package org.gcube.dataharvest.harvester.sobigdata; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.gcube.accounting.accounting.summary.access.model.ScopeDescriptor; import org.gcube.accounting.accounting.summary.access.model.internal.Dimension; import org.gcube.accounting.accounting.summary.access.model.update.AccountingRecord; import org.gcube.dataharvest.AccountingDashboardHarvesterPlugin; import org.gcube.dataharvest.datamodel.HarvestedDataKey; import org.gcube.dataharvest.utils.DateUtils; import org.gcube.dataharvest.utils.Utils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class ResourceCatalogueHarvester. * * @author Eric Perrone (ISTI - CNR) * @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR) * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa(ISTI - CNR) */ public class ResourceCatalogueHarvester extends SoBigDataHarvester { private static final String AND = " AND "; private static final String UTF_8_CHARASET = "UTF-8"; public static int ROWS = 500; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceCatalogueHarvester.class); protected String solrBaseUrl; /** * Instantiates a new resource catalogue harvester. * * @param start the start * @param end the end * @param catalogueContext the catalogue context * @param contexts the contexts. They are the VREs * @throws Exception the exception */ public ResourceCatalogueHarvester(Date start, Date end, SortedSet contexts) throws Exception { super(start, end, contexts); } /** * Gets the solr base url. * * @return the solr base url */ //TODO @LUCA FROSINI protected String getSolrBaseUrl() { return ""; } @Override public List getAccountingRecords() throws Exception { ArrayList accountingRecords = new ArrayList(); //FOR EACH SYSTEM_TYPE for(String systemType : mapSystemTypeToDBEntry.keySet()) { List solrParameters = new ArrayList(1); solrParameters.add("extras_systemtype:\"" + systemType + "\""); //EXECUTING THE QUERY IN THE PERIOD String queryResult = executeQueryFor(solrParameters, start, end, "groups"); HarvestedDataKey insertDBKey = HarvestedDataKey.valueOf(mapSystemTypeToDBEntry.get(systemType)); logger.debug("Creating statistics for type {} using db key {}", systemType, insertDBKey); accountingRecords.addAll(buildListOfHarvestedData(queryResult, insertDBKey)); } return accountingRecords; } /** * Builds the list of harvested data. * * @param json the json * @param harvestKey the harvest key * @return the list * @throws Exception the exception */ private List buildListOfHarvestedData(String json, HarvestedDataKey harvestKey) throws Exception { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json); JSONObject responseHeader = jsonObject.getJSONObject("responseHeader"); int status = responseHeader.getInt("status"); if(status != 0) { throw new Exception("Query Deliverable in error: status " + status); } JSONObject response = jsonObject.getJSONObject("response"); int numFound = response.getInt("numFound"); Map counter = new HashMap(mapCatalogueGroupToVRE.size() + 1); for(String groupName : mapCatalogueGroupToVRE.keySet()) { counter.put(groupName, 0); } String catalogueContext = Utils.getCurrentContext(); //Counter for default context of accounting int catalogueContextCount = 0; logger.debug("For {} has found {} doc/s", harvestKey, numFound); if(numFound > 0) { JSONArray docs = response.getJSONArray("docs"); for(Object item : docs) { JSONObject doc = (JSONObject) item; try { JSONArray groups = doc.getJSONArray("groups"); Iterator git = groups.iterator(); while(git.hasNext()) { String catalogueGroupName = (String); logger.debug("GroupName found {}", catalogueGroupName); //counterByGroup(groupItem); Integer currentCount = counter.get(catalogueGroupName); if(currentCount != null) counter.put(catalogueGroupName, currentCount + 1); else { logger.warn( "No mapping found for Catalogue-Group Name {} from VREs. Accounting it in the catalogue context {}", catalogueGroupName, catalogueContext); catalogueContextCount++; } break; //Accounting the item only in the first group found } } catch(JSONException x) { logger.debug("Document without groups, accounting it in the catalogue context"); catalogueContextCount++; } catch(Exception e) { logger.warn("Skipping parsing error", e); } } } ArrayList accountingRecords = new ArrayList(); logger.trace("The context {} has count ", catalogueContext, catalogueContextCount); ScopeDescriptor catalogueScopeDescriptor = AccountingDashboardHarvesterPlugin.getScopeDescriptor(catalogueContext); Dimension dimension = getDimension(harvestKey); AccountingRecord ar = new AccountingRecord(catalogueScopeDescriptor, instant, dimension, (long) catalogueContextCount); accountingRecords.add(ar); for(String key : counter.keySet()) { logger.trace("The group {} has count {}", key, counter.get(key)); ScopeDescriptor sd = AccountingDashboardHarvesterPlugin.getScopeDescriptor(mapCatalogueGroupToVRE.get(key)); AccountingRecord accountingRecord = new AccountingRecord(sd, instant, dimension, (long) counter.get(key)); accountingRecords.add(accountingRecord); } logger.debug("For {} in the period [from {} to {}] returning accouting data :", harvestKey, DateUtils.format(start), DateUtils.format(end), accountingRecords); return accountingRecords; } /** * Execute query. * * @param solrParameters the solr parameters * @param startDate the start date * @param endDate the end date * @param flValue the fl value * @return the string * @throws Exception the exception */ //TODO THIS METHOD MUST BE OPTIMIZED USING HttpSolrClient //We are not considering the rows (the number of documents returned from Solr by default) public String executeQueryFor(List solrParameters, Date startDate, Date endDate, String flValue) throws Exception { String query = getSolrBaseUrl().endsWith("/") ? getSolrBaseUrl() : getSolrBaseUrl() + "/"; query += "select?"; String q = ""; //ADDING START AND END DATE IF ARE VALIDS if(startDate != null && endDate != null) { q += "metadata_created:[" + DateUtils.dateToStringWithTZ(startDate) + " TO " + DateUtils.dateToStringWithTZ(endDate) + "]"; } //ADDING PARAMETERS if(solrParameters != null && solrParameters.size() > 0) { q += q.isEmpty() ? "" : AND; for(int i = 0; i < solrParameters.size() - 1; i++) { q += solrParameters.get(i) + AND; } q += solrParameters.get(solrParameters.size() - 1); } query += "q=" + URLEncoder.encode(q, UTF_8_CHARASET) + "&wt=json&indent=true&rows=" + ROWS; query += flValue != null && !flValue.isEmpty() ? "&fl=" + URLEncoder.encode(flValue, UTF_8_CHARASET) : ""; logger.debug("\nPerforming query {}", query); String jsonResult = Utils.getJson(query); logger.trace("Response is {}", jsonResult); return jsonResult; } }