--- # tasks file for is-registry - name: Create the directory where the compose file will be installed ansible.builtin.file: dest: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}' state: directory mode: 0750 owner: root group: root # - name: Set gcube security keys variables properly according to the environment # set_fact: # gcube_security_keys: "{{ gcube_prod_security_keys if infra == 'prod' else gcube_preprod_security_keys if infra == 'pre' else gcube_dev_security_keys }}" # gcube_security_key_legacy: "{{ gcube_prod_security_key_legacy if infra == 'prod' else gcube_preprod_security_key_legacy if infra == 'pre' else gcube_dev_security_key_legacy }}" - name: Install the docker compose file ansible.builtin.template: src: docker-compose.yml.j2 dest: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/is-registry-docker-compose.yml' owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Install the GHNConfig.xml ansible.builtin.template: src: GHNConfig.xml.j2 dest: "{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/GHNConfig.xml" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Install the jndi-config.xml ansible.builtin.template: src: jndi-config.xml.j2 dest: "{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/jndi-config.xml" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Install the server-config.wsdd ansible.builtin.template: src: server-config.wsdd.j2 dest: "{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/server-config.wsdd" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Install the ServiceMap.xml ansible.builtin.template: src: ServiceMap.xml.j2 dest: "{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/ServiceMap_{{ start_scopes }}.xml" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Create the secret for GHNConfig.xml community.docker.docker_secret: name: "{{ service_prefix }}-ghn-config-{{ scope_name }}" data_src: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/GHNConfig.xml' state: present - name: Create the secret for jndi-config.xml community.docker.docker_secret: name: "{{ service_prefix }}-jndi-config-{{ scope_name }}" data_src: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/jndi-config.xml' state: present - name: Create the secret for server-config.wsdd community.docker.docker_secret: name: "{{ service_prefix }}-server-config-{{ scope_name }}" data_src: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/server-config.wsdd' state: present - name: Create the secret for ServiceMap.xml community.docker.docker_secret: name: "{{ service_prefix }}-ServiceMap-{{ scope_name }}" data_src: "{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/ServiceMap_{{ start_scopes }}.xml" state: present - name: Install the gcube keys get_url: url={{ item.url }} dest={{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/{{ item.name }} owner=root group=root mode=0600 with_items: "{{ gcube_security_keys }}" - name: Create the the gcube keys community.docker.docker_secret: name: "{{ item.name }}" data_src: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/{{ item.name }}' state: present with_items: "{{ gcube_security_keys }}" - name: Install the legacy gcube key get_url: url={{ item.url }} dest={{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/{{ item.name }} owner=root group=root mode=0600 with_items: "{{ gcube_security_key_legacy }}" - name: Create the the legacy gcube keys community.docker.docker_secret: name: gcube-legacy-security-key data_src: '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/{{ item.name }}' state: present with_items: "{{ gcube_security_key_legacy }}" - name: Start the project stack on Docker Swarm community.docker.docker_stack: name: '{{ is_registry_docker_stack_name }}' state: present compose: - '{{ is_registry_compose_dir }}/is-registry-docker-compose.yml'