package org.gcube.application.framework.vremanagement.vremanagement.impl; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.Address; import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType; import; import; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.vremanagement.vremanagement.ISInfoI; import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GHNContext; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.AtomicCondition; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.ISClient; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.RPDocument; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.XMLResult; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.queries.GCUBECollectionQuery; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.queries.GCUBEGenericQuery; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.queries.GCUBEMCollectionQuery; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.client.queries.WSResourceQuery; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.publisher.ISPublisher; import org.gcube.common.core.informationsystem.publisher.ISPublisherException; import org.gcube.common.core.resources.GCUBECollection; import org.gcube.common.core.resources.GCUBEExternalRunningInstance; import org.gcube.common.core.resources.GCUBEMCollection; import org.gcube.common.core.scope.GCUBEScope; import org.gcube.common.vremanagement.ghnmanager.stubs.AddScopeInputParams; import org.gcube.common.vremanagement.ghnmanager.stubs.GHNManagerPortType; import org.gcube.common.vremanagement.ghnmanager.stubs.ScopeRIParams; import org.gcube.common.vremanagement.ghnmanager.stubs.service.GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator; /** * @author Valia Tsaqgkalidou (NKUA) */ public class ISInfo implements ISInfoI { /** * ASLSession to be used */ protected ASLSession session; /** * is client in order to query IS */ protected static ISClient client = null; protected static ISPublisher publisher = null; /** * Constructs a ISInfo object * @param session the D4Science session to be used for retrieving information needed */ public ISInfo(ASLSession session) { this.session = session; try { publisher = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISPublisher.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(client == null) { try { client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); client = null; } } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public List queryIS(String query) { try { GCUBEGenericQuery queryMan = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class); queryMan.setExpression(query); System.out.println(session.getOriginalScopeName()); return client.execute(queryMan, session.getScope()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new ArrayList(); } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public List getWS(String type) { WSResourceQuery query = null; try { query = client.getQuery(WSResourceQuery.class); query.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("/gc:ServiceClass", type)); return client.execute(query, session.getScope()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return new ArrayList(); } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public void addGHNToScope(String url) { //TODO: this will probably change... EndpointReferenceType endpoint = new EndpointReferenceType(); try { url = "http://" + url + "/wsrf/services/gcube/common/vremanagement/GHNManager"; String[] vos = session.getOriginalScopeName().split("/"); System.out.println("querying for vo: /" + vos[1]); endpoint.setAddress(new Address(url)); GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator locator = new GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator(); GHNManagerPortType pt = locator.getGHNManagerPortTypePort(endpoint); pt = (GHNManagerPortType) ServiceContextManager.applySecurity(pt, GCUBEScope.getScope("/" + vos[1]), session.getCredential()); AddScopeInputParams params = new AddScopeInputParams(); params.setScope(session.getOriginalScopeName()); params.setMap(""); //eventually, set here the new Service Map pt.addScope(params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public void removeGHNToScope(String url) { //TODO: this will probably change... EndpointReferenceType endpoint = new EndpointReferenceType(); try { url = "http://" + url + "/wsrf/services/gcube/common/vremanagement/GHNManager"; String[] vos = session.getOriginalScopeName().split("/"); System.out.println("querying for vo: /" + vos[1]); endpoint.setAddress(new Address(url)); GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator locator = new GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator(); GHNManagerPortType pt = locator.getGHNManagerPortTypePort(endpoint); pt = (GHNManagerPortType) ServiceContextManager.applySecurity(pt, GCUBEScope.getScope("/" + vos[1]), session.getCredential()); pt.removeScope(session.getOriginalScopeName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public void addRIToScope(String url, String className, String name) { //TODO: this will probably change... EndpointReferenceType endpoint = new EndpointReferenceType(); try { endpoint.setAddress(new Address(url)); GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator locator = new GHNManagerServiceAddressingLocator(); GHNManagerPortType pt = locator.getGHNManagerPortTypePort(endpoint); pt = (GHNManagerPortType) ServiceContextManager.applySecurity(pt, session); ScopeRIParams params = new ScopeRIParams(); params.setClazz(className); params.setName(name); params.setScope(session.getOriginalScopeName()); pt.addRIToScope(params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public void addExternalRIToVRE(File file) { GCUBEExternalRunningInstance ri = null; try { ri = GHNContext.getImplementation(GCUBEExternalRunningInstance.class); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } String ret = ""; if(file.exists()){ try { ri.load(new FileReader(file)); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error while loading profile for the External Running Instance with id=" + ri.getID() + "\n"; System.out.println(message); e.printStackTrace(); ret += message; } }else{ String message = "An error occur during the approval of the External Running Instance with id=" + ri.getID() + "\n"; System.out.println(message); ret += message; } try { // TODO Change this publisher.registerGCUBEResource(ri, session.getScope(), new PortalSecurityManager(session)); } catch (ISPublisherException e) { String message = "Registration error for the External Running Instance with id=" + ri.getID() + "\n"; System.out.println(message); e.printStackTrace(); ret += message; } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public void removeExternalRIToVRE(String id) { try { // TODO Change this publisher.removeGCUBEResource(id, GCUBEExternalRunningInstance.TYPE, session.getScope(), new PortalSecurityManager(session)); } catch (ISPublisherException e) { String message = "Registration error for the External Running Instance with id=" +id + "\n"; System.out.println(message); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** {@inheritDoc}*/ public boolean existsGHN(String namePort) { GCUBEGenericQuery query; try { System.out.println("GHN: " + namePort); query = client.getQuery(GCUBEGenericQuery.class);query.setExpression("for $ghn in collection(\"/db/Profiles/GHN\")//Document/Data/child::*[local-name()='Profile']/Resource where $ghn/Profile/GHNDescription/Name/string() eq '" + namePort + "' return $ghn"); String[] vos = session.getOriginalScopeName().split("/"); System.out.println("querying for vo: /" + vos[1]); List resources = client.execute(query, GCUBEScope.getScope("/" + vos[1])); if(resources == null || resources.size() == 0) { System.out.println("Resources are null or empty"); return false; } else { System.out.println("Found resources!!!!"); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * Returns all profiles of collections present in the given scope. * @param scope the scope of the collections. * @return a list of collections profile. * @throws Exception when an error occurs. */ public List getCollections(GCUBEScope scope) throws Exception { try { GCUBECollectionQuery collectionquery = client.getQuery(GCUBECollectionQuery.class); return client.execute(collectionquery,scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during Collections retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during Collections retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } /** * Return all metadata-collections associated with the given collection. * @param scope the scope of the metadata collections. * @param collectionID the associated collection. * @return a list of metadata collections profile. * @throws Exception */ public List getMCollections(GCUBEScope scope, String collectionID) throws Exception { try { GCUBEMCollectionQuery mcolQuery = client.getQuery(GCUBEMCollectionQuery.class); mcolQuery.addGenericCondition("$result/child::*[local-name()='Profile']/RelatedCollection/CollectionID/string() eq '"+collectionID+"'"); return client.execute(mcolQuery,scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during MCollections retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during MCollections retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } /** * Return all XML indices associated with the given metadata collection. * @param scope the indices scope. * @param mcollectionID the metadata collection id. * @return a list of Resource document. * @throws Exception */ public List getXMLIndices(GCUBEScope scope, String mcollectionID) throws Exception { try { WSResourceQuery queryXMLIndices = client.getQuery(WSResourceQuery.class); queryXMLIndices.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("//gc:ServiceClass", "MetadataManagement"), new AtomicCondition("//gc:ServiceName","XMLIndexer"), new AtomicCondition("/child::*[local-name()='Id']", mcollectionID), new AtomicCondition("/child::*[local-name()='AccessType']", "GCUBEDaix")); return client.execute(queryXMLIndices, scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } /** * Return all indices associated with a given metadata collection. * @param scope the indices scope. * @param mcollectionID the metadata collection id. * @return a list of Resource document. * @throws Exception */ public List getIndices(GCUBEScope scope, String mcollectionID) throws Exception { try { WSResourceQuery queryXMLIndices = client.getQuery(WSResourceQuery.class); queryXMLIndices.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("//gc:ServiceClass", "Index"), new AtomicCondition("/child::*[local-name()='CollectionID']",mcollectionID)); return client.execute(queryXMLIndices, scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } /** * Return all indices associated with a given collection. * @param scope the indices scope. * @param collectionID the collection id. * @return a list of Resource document. * @throws Exception */ public List getCollectionIndices(GCUBEScope scope, String collectionID) throws Exception { try { WSResourceQuery queryXMLIndices = client.getQuery(WSResourceQuery.class); queryXMLIndices.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("//gc:ServiceClass", "Index"), new AtomicCondition("/child::*[local-name()='CollectionID']",collectionID)); return client.execute(queryXMLIndices, scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during collection Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during collection Indices retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } /** * Return a collection profile. * @param scope the collection scope. * @param collectionID the collection id. * @return a collection profile. * @throws Exception */ public GCUBECollection getCollection(GCUBEScope scope, String collectionID) throws Exception { try { GCUBECollectionQuery Collectionquery = client.getQuery(GCUBECollectionQuery.class); Collectionquery.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("//ID",collectionID)); return client.execute(Collectionquery,scope).get(0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during Collection (by ID "+collectionID+") retrieving in scope "+scope.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Error during Collection (by ID "+collectionID+") retrieving in scope "+scope.getName(), e); } } }