{ "ownerApp" : "Orchestrator", "name" : "add_all_system_services_to_vre", "createBy" : "Marco Lettere", "description": "All system services retrieved from the IS through IC Proxy are added as Member to a VRE", "version" : 1, "ownerEmail" : "marco.lettere@nubisware.com", "inputParameters" : ["client_resource_id"], "tasks" : [ { "name": "LAMBDA_TASK", "taskReferenceName": "init", "type": "LAMBDA", "inputParameters": { "keycloak": "{{ keycloak }}/{{ keycloak_realm }}", "keycloak_admin" : "{{ keycloak_admin }}/{{ keycloak_realm }}", "iC_proxy" : "{{ ic_proxy }}", "scriptExpression": "1 == 1" } }, { "name" : "pyrest", "taskReferenceName" : "authorize_on_realm", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "url" : "{{ keycloak }}/{{ keycloak_realm }}/protocol/openid-connect/token", "method" : "POST", "headers" : { "Accept" : "application/json" }, "body" : { "client_id" : "orchestrator", "client_secret" : "{{ keycloak_auth }}", "grant_type" : "client_credentials" } } }, { "name" : "pyrest", "taskReferenceName" : "authorize_with_uma_rpt", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "url" : "{{ keycloak }}/{{ keycloak_realm }}/protocol/openid-connect/token", "method" : "POST", "headers" : { "Accept" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer ${authorize_on_realm.output.body.access_token}" }, "body" : { "audience" : "{{ root_vo }}", "grant_type" : "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket" } } }, { "name" : "pyrest", "taskReferenceName" : "retrieve_system_services", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "url" : "{{ ic_proxy }}/icproxy/gcube/service/ServiceEndpoint/SystemService", "method" : "GET", "headers" : { "Accept" : "application/xml", "Authorization" : "Bearer ${authorize_with_uma_rpt.output.body.access_token}" } } }, { "name" : "pyeval", "taskReferenceName" : "extract_system_service_names", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "code" : "exec('import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET') or list(map(lambda n: n.text, ET.fromstring(data['xmlstring']).findall('Resource/Profile/Name')))", "xmlstring" : "${retrieve_system_services.output.body}" } }, { "name" : "pyrest", "taskReferenceName" : "authorize", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "url" : "{{ keycloak }}/master/protocol/openid-connect/token", "method" : "POST", "headers" : { "Accept" : "application/json" }, "body" : { "client_id" : "orchestrator", "client_secret" : "{{ keycloak_auth_master }}", "grant_type" : "client_credentials" } } }, { "name" : "pyrest", "taskReferenceName" : "get_vre", "type" : "SIMPLE", "inputParameters" : { "url" : "${init.input.keycloak_admin}/clients/${workflow.input.client_resource_id}", "method" : "GET", "headers" : { "Authorization" : "Bearer ${authorize.output.body.access_token}", "Accept" : "application/json" } } }, { "name": "LAMBDA_TASK", "taskReferenceName": "build_get_system_services_tasks", "type": "LAMBDA", "inputParameters": { "url" : "${init.input.keycloak_admin}/clients?search=true&clientId=", "services" : "${extract_system_service_names.output.result}", "scriptExpression": "inputs = {}, tasks = [];for (var i = 0; i < $.services.length; i++){s = $.services[i];tasks.push({name: 'pyrest',type: 'SIMPLE',taskReferenceName: 'get_system_service' + i});inputs['get_system_service' + i] = {url: $.url + s,method: 'GET',headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ${authorize.output.body.access_token}', Accept: 'application/json'}}};return {tasks: Java.to(tasks, 'java.util.Map[]'),inputs: inputs};" } }, { "name" : "fork_dynamic", "type" : "FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC", "taskReferenceName" : "parallel_get_system_services_tasks", "inputParameters" : { "tasks" : "${build_get_system_services_tasks.output.result.tasks}", "inputs" : "${build_get_system_services_tasks.output.result.inputs}" }, "dynamicForkTasksParam": "tasks", "dynamicForkTasksInputParamName": "inputs" }, { "name" : "join", "type" : "JOIN", "taskReferenceName" : "join_parallel_build_member_roles_assignment_tasks" }, { "name": "LAMBDA_TASK", "taskReferenceName": "build_get_system_services_useraccount_tasks", "type": "LAMBDA", "inputParameters": { "url" : "${${init.input.keycloak_admin}/clients", "services" : "${join_parallel_build_member_roles_assignment_tasks.output.body}", "scriptExpression": "inputs = {}, tasks = [];for (var i = 0; i < $.services.length; i++){s = $.services[i].id;tasks.push({name: 'pyrest',type: 'SIMPLE',taskReferenceName: 'get_system_service_useraccount' + i});inputs['get_system_service_useraccount' + i] = {url: $.url + '/' + s + '/service-account-user',method: 'GET',headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ${authorize.output.body.access_token}', Accept: 'application/json'}}};return {tasks: Java.to(tasks, 'java.util.Map[]'),inputs: inputs};" } }, { "name" : "fork_dynamic", "type" : "FORK_JOIN_DYNAMIC", "taskReferenceName" : "parallel_get_system_services_useraccount_tasks", "inputParameters" : { "tasks" : "${build_get_system_services_useraccount_tasks.output.result.tasks}", "inputs" : "${build_get_system_services_useraccount_tasks.output.result.inputs}" }, "dynamicForkTasksParam": "tasks", "dynamicForkTasksInputParamName": "inputs" }, { "name" : "join", "type" : "JOIN", "taskReferenceName" : "parallel_get_system_services_useraccount_tasks" } ] }