package org.gcube.portlets.admin.accountingmanager.client.maindata; import java.util.Date; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.accountingmanager.client.event.StateChangeEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.accountingmanager.client.state.AccountingStateData; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.client.view.widget.HighchartsLayoutPanel; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.array.api.ArrayNumber; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.array.api.ArrayString; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.factory.api.HighchartsOptionFactory; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.factory.jso.JsoHighchartsOptionFactory; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.highcharts.option.api.ChartOptions; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.highcharts.option.api.SeriesArea; import com.github.highcharts4gwt.model.highcharts.option.api.SeriesColumn; import; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.FramedPanel; /** * * @author giancarlo email: * */ public class HightChartPanel extends FramedPanel { private EventBus eventBus; public HightChartPanel(EventBus eventBus) { super(); this.eventBus = eventBus; // msgs = GWT.create(ServiceCategoryMessages.class); init(); create(); bindToEvents(); } protected void init() { forceLayoutOnResize = true; setBodyBorder(false); setBorders(false); setHeaderVisible(false); setResize(true); } private void create() { } // Bind to Events private void bindToEvents() { eventBus.addHandler(StateChangeEvent.TYPE, new StateChangeEvent.StateChangeEventHandler() { @Override public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { Log.debug("Catch Event State Change"); doStateChangeCommand(event); } }); } private void doStateChangeCommand(StateChangeEvent event) { if (event.getStateChangeType() == null) { return; } switch (event.getStateChangeType()) { case Restore: case Update: onStateChange(event); break; default: break; } } private void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { if (event.getAccountingStateData() == null || event.getAccountingStateData().getAccountingType() == null) { return; } switch (event.getAccountingStateData().getAccountingType()) { case JOB: createJobChart(event.getAccountingStateData()); break; case PORTLET: createPortletChart(event.getAccountingStateData()); break; case SERVICE: createServiceChart(event.getAccountingStateData()); break; case STORAGE: createStorageChart(event.getAccountingStateData()); break; case TASK: createTaskChart(event.getAccountingStateData()); break; default: break; } } private double calculateMinRange(AccountingPeriod accountingPeriod) { if (accountingPeriod.getPeriod() == null) { Log.error("AccountingPeriodMode is null"); return 0; } switch (accountingPeriod.getPeriod()) { case DAILY: // 1 day=24hour * 60min *60sec * 1000 millisec return 14 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; case HOURLY: return 24 * 3600 * 1000; case MILLISECONDLY: return 10 * 100; case MINUTELY: return 10 * 60 * 1000; case MONTHLY: return 6 * 28 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; case SECONDLY: return 30 * 1000; case YEARLY: return 5 * 12 * 28 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; default: return 0; } } private double calculateInterval(AccountingPeriod accountingPeriod) { if (accountingPeriod.getPeriod() == null) { Log.error("AccountingPeriodMode is null"); return 0; } switch (accountingPeriod.getPeriod()) { case DAILY: return 24 * 3600 * 1000; case HOURLY: return 3600 * 1000; case MILLISECONDLY: return 100; case MINUTELY: return 60 * 1000; case MONTHLY: return 28 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; case SECONDLY: return 1000; case YEARLY: return 12 * 28 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; default: return 0; } } private void createStorageChart(AccountingStateData accountingStateData) { clear(); if (accountingStateData == null || accountingStateData.getAccountingType() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesResponse() == null) { forceLayout(); return; } if(!(accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse() instanceof SeriesStorage)){ forceLayout(); return; } SeriesStorage seriesStorage = (SeriesStorage) accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse(); double minRange = calculateMinRange(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); double interval=calculateInterval(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); Date dateStart=accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod().getStartDate(); HighchartsOptionFactory highchartsFactory = new JsoHighchartsOptionFactory(); ChartOptions options = highchartsFactory.createChartOptions(); options.chart().zoomType("x"); options.title().text("Accounting Storage"); options.subtitle().text("Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in"); ArrayString colors = options.colors(); // colors.setValue(0, "#cc0038"); // colors.setValue(1, "#32cd32"); // xAxis options.xAxis().type("datetime").minRange(minRange); // yAxis // options.yAxis().title().text("Exchange rate"); // Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] String multiAxis = "[{" + " \"id\": \"OperationCount\"," + " \"labels\": { " + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": { " + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"title\": { " + " \"text\": \"Operation Count\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"DataVolume\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Data Volume\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value} kB\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "}]"; options.setFieldAsJsonObject("yAxis", multiAxis); // TODO does not seem to be working String fillcolor = "{" + "\"linearGradient\": {" + "\"x1\": 0," + "\"y1\": 0," + "\"x2\": 0," + "\"y2\": 1" + "}," + "\"stops\": [" + "[" + "0, \"#058DC7\"" + "]," + "[" + "1, \"#FFFFFF\"" + "]" + "]" + "}"; options.plotOptions().area() .setFieldAsJsonObject("fillColor", fillcolor).marker() .radius(2).lineWidth(1).states().hover().lineWidth(1); SeriesColumn seriesOperationCount = highchartsFactory.createSeriesColumn();"Operation Count"); seriesOperationCount.color(colors.get(1)); seriesOperationCount.type("column"); ArrayNumber dataOperationCount = seriesOperationCount .dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesOperationCount.pointInterval(interval).pointStart(dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesDataVolume = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Data Volume"); seriesDataVolume.color(colors.get(0)); seriesDataVolume.yAxisAsString("DataVolume"); ArrayNumber dataDataVolume = seriesDataVolume.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesDataVolume.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); for (SeriesStorageData seriesStorageData : seriesStorage.getSeries()) { dataOperationCount.push(seriesStorageData.getOperationCount()); dataDataVolume.push(seriesStorageData.getDataVolume()); } options.series().addToEnd(seriesOperationCount); options.series().addToEnd(seriesDataVolume); options.chart().showAxes(true); options.legend().enabled(true); // options.legend().layout("vertical"); // options.legend().align("left"); // options.legend().x(120); // options.legend().verticalAlign("top"); // options.legend().y(100); // options.legend().floating(true); // options.legend() // .backgroundColor( // "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'white'"); HighchartsLayoutPanel highchartsLayoutPanel = new HighchartsLayoutPanel(); highchartsLayoutPanel.renderChart(options); add(highchartsLayoutPanel); forceLayout(); } private void createServiceChart(AccountingStateData accountingStateData) { clear(); if (accountingStateData == null || accountingStateData.getAccountingType() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesResponse() == null) { forceLayout(); return; } if(!(accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse() instanceof SeriesService)){ forceLayout(); return; } SeriesService seriesService = (SeriesService) accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse(); double minRange = calculateMinRange(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); double interval=calculateInterval(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); Date dateStart=accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod().getStartDate(); HighchartsOptionFactory highchartsFactory = new JsoHighchartsOptionFactory(); ChartOptions options = highchartsFactory.createChartOptions(); options.chart().zoomType("x"); options.title().text("Accounting Service"); options.subtitle().text("Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in"); ArrayString colors = options.colors(); // colors.setValue(0, "#cc0038"); // colors.setValue(1, "#32cd32"); // xAxis options.xAxis().type("datetime").minRange(minRange); // yAxis // options.yAxis().title().text("Exchange rate"); // Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] String multiAxis = "[{" + " \"id\": \"OperationCount\"," + " \"labels\": { " + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": { " + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"title\": { " + " \"text\": \"Operation Count\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"Duration\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Duration\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value} ms\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"MaxInvocationTime\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Max Invocation Time\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(2) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value} ms\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(2) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"MinInvocationTime\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Min Invocation Time\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(3) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value} ms\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(3) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "}]" ; options.setFieldAsJsonObject("yAxis", multiAxis); // TODO does not seem to be working String fillcolor = "{" + "\"linearGradient\": {" + "\"x1\": 0," + "\"y1\": 0," + "\"x2\": 0," + "\"y2\": 1" + "}," + "\"stops\": [" + "[" + "0, \"#058DC7\"" + "]," + "[" + "1, \"#FFFFFF\"" + "]" + "]" + "}"; options.plotOptions().area() .setFieldAsJsonObject("fillColor", fillcolor).marker() .radius(2).lineWidth(1).states().hover().lineWidth(1); SeriesColumn seriesOperationCount = highchartsFactory.createSeriesColumn();"Operation Count"); seriesOperationCount.color(colors.get(1)); seriesOperationCount.type("column"); ArrayNumber dataOperationCount = seriesOperationCount .dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesOperationCount.pointInterval(interval).pointStart(dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesDuration = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Duration"); seriesDuration.color(colors.get(0)); seriesDuration.yAxisAsString("Duration"); ArrayNumber dataDuration = seriesDuration.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesDuration.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesMaxInvocationTime = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Max Invocation Time"); seriesMaxInvocationTime.color(colors.get(2)); seriesMaxInvocationTime.yAxisAsString("MaxInvocationTime"); ArrayNumber dataMaxInvocationTime = seriesMaxInvocationTime.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesMaxInvocationTime.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesMinInvocationTime = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Min Invocation Time"); seriesMinInvocationTime.color(colors.get(3)); seriesMinInvocationTime.yAxisAsString("MinInvocationTime"); ArrayNumber dataMinInvocationTime = seriesMinInvocationTime.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesMinInvocationTime.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); for (SeriesServiceData seriesServiceData : seriesService.getSeries()) { dataOperationCount.push(seriesServiceData.getOperationCount()); dataDuration.push(seriesServiceData.getDuration()); dataMaxInvocationTime.push(seriesServiceData.getMaxInvocationTime()); dataMinInvocationTime.push(seriesServiceData.getMinInvocationTime()); } options.series().addToEnd(seriesOperationCount); options.series().addToEnd(seriesDuration); options.series().addToEnd(seriesMaxInvocationTime); options.series().addToEnd(seriesMinInvocationTime); options.chart().showAxes(true); options.legend().enabled(true); // options.legend().layout("vertical"); // options.legend().align("left"); // options.legend().x(120); // options.legend().verticalAlign("top"); // options.legend().y(100); // options.legend().floating(true); // options.legend() // .backgroundColor( // "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'white'"); HighchartsLayoutPanel highchartsLayoutPanel = new HighchartsLayoutPanel(); highchartsLayoutPanel.renderChart(options); add(highchartsLayoutPanel); forceLayout(); } private void createPortletChart(AccountingStateData accountingStateData) { clear(); if (accountingStateData == null || accountingStateData.getAccountingType() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesResponse() == null) { forceLayout(); return; } if(!(accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse() instanceof SeriesPortlet)){ forceLayout(); return; } SeriesStorage seriesStorage = (SeriesStorage) accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse(); double minRange = calculateMinRange(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); double interval=calculateInterval(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); Date dateStart=accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod().getStartDate(); HighchartsOptionFactory highchartsFactory = new JsoHighchartsOptionFactory(); ChartOptions options = highchartsFactory.createChartOptions(); options.chart().zoomType("x"); options.title().text("Accounting Portlet"); options.subtitle().text("Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in"); ArrayString colors = options.colors(); // colors.setValue(0, "#cc0038"); // colors.setValue(1, "#32cd32"); // xAxis options.xAxis().type("datetime").minRange(minRange); // yAxis // options.yAxis().title().text("Exchange rate"); // Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] String multiAxis = "[{" + " \"id\": \"DataVolume\"," + " \"labels\": { " + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": { " + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"title\": { " + " \"text\": \"Data Volume\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"OperationCount\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Operation Count\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "}]"; options.setFieldAsJsonObject("yAxis", multiAxis); // TODO does not seem to be working String fillcolor = "{" + "\"linearGradient\": {" + "\"x1\": 0," + "\"y1\": 0," + "\"x2\": 0," + "\"y2\": 1" + "}," + "\"stops\": [" + "[" + "0, \"#058DC7\"" + "]," + "[" + "1, \"#FFFFFF\"" + "]" + "]" + "}"; options.plotOptions().area() .setFieldAsJsonObject("fillColor", fillcolor).marker() .radius(2).lineWidth(1).states().hover().lineWidth(1); SeriesColumn seriesDataVolume = highchartsFactory.createSeriesColumn();"Data Volume"); seriesDataVolume.color(colors.get(1)); seriesDataVolume.type("column"); ArrayNumber dataDataVolume = seriesDataVolume.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesDataVolume.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesOperationCount = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Operation Count"); seriesOperationCount.yAxisAsString("OperationCount"); seriesOperationCount.color(colors.get(0)); ArrayNumber dataOperationCount = seriesOperationCount .dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesOperationCount.pointInterval(interval).pointStart(dateStart.getTime()); for (SeriesStorageData seriesStorageData : seriesStorage.getSeries()) { dataDataVolume.push(seriesStorageData.getDataVolume()); dataOperationCount.push(seriesStorageData.getOperationCount()); } options.series().addToEnd(seriesDataVolume); options.series().addToEnd(seriesOperationCount); options.chart().showAxes(true); options.legend().enabled(true); // options.legend().layout("vertical"); // options.legend().align("left"); // options.legend().x(120); // options.legend().verticalAlign("top"); // options.legend().y(100); // options.legend().floating(true); // options.legend() // .backgroundColor( // "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'white'"); HighchartsLayoutPanel highchartsLayoutPanel = new HighchartsLayoutPanel(); highchartsLayoutPanel.renderChart(options); add(highchartsLayoutPanel); forceLayout(); } private void createTaskChart(AccountingStateData accountingStateData) { clear(); if (accountingStateData == null || accountingStateData.getAccountingType() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesResponse() == null) { forceLayout(); return; } if(!(accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse() instanceof SeriesTask)){ forceLayout(); return; } SeriesStorage seriesStorage = (SeriesStorage) accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse(); double minRange = calculateMinRange(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); double interval=calculateInterval(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); Date dateStart=accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod().getStartDate(); HighchartsOptionFactory highchartsFactory = new JsoHighchartsOptionFactory(); ChartOptions options = highchartsFactory.createChartOptions(); options.chart().zoomType("x"); options.title().text("Accounting Task"); options.subtitle().text("Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in"); ArrayString colors = options.colors(); // colors.setValue(0, "#cc0038"); // colors.setValue(1, "#32cd32"); // xAxis options.xAxis().type("datetime").minRange(minRange); // yAxis // options.yAxis().title().text("Exchange rate"); // Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] String multiAxis = "[{" + " \"id\": \"DataVolume\"," + " \"labels\": { " + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": { " + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"title\": { " + " \"text\": \"Data Volume\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"OperationCount\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Operation Count\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "}]"; options.setFieldAsJsonObject("yAxis", multiAxis); // TODO does not seem to be working String fillcolor = "{" + "\"linearGradient\": {" + "\"x1\": 0," + "\"y1\": 0," + "\"x2\": 0," + "\"y2\": 1" + "}," + "\"stops\": [" + "[" + "0, \"#058DC7\"" + "]," + "[" + "1, \"#FFFFFF\"" + "]" + "]" + "}"; options.plotOptions().area() .setFieldAsJsonObject("fillColor", fillcolor).marker() .radius(2).lineWidth(1).states().hover().lineWidth(1); SeriesColumn seriesDataVolume = highchartsFactory.createSeriesColumn();"Data Volume"); seriesDataVolume.color(colors.get(1)); seriesDataVolume.type("column"); ArrayNumber dataDataVolume = seriesDataVolume.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesDataVolume.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesOperationCount = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Operation Count"); seriesOperationCount.yAxisAsString("OperationCount"); seriesOperationCount.color(colors.get(0)); ArrayNumber dataOperationCount = seriesOperationCount .dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesOperationCount.pointInterval(interval).pointStart(dateStart.getTime()); for (SeriesStorageData seriesStorageData : seriesStorage.getSeries()) { dataDataVolume.push(seriesStorageData.getDataVolume()); dataOperationCount.push(seriesStorageData.getOperationCount()); } options.series().addToEnd(seriesDataVolume); options.series().addToEnd(seriesOperationCount); options.chart().showAxes(true); options.legend().enabled(true); // options.legend().layout("vertical"); // options.legend().align("left"); // options.legend().x(120); // options.legend().verticalAlign("top"); // options.legend().y(100); // options.legend().floating(true); // options.legend() // .backgroundColor( // "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'white'"); HighchartsLayoutPanel highchartsLayoutPanel = new HighchartsLayoutPanel(); highchartsLayoutPanel.renderChart(options); add(highchartsLayoutPanel); forceLayout(); } private void createJobChart(AccountingStateData accountingStateData) { clear(); if (accountingStateData == null || accountingStateData.getAccountingType() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest() == null || accountingStateData.getSeriesResponse() == null) { forceLayout(); return; } if(!(accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse() instanceof SeriesJob)){ forceLayout(); return; } SeriesStorage seriesStorage = (SeriesStorage) accountingStateData .getSeriesResponse(); double minRange = calculateMinRange(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); double interval=calculateInterval(accountingStateData .getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod()); Date dateStart=accountingStateData.getSeriesRequest().getAccountingPeriod().getStartDate(); HighchartsOptionFactory highchartsFactory = new JsoHighchartsOptionFactory(); ChartOptions options = highchartsFactory.createChartOptions(); options.chart().zoomType("x"); options.title().text("Accounting Job"); options.subtitle().text("Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in"); ArrayString colors = options.colors(); // colors.setValue(0, "#cc0038"); // colors.setValue(1, "#32cd32"); // xAxis options.xAxis().type("datetime").minRange(minRange); // yAxis // options.yAxis().title().text("Exchange rate"); // Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] String multiAxis = "[{" + " \"id\": \"DataVolume\"," + " \"labels\": { " + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": { " + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"title\": { " + " \"text\": \"Data Volume\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(1) + "\"" + " }" + " }" + "} , {" + " \"id\": \"OperationCount\", " + " \"title\": {" + " \"text\": \"Operation Count\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"labels\": {" + " \"format\": \"{value}\"," + " \"style\": {" + " \"color\": \"" + colors.get(0) + "\"" + " }" + " }," + " \"opposite\": \"true\"" + "}]"; options.setFieldAsJsonObject("yAxis", multiAxis); // TODO does not seem to be working String fillcolor = "{" + "\"linearGradient\": {" + "\"x1\": 0," + "\"y1\": 0," + "\"x2\": 0," + "\"y2\": 1" + "}," + "\"stops\": [" + "[" + "0, \"#058DC7\"" + "]," + "[" + "1, \"#FFFFFF\"" + "]" + "]" + "}"; options.plotOptions().area() .setFieldAsJsonObject("fillColor", fillcolor).marker() .radius(2).lineWidth(1).states().hover().lineWidth(1); SeriesColumn seriesDataVolume = highchartsFactory.createSeriesColumn();"Data Volume"); seriesDataVolume.color(colors.get(1)); seriesDataVolume.type("column"); ArrayNumber dataDataVolume = seriesDataVolume.dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesDataVolume.pointInterval(interval).pointStart( dateStart.getTime()); SeriesArea seriesOperationCount = highchartsFactory.createSeriesArea();"Operation Count"); seriesOperationCount.yAxisAsString("OperationCount"); seriesOperationCount.color(colors.get(0)); ArrayNumber dataOperationCount = seriesOperationCount .dataAsArrayNumber(); seriesOperationCount.pointInterval(interval).pointStart(dateStart.getTime()); for (SeriesStorageData seriesStorageData : seriesStorage.getSeries()) { dataDataVolume.push(seriesStorageData.getDataVolume()); dataOperationCount.push(seriesStorageData.getOperationCount()); } options.series().addToEnd(seriesDataVolume); options.series().addToEnd(seriesOperationCount); options.chart().showAxes(true); options.legend().enabled(true); // options.legend().layout("vertical"); // options.legend().align("left"); // options.legend().x(120); // options.legend().verticalAlign("top"); // options.legend().y(100); // options.legend().floating(true); // options.legend() // .backgroundColor( // "(Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || 'white'"); HighchartsLayoutPanel highchartsLayoutPanel = new HighchartsLayoutPanel(); highchartsLayoutPanel.renderChart(options); add(highchartsLayoutPanel); forceLayout(); } }