<%@include file="/html/init.jsp" %> <% String appURL_view = GetterUtil.getString(portletPreferences.getValue("appURL", StringPool.BLANK)); String appURLTokenParam_view = GetterUtil.getString(portletPreferences.getValue("appURLTokenParam", StringPool.BLANK)); Integer iFrameHeight = GetterUtil.getInteger(portletPreferences.getValue("iFrameHeightParam", "1000")); pageContext.setAttribute("iFrameHeight", iFrameHeight); Object securityTokenObj = request.getAttribute("securityToken"); String securityToken = ""; if(securityToken != null){ securityToken = securityTokenObj.toString(); } /* handle the case where the page is called with GET parameters needing to be forwarded*/ String completeURL = PortalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request); String queryString = ""; if (completeURL.indexOf("?") > 0) { queryString = completeURL.substring(completeURL.indexOf("?")+1); queryString = queryString.trim(); } /* handle the case where the appURL provided has GET parameters needing to be forwarded*/ if (appURL_view.indexOf("?") > 0) { if (queryString != null && !queryString.equals("")) { //not empty queryString += "&" + appURL_view.substring(appURL_view.indexOf("?")+1); } else { queryString = appURL_view.substring(appURL_view.indexOf("?")+1); } appURL_view = appURL_view.substring(0, appURL_view.indexOf("?")); queryString = queryString.trim(); } String applicationURL = appURL_view; if (! appURLTokenParam_view.equals("")) { applicationURL += "?" + appURLTokenParam_view + "=" + securityToken; if (queryString != null && !queryString.equals("")) { applicationURL += "&" + queryString; } } else { if (queryString != null && !queryString.equals("")) { applicationURL += "?" + queryString; } } pageContext.setAttribute("applicationURL", applicationURL); %>