package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSharedFolder; import org.gcube.common.portal.GCubePortalConstants; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ApplicationProfile; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Notification; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.NotificationChannelType; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.NotificationType; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.RunningJob; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserManagementPortalException; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserManagementSystemException; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserRetrievalFault; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; /** * * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR * * use to notify users from within your application */ public class ApplicationNotificationsManager extends SocialPortalBridge implements NotificationsManager { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApplicationNotificationsManager.class); private String portalName; private String senderEmail; private String portalURL; private String siteLandingPagePath; /** * Use this constructor if you do not need notifications to point back to your applications * @param scope the current scope * @param currUser an instance of {@link SocialNetworkingUser} filled with the required user data */ public ApplicationNotificationsManager(HttpServletRequest request, String scope, SocialNetworkingUser currUser) { super(scope, currUser); setContext(request); _log.warn("Asked for Simple Notification (without redirect to creator)"); } /** * * Use this constructor if you do need notifications to point back to your applications, * make sure you create your application profile on the infrastructure. * * @see * * @param scope the current scope * @param currUser an instance of {@link SocialNetworkingUser} filled with the required user data * @param portletClassName your portlet class name will be used ad unique identifier for your applicationProfile */ public ApplicationNotificationsManager(HttpServletRequest request, String scope, SocialNetworkingUser currUser, String portletClassName) { super(scope, currUser, portletClassName); setContext(request); } /** * set the current portal context (name, emal, url) * @param request * @throws SystemException * @throws PortalException */ private void setContext(HttpServletRequest request) { PortalContext context = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); siteLandingPagePath = context.getSiteLandingPagePath(request); portalName = context.getGatewayName(request); senderEmail = context.getSenderEmail(request); portalURL = context.getGatewayURL(request); } /** * actually save the notification to the store * @param notification2Save the notification instance to save * @return true if the notification was sent ok */ private boolean saveNotification(Notification notification2Save, String ... hashtags) { _log.trace("Trying to send notification to: " + notification2Save.getUserid() + " Type: " + notification2Save.getType()); if (notification2Save.getSenderid().compareTo(notification2Save.getUserid()) == 0) { _log.trace("Sender and Receiver are the same " + notification2Save.getUserid() + " Notification Stopped"); return true; //I'm not sending notifications to the person who triggered it, pretend I sent it though } List channels = null; try { channels = getStoreInstance().getUserNotificationChannels(notification2Save.getUserid(), notification2Save.getType()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } boolean result = false; if (channels.contains(NotificationChannelType.PORTAL)) { result = getStoreInstance().saveNotification(notification2Save); if (result) _log.trace("Notification Saved Successfully! "); else _log.error("Error While trying to save Notification"); } if (channels.contains(NotificationChannelType.EMAIL)) { EmailPlugin.getInstance().sendNotification(portalURL, siteLandingPagePath, notification2Save, currGroupName, portalName, senderEmail, hashtags); } if (channels.isEmpty()) {"Notification was not needed as "+ notification2Save.getUserid() +" decided not to be notified for " + notification2Save.getType()); result = true; } return result; } /** * return the url of the application if exists in the profile * @return . */ private String getApplicationUrl() { if (applicationProfile != null && applicationProfile.getUrl() != null) { _log.trace("getApplicationUrl="+applicationProfile.getUrl()); return applicationProfile.getUrl(); } else { _log.warn("applicationProfile NULL or url is empty returning " + siteLandingPagePath); return siteLandingPagePath; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderSharing(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String sharedFolderName = sharedFolder.getName(); if (sharedFolder.isShared()) { WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedWSFolder = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) sharedFolder; if (sharedWSFolder.isVreFolder()) sharedFolderName = sharedWSFolder.getDisplayName(); } Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_SHARE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "shared the workspace folder \""+ sharedFolderName +"\" with you", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderUnsharing(String userIdToNotify, String unsharedFolderId, String unsharedFolderName) throws Exception { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_UNSHARE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify unsharedFolderId, new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+unsharedFolderId, "unshared the workspace folder \""+ unsharedFolderName+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean notifyAdministratorUpgrade(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws Exception { String sharedFolderName = sharedFolder.getName(); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ADMIN_UPGRADE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "upgraded you to Administrator of the workspace folder \""+ sharedFolderName+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean notifyAdministratorDowngrade(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws Exception { String sharedFolderName = sharedFolder.getName(); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ADMIN_DOWNGRADE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "downgraded you from Administrator of the workspace folder \""+ sharedFolderName+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderRenaming(String userIdToNotify, String previousName, String newName, String renamedFolderId) throws InternalErrorException { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_RENAMED, userIdToNotify, //user no notify renamedFolderId, //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+renamedFolderId, "renamed your shared folder \""+ previousName +"\" as \"" + newName+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws UserManagementPortalException * @throws UserRetrievalFault * @throws UserManagementSystemException */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderAddedUser(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder, String newAddedUserId) throws InternalErrorException, UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, UserManagementPortalException { UserManager um = new LiferayUserManager(); GCubeUser user = um.getUserByUsername(newAddedUserId); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_ADDEDUSER, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "added "+ user.getFullname() +" to your workspace shared folder \""+ sharedFolder.getName()+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws UserManagementPortalException * @throws UserRetrievalFault * @throws UserManagementSystemException */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderAddedUsers(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder, List newAddedUserIds) throws InternalErrorException, UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, UserManagementPortalException { if (newAddedUserIds != null && newAddedUserIds.size() > 0) { if (newAddedUserIds.size() == 1) return notifyFolderAddedUser(userIdToNotify, sharedFolder, newAddedUserIds.get(0)); StringBuilder addedUsersFullNames = new StringBuilder(); UserManager um = new LiferayUserManager(); for (String userId : newAddedUserIds) addedUsersFullNames.append(um.getUserByUsername(userId).getFullname()).append(" "); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_ADDEDUSER, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "added "+ addedUsersFullNames +" to your workspace shared folder \""+ sharedFolder.getName()+"\"", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyFolderRemovedUser(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException, UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, UserManagementPortalException { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_FOLDER_REMOVEDUSER, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), "unshared his shared folder \""+ sharedFolder.getName() + "\" from your workspace", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyAddedItem(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceItem item, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String notifyText = sharedFolder.isVreFolder() ? "added "+ item.getName() +" to the workspace group folder " + sharedFolder.getDisplayName() : "added "+ item.getName() +" to your workspace shared folder "+ item.getPath().substring(0,item.getPath().lastIndexOf('/')); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ITEM_NEW, userIdToNotify, //user no notify item.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+item.getParent().getId(), notifyText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyMovedItem(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceItem item, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String notifyText = sharedFolder.isVreFolder() ? "removed item "+ item.getName() +" from the workspace group folder " + sharedFolder.getDisplayName(): "removed item "+ item.getName() +" from your workspace shared folder \""+ sharedFolder.getName()+"\""; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ITEM_DELETE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify item.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), notifyText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyRemovedItem(String userIdToNotify, String itemName, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String notifyText = sharedFolder.isVreFolder() ? "deleted item \""+ itemName +"\" from the workspace group folder " + sharedFolder.getDisplayName(): " deleted item \""+ itemName +"\" from your workspace shared folder \""+ sharedFolder.getName()+"\""; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ITEM_DELETE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify sharedFolder.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+sharedFolder.getId(), notifyText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyUpdatedItem(String userIdToNotify, WorkspaceItem item, WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String notifyText = sharedFolder.isVreFolder() ? " updated \""+ item.getName() +"\" from the workspace group folder \"" + sharedFolder.getDisplayName()+"\"": " updated \""+ item.getName() +"\" to your workspace shared folder \""+ item.getPath().substring(0,item.getPath().lastIndexOf('/'))+"\""; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ITEM_UPDATED, userIdToNotify, //user no notify item.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+item.getParent().getId(), notifyText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws InternalErrorException */ @Override public boolean notifyItemRenaming(String userIdToNotify, String previousName, WorkspaceItem renamedItem, WorkspaceSharedFolder rootSharedFolder) throws InternalErrorException { String notifyText = rootSharedFolder.isVreFolder() ? "renamed \""+ previousName +"\" as \"" + renamedItem.getName() +"\" in the workspace group folder " + rootSharedFolder.getDisplayName(): "renamed \"" + previousName +"\" as \"" + renamedItem.getName() +"\" in your shared folder \"" + renamedItem.getPath().substring(0, renamedItem.getPath().lastIndexOf('/'))+"\""; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.WP_ITEM_RENAMED, userIdToNotify, //user no notify renamedItem.getId(), //the new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?itemid="+renamedItem.getParent().getId(), notifyText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyMessageReceived(String userIdToNotify, String messageId, String subject, String messageText, String ... otherRecipientsFullNames) { String[] optionalParams = {subject}; String otherRecipientNames = ""; if (otherRecipientsFullNames != null && otherRecipientsFullNames.length > 0) { otherRecipientNames = "
- This message was also sent to:
    "; for (int i = 0; i < otherRecipientsFullNames.length; i++) { otherRecipientNames += "
  • " + otherRecipientsFullNames[i] + "
  • "; } otherRecipientNames += "
If you reply, your message will be also delivered to them.

"; } Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.MESSAGE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify messageId, //the unique identifier of the message new Date(), siteLandingPagePath + GCubePortalConstants.USER_MESSAGES_FRIENDLY_URL, "sent you a message: " + "
" + messageText +"
" + otherRecipientNames, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not, optionalParams); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyPost(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String feedText, String ... hashtags) { StringBuilder notificationText = new StringBuilder(); notificationText.append("posted a news on ").append(currGroupName).append(":") // has done something .append("

").append(feedText).append(" ") .append("

"); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.POST_ALERT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, notificationText.toString(), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not, hashtags); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyOwnCommentReply(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String feedText, String commentKey) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.OWN_COMMENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, "commented on your post: " + "
\"" + feedText +"\"
", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId(), commentKey); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyCommentReply(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String commentText, String feedOwnerFullName, String feedOwnerId, String commentKey) { String notificationText = (currUser.getUsername().compareTo(feedOwnerId) == 0) ? "also commented on his post: " + "
\"" + commentText +"\"
" : "also commented on " + feedOwnerFullName + "'s post: " + "
\"" + commentText +"\"
"; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.COMMENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, notificationText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId(), commentKey); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyCommentOnFavorite(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String commentText, String commentKey) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.COMMENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, "commented on one of your favorite posts: " + "
\"" + commentText +"\"
", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId(), commentKey); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyUserTag(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String feedText, String commentKey) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.MENTION, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, "mentioned you: " + "
\"" + feedText +"\"
", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId(), commentKey); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyLikedFeed(String userIdToNotify, String feedid, String feedText) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.LIKE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify feedid, //the post new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+feedid, "favorited/subscribed to one of your post", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyJobStatus(String userIdToNotify, ApplicationProfile executingJobApId, RunningJob job) { //TODO: missing implementation return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowView(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_VIEW, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, "viewed document workflow " + escapeHtml(documentName), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowUpdate(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_EDIT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, "updated document workflow " + escapeHtml(documentName), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowTaskRequest(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName, String assignedRoleName) { String notificationText = "in " + currGroupName + " you are requested to perform a new task in the Document Workflow titled: " + escapeHtml(documentName) + ". Your role is: " + assignedRoleName; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_STEP_REQUEST_TASK, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, notificationText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowUserForward(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName, String fromStepName, String toStepName){ Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_USER_FORWARD_TO_OWNER, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, "forwarded the Document Workflow titled: " + escapeHtml(documentName) + " from status \"" + fromStepName + "\" to status \"" + toStepName +"\". In " + currGroupName, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowStepForwardComplete(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName, String fromStepName, String toStepName) { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_FORWARD_STEP_COMPLETED_OWNER, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, "has performed the last needed forward on a Document Workflow titled: " + escapeHtml(documentName) + ". " + "Step \"" + fromStepName + "\" is now complete. The next step is \"" + toStepName +"\". In " + currGroupName, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDocumentWorkflowFirstStepRequest(String userIdToNotify, String documentWorkflowId, String documentName, String assignedRole) { String notificationText = "involved you in the Document Workflow titled: " + escapeHtml(documentName) + ". " + "You are requested to perform a task. Your role is: " + assignedRole+""; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.DOCUMENT_WORKFLOW_FIRST_STEP_REQUEST_INVOLVMENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify documentWorkflowId, //the workflowid new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?oid="+documentWorkflowId, notificationText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyNewCalendarEvent(String userIdToNotify, String eventTitle, String eventType, Date startDate, Date endingDate) { SimpleDateFormat spf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE dd MMMMM, yyyy"); String endDateToDisplay=""; if (endingDate != null) { endDateToDisplay = " to " + spf.format(endingDate); } StringBuilder notificationText = new StringBuilder(); notificationText.append("added the following event in the ").append(currGroupName).append(" shared calendar: ") // has done something .append("").append(eventTitle).append("
") .append("
Time: ").append(spf.format(startDate)).append(endDateToDisplay).append("
") .append("
Category: ").append(eventType); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.CALENDAR_ADDED_EVENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify "", // new Date(), getApplicationUrl(), notificationText.toString(), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyEditedCalendarEvent(String userIdToNotify, String eventTitle, String eventType, Date startDate, Date endingDate) { SimpleDateFormat spf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE dd MMMMM, yyyy"); String endDateToDisplay=""; if (endingDate != null) { endDateToDisplay = " to " + spf.format(endingDate); } StringBuilder notificationText = new StringBuilder(); notificationText.append("edited the following event in the ").append(currGroupName).append(" shared calendar: ") // has done something .append("").append(eventTitle).append("
") .append("
Time: ").append(spf.format(startDate)).append(endDateToDisplay).append("
") .append("
Category: ").append(eventType); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.CALENDAR_UPDATED_EVENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify "", // new Date(), getApplicationUrl(), notificationText.toString(), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyDeletedCalendarEvent(String userIdToNotify, String eventTitle, String eventType, Date startDate, Date endingDate) { SimpleDateFormat spf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE dd MMMMM, yyyy"); String endDateToDisplay=""; if (endingDate != null) { endDateToDisplay = " to " + spf.format(endingDate); } StringBuilder notificationText = new StringBuilder(); notificationText.append("deleted the following event in the ").append(currGroupName).append(" shared calendar: ") // has done something .append("").append(eventTitle).append("
") .append("
Was planned: ").append(spf.format(startDate)).append(endDateToDisplay).append("
") .append("
Category: ").append(eventType); Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.CALENDAR_DELETED_EVENT, userIdToNotify, //user no notify "", // new Date(), getApplicationUrl(), notificationText.toString(), false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyTDMTabularResourceSharing(String userIdToNotify, String tabularResourceName, String encodedTabularResourceParams) throws Exception { Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.TDM_TAB_RESOURCE_SHARE, userIdToNotify, //user no notify tabularResourceName, new Date(), getApplicationUrl()+"?"+encodedTabularResourceParams, "shared the Tabular Resource \""+ tabularResourceName +"\" with you", false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean notifyTDMObjectSharing(String userIdToNotify, NotificationType type, String tdmObjectName, String encodedTabularResourceParams) throws Exception { if (! (type == NotificationType.TDM_RULE_SHARE || type == NotificationType.TDM_TEMPLATE_SHARE)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be either TDM_RULE_SHARE or TDM_TEMPLATE_SHARE"); String notificationText = "shared the Tabular Data Manager"; notificationText += (type == NotificationType.TDM_RULE_SHARE) ? " Rule " : " Template "; notificationText += "\"" + tdmObjectName + "\" with you"; String url = getApplicationUrl(); if (encodedTabularResourceParams != null && encodedTabularResourceParams.compareTo("") != 0) url += "?"+encodedTabularResourceParams; Notification not = new Notification( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), type, userIdToNotify, //user no notify tdmObjectName, new Date(), url, notificationText, false, currUser.getUsername(), currUser.getFullname(), currUser.getUserAvatarId()); return saveNotification(not); } }