, boolean setSearchable, boolean socialPost) throws Exception {"Called createCkanDatasetMultipleCustomFields"); // checks (minimum) checkNotNull(username); checkNotNull(organizationNameOrId); checkArgument(!organizationNameOrId.isEmpty()); checkArgument(!(title == null && name == null || title.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty()), "Name and Title cannot be empty/null at the same time!"); try { // String ckanUsername = getUserFromApiKey(apiKey).getName(); CkanDataset dataset = CKANConveter.toCkanDataset(ckanCaller, username, title, name, organizationNameOrId, author, authorMail, maintainer, maintainerMail, version, description, licenseId, tags, null, customFieldsMultiple, resources, setPublic, setSearchable); // trying to create by gCat String jsonValueDataset = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toJsonValueDataset(dataset,METHOD.TO_CREATE);"Serialized dataset is: " + jsonValueDataset); jsonValueDataset = gCatCaller.createDataset(jsonValueDataset,socialPost); LOG.debug("Created dataset is: " + jsonValueDataset); if(jsonValueDataset != null){ CkanDataset toCkanDataset = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toCkanDataset(jsonValueDataset,METHOD.TO_READ);"Dataset with name " + toCkanDataset.getName() + " has been created correctly"); //TODO FOLLOWING OPERATIONS NOT SHOULD LONGER NEEDED ON DATASET CREATION, MUST BE CHECKED with @LUCA // // set visibility // boolean visibilitySet = setDatasetPrivate( // !setPublic, // swap to private // res.getOrganization().getId(), // res.getId(), // CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); // use sysadmin api key to be sure it will be set // //"Was visibility set to " + (setPublic ? "public" : "private") + "? " + visibilitySet); // // // set searchable to true if dataset visibility is private // if(!setPublic){ // (swap to private) // boolean searchableSet = setSearchableField(res.getId(), true); //"Was searchable set to True? " + searchableSet); // } // return res.getId(); return toCkanDataset.getId(); } }catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on creating the dataset: ", e); } return null; } @Override public boolean patchFieldsForDataset(String datasetId, Map mapFields) throws Exception {"Called patch the fields "+mapFields+" for dataset id: "+datasetId); checkNotNull(datasetId); checkNotNull(mapFields); try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); for (String key : mapFields.keySet()) { jsonObj.put(key, mapFields.get(key)); } LOG.debug("Json Dataset is: " + jsonObj); gCatCaller.patchDataset(datasetId, jsonObj);"Patch operation for dataset "+datasetId+" terminates without errors"); return true; }catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error occurred trying to patch the dataset with id: "+datasetId, e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Unable to patch the dataset. Error: "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public boolean setSearchableFieldForDataset(String datasetId, boolean searchable) throws Exception {"Set searchalbe field as "+searchable+" for dataset id: "+datasetId); checkNotNull(datasetId); try { String searchableAsString = searchable ? "True" : "False"; JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put("id", datasetId); //just to be sure jsonObj.put("searchable", searchableAsString); LOG.debug("Json Dataset is: " + jsonObj); gCatCaller.patchDataset(datasetId, jsonObj);"Set 'searchable' field for dataset "+datasetId+" terminates without errors"); return true; }catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error occured trying to set the 'searchable' field for the dataset with id: "+datasetId, e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Unable to set the 'searchable' field for this dataset. Error: "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public String addResourceToDataset(ResourceBean resourceBean) throws Exception {"Request to add a resource described by this bean " + resourceBean); // checks checkNotNull(resourceBean); if(CatalogueUtilMethods.resourceExists(resourceBean.getUrl())){ CkanResource resource = CKANConveter.toCkanResource(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, resourceBean); String jsonValueResource = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toJsonValueResource(resource); LOG.trace("Serialized resource is: " + jsonValueResource); jsonValueResource = gCatCaller.addResourceToDataset(resourceBean.getDatasetId(), jsonValueResource); LOG.debug("Added resource to dataset is: " + jsonValueResource); CkanResource createdRes = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toCkanResource(jsonValueResource); if(createdRes != null){ LOG.debug("Resource " + createdRes.getName() + " is now available"); return createdRes.getId(); } }else throw new Exception("It seems there is no is no resource at this url " + resourceBean.getUrl()); return null; } @Override public boolean deleteResourceFromDataset(String resourceId) throws Exception {"Request to delete a resource with id " + resourceId); // checks checkNotNull(resourceId); checkArgument(!resourceId.isEmpty()); try{ CkanResource theResource = ckanCaller.getResource(resourceId); gCatCaller.deleteResource(theResource.getPackageId(), resourceId); return true; }catch(Exception e){ LOG.error("Unable to delete resource whose id is " + resourceId, e); } return false; } @Override public CkanGroup createGroup(String name, String title, String description) throws Exception { // checks checkNotNull(name); checkArgument(!name.trim().isEmpty()); // check if it exists CkanGroup toCreate = null; LOG.debug("Request for creating group with name " + name + " title " + title + " and description " + description); String normalizedName = CatalogueUtilMethods.fromGroupTitleToName(name); if((toCreate = groupExists(name))!= null) return toCreate; else{ try{ CkanGroup group = new CkanGroup(normalizedName); group.setTitle(title); group.setDisplayName(title); group.setDescription(description); String jsonValueGroup = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toJsonValueGroup(group); LOG.trace("Serialized group is: " + jsonValueGroup); String theGroup = gCatCaller.createGroup(jsonValueGroup); toCreate = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toCkanGroup(theGroup);"Created the group with id: " + toCreate.getId() + ", name: "+toCreate.getName()); }catch(JackanException je){ LOG.error("Unable to create such group", je); } } return toCreate; } /** * Just check if the group exists * @param nameOrId * @param client * @return */ private CkanGroup groupExists(String nameOrId){ CkanGroup toReturn = null; try{ ExtendCkanClient client = new ExtendCkanClient(CKAN_CATALOGUE_URL, CKAN_TOKEN_SYS); toReturn = client.getGroup(nameOrId); }catch(JackanException je){ LOG.error("The group "+nameOrId+" doesn't exist"); } return toReturn; } }