package org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.ckan.MarshUnmarshCkanObject; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.ckan.MarshUnmarshCkanObject.METHOD; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.ApplicationProfileScopePerUrlReader; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.DataCatalogueFactory; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.DataCatalogueImpl; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.ResourceBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanDataset; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanGroup; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanOrganization; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanUser; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class TestDataCatalogueLib. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR Pisa (Italy) Jun 1, 2020 */ public class TestDataCatalogueLib extends ContextTest{ private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestDataCatalogueLib.class); private DataCatalogueFactory factory; //private String scope = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE"; // private String scope = "/gcube"; // private String scope = "/pred4s/preprod/preVRE"; // private String scope = // "/"; // private String scope = // "/"; // private String testUser = "costantino_perciante"; private String testUser = "francesco.mangiacrapa"; //private String authorizationToken = ""; String subjectId = "aa_father4"; String objectId = "bb_son4"; String productName = "adatasetcreatedbycatalogue-util-library-873805063"; /** * Before. * * @throws Exception the exception */ @Before public void before() throws Exception { factory = DataCatalogueFactory.getFactory(); } /** * Factory test. * * @throws Exception the exception */ //@Test public void factoryTest() throws Exception { DataCatalogueFactory factory = DataCatalogueFactory.getFactory(); while (true) { factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); Thread.sleep(60 * 1000 * 3); factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); break; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Thread.sleep(1000); factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); } } /** * Gets the scope per url. * * @return the scope per url */ // @Test public void getScopePerUrl() { ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); String url = ""; String scopeToUse = ApplicationProfileScopePerUrlReader.getScopePerUrl(url); LOG.debug("Retrieved scope is " + scopeToUse); ScopeProvider.instance.reset(); // the following sysout should print null String url2 = ""; String scopeToUse2 = ApplicationProfileScopePerUrlReader.getScopePerUrl(url2); LOG.debug("Retrieved scope is " + scopeToUse2); } /** * Gets the user role by group. * * @return the user role by group * @throws Exception the exception */ // @Test public void getUserRoleByGroup() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String username = testUser; long init = System.currentTimeMillis(); instance.getUserRoleByGroup(username); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.debug("Time taken " + (end - init)); } /** * Gets the user role by group. * * @return the user role by group * @throws Exception the exception */ //@Test public void getDataset() throws Exception { String datasetname = "blue-cloud_2026_-_a_federated_european_fair_and_open_research_ecosystem_for_oceans_seas_coastal_and"; DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String username = testUser; CkanDataset dataset = instance.getDataset(datasetname, username); LOG.debug("Got dataset: " + dataset.getName() + ", with id: " + dataset.getId()); LOG.debug("Got getAuthor: " + dataset.getAuthor()); LOG.debug("Got getAuthorEmail: " + dataset.getAuthorEmail()); LOG.debug("Got getMantainer: " + dataset.getMaintainer()); LOG.debug("Got getMaintainerEmail: " + dataset.getMaintainerEmail()); } /** * Gets the user role by organization. * * @return the user role by organization * @throws Exception the exception */ // @Test public void getUserRoleByOrganization() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String username = testUser; long init = System.currentTimeMillis(); instance.getUserRoleByOrganization(username); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.debug("Time taken " + (end - init)); } // @Test public void getRoleOfUserInOrganization() throws Exception { String orgName = "devvre"; DataCatalogueImpl utils = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); CkanOrganization org = utils.getOrganizationByIdOrName(orgName); String role = utils.getRoleOfUserInOrganization(testUser, org.getName()); LOG.debug("The user " + testUser + " in the org " + org.getName() + " has the role " + role); } //@Test public void getOrganizationForName() throws Exception { String orgName = "devvre"; DataCatalogueImpl utils = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); CkanOrganization org = utils.getOrganizationByIdOrName(orgName); LOG.debug("The " + CkanOrganization.class.getSimpleName() + " is: " + org.getName()); LOG.debug("LandingPages of " + CkanOrganization.class.getSimpleName() + " for name " + utils.getLandingPages()); if (org.getUsers() != null) { for (CkanUser user : org.getUsers()) { LOG.debug("User: " + user.getName()); } } } // @Test public void getOrganizationsNamesByUser() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl utils = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); List listOrgs = utils.getOrganizationsByUser(testUser); LOG.debug("User :" + testUser + " found in the Organization/s:"); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : listOrgs) { LOG.debug("Org: " + ckanOrganization.getName()); } } // @Test public void getGroupsNamesByUser() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl utils = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); List listGroups = utils.getGroupsByUser(testUser); LOG.debug("User :" + testUser + " found in the Group/s:"); for (CkanGroup ckanGroup : listGroups) { LOG.debug("Group: " + ckanGroup.getName()); } } // @Test public void getLandingPages() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl utils = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); LOG.debug("Landing pages " + utils.getLandingPages()); } // @Test public void countDatasetForOganization() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl utils = new DataCatalogueImpl(scope, true); List listOrgIds = utils.getOrganizationsIds(); System.out.println("'ORGANIZATION NAME': 'NUMBER OF PACKAGE'"); for (String orgID : listOrgIds) { CkanOrganization org = utils.getOrganizationByIdOrName(orgID); int packageCount = org.getPackageCount(); //"ORG: "+org.getName() + " has "+packageCount+ " package/s"); System.out.println(org.getName() + ": " + packageCount); } } // @Test public void createDataset() throws Exception { try { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String licenseId = instance.getLicenses().get(0).getId(); Map> customFieldsMultiple = new HashMap>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { List values = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < new Random().nextInt(3); j++) { values.add("value-random-" + new Random().nextInt(10)); } customFieldsMultiple.put("key-random-" + new Random().nextInt(10), values); } customFieldsMultiple.put("empty-key", Arrays.asList("")); customFieldsMultiple.put("system:type", Arrays.asList("EmptyProfile")); boolean setSearchable = true; boolean setPublic = true; List resources = null; String orgName = scope.split("/")[3].toLowerCase(); // System.out.println("Org name by VRE: "+orgName); LOG.debug("Org name by VRE: " + orgName); int random = new Random().nextInt(); String datasetTitle = "a dataset created by catalogue-util-library " + random; String datasetName = datasetTitle.replace(" ", ""); String createdDataset = instance.createCkanDatasetMultipleCustomFields(testUser, "a dataset created by catalogue-util-library " + random, datasetName, orgName, testUser, null, null, null, 1, "the description", licenseId, Arrays.asList("tag 1", "tag 2", "tag 3"), customFieldsMultiple, resources, setPublic, setSearchable, true);"Created the dataset with id: " + createdDataset); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // @Test public void createGroup() throws Exception { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); int random = new Random().nextInt(); String groupTitle = "a grop created by catalogue-util-library " + random; String groupName = groupTitle.replace(" ", ""); CkanGroup ckanGroup = instance.createGroup(groupName, groupTitle, "description");"Created the group: " + ckanGroup); } // @Test public void addResource() throws Exception { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); CkanDataset dataset = instance.getDataset(productName, testUser); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { ResourceBean resourceBean = new ResourceBean("", "resouce " + i, "description " + i, null, testUser, dataset.getId(), null); instance.addResourceToDataset(resourceBean, testUser, dataset.getOrganization().getName()); } } // @Test public void deleteResource() throws Exception { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String resourceId = "ce7295cf-47db-4faf-901f-4fec2d3fae7a"; boolean deleted = instance.deleteResourceFromDataset(resourceId, testUser);"Deleted the resource? " + deleted); } // @Test public void patchFieldsForDataset() throws Exception { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); Map customFieldsToChange = new HashMap(); customFieldsToChange.put("key-random-0", "patched"); instance.patchFieldsForDataset(productName, customFieldsToChange); } // @Test public void getUrlProduct() throws Exception { // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); // SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(authorizationToken); DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String datasetName = productName; String url = instance.getUnencryptedUrlFromDatasetIdOrName(datasetName); LOG.debug("url is " + url); } // @Test public void marshallingDataset() throws Exception { DataCatalogueImpl instance = factory.getUtilsPerScope(scope); String username = testUser; CkanDataset dataset = instance.getDataset("sarda-sarda", username); LOG.debug("Got dataset: " + dataset.getName() + ", with id: " + dataset.getId() + " is private: " + dataset.isPriv()); String jsonValueDataset = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toJsonValueDataset(dataset, METHOD.TO_CREATE); System.out.println(jsonValueDataset); dataset = MarshUnmarshCkanObject.toCkanDataset(jsonValueDataset, METHOD.TO_READ); System.out.println(dataset); } }