package org.gcube.portets.user.message_conversations.client.autocomplete; import; import*; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * * @author kevzlou7979 * @author gilberto-torrezan * @author M. Assante, CNR-ISTI * @see Material AutoComplete */ // @formatter:on public class MaterialAutoComplete extends AbstractValueWidget> implements HasPlaceholder, HasProgress, HasType, HasSelectionHandlers, HasReadOnly { static { if (MaterialAddins.isDebug()) { MaterialDesignBase.injectCss(MaterialAutocompleteDebugClientBundle.INSTANCE.autocompleteCssDebug()); } else { MaterialDesignBase.injectCss(MaterialAutocompleteClientBundle.INSTANCE.autocompleteCss()); } } private Map suggestionMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Label placeholderLabel = new Label(); private List itemsHighlighted = new ArrayList<>(); private FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); private UnorderedList list = new UnorderedList(); private SuggestOracle suggestions; private TextBox itemBox = new TextBox(); private SuggestBox suggestBox; private int limit = 0; private MaterialLabel errorLabel = new MaterialLabel(); private final ProgressMixin progressMixin = new ProgressMixin<>(this); private String selectedChipStyle = "blue white-text"; private boolean directInputAllowed = true; private MaterialChipProvider chipProvider = new DefaultMaterialChipProvider(); private final ErrorMixin errorMixin = new ErrorMixin<>(this, errorLabel, list, placeholderLabel); private FocusableMixin focusableMixin; private ReadOnlyMixin readOnlyMixin; public final CssTypeMixin typeMixin = new CssTypeMixin<>(this, this); /** * Use MaterialAutocomplete to search for matches from local or remote data * sources. */ public MaterialAutoComplete() { super(Document.get().createDivElement(), AddinsCssName.AUTOCOMPLETE, CssName.INPUT_FIELD); add(panel); } public MaterialAutoComplete(AutocompleteType type) { this(); setType(type); } public MaterialAutoComplete(String placeholder) { this(); setPlaceholder(placeholder); } /** * Use MaterialAutocomplete to search for matches from local or remote data * sources. * * @see #setSuggestions(SuggestOracle) */ public MaterialAutoComplete(SuggestOracle suggestions) { this(); build(suggestions); } /** * Generate and build the List Items to be set on Auto Complete box. */ protected void build(SuggestOracle suggestions) { list.setStyleName(AddinsCssName.MULTIVALUESUGGESTBOX_LIST); this.suggestions = suggestions; final ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.setStyleName(AddinsCssName.MULTIVALUESUGGESTBOX_INPUT_TOKEN); suggestBox = new SuggestBox(suggestions, itemBox); setLimit(this.limit); String autocompleteId = DOM.createUniqueId(); itemBox.getElement().setId(autocompleteId); item.add(suggestBox); item.add(placeholderLabel); list.add(item); list.addDomHandler(event -> suggestBox.showSuggestionList(), ClickEvent.getType()); itemBox.addBlurHandler(blurEvent -> { if (getValue().size() > 0) { placeholderLabel.addStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); } }); itemBox.addKeyDownHandler(event -> { boolean changed = false; switch (event.getNativeKeyCode()) { case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: if (directInputAllowed) { String value = itemBox.getValue(); if (value != null && !(value = value.trim()).isEmpty()) { directInput = new; directInput.setDisplay(value); directInput.setSuggestion(value); changed = addItem(directInput); if (getType() == AutocompleteType.TEXT) { itemBox.setText(value); } else { itemBox.setValue(""); } itemBox.setFocus(true); } } break; case KeyCodes.KEY_BACKSPACE: if (itemBox.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) { if (itemsHighlighted.isEmpty()) { if (suggestionMap.size() > 0) { ListItem li = (ListItem) list.getWidget(list.getWidgetCount() - 2); if (tryRemoveSuggestion(li.getWidget(0))) { li.removeFromParent(); changed = true; } } } } case KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE: if (itemBox.getValue().trim().isEmpty()) { for (ListItem li : itemsHighlighted) { if (tryRemoveSuggestion(li.getWidget(0))) { li.removeFromParent(); changed = true; } } itemsHighlighted.clear(); } itemBox.setFocus(true); break; } if (changed) {, getValue()); } }); itemBox.addClickHandler(event -> suggestBox.showSuggestionList()); suggestBox.addSelectionHandler(selectionEvent -> { Suggestion selectedItem = selectionEvent.getSelectedItem(); itemBox.setValue(""); if (addItem(selectedItem)) {, getValue()); } itemBox.setFocus(true); }); panel.add(list); panel.getElement().setAttribute("onclick", "document.getElementById('" + autocompleteId + "').focus()"); panel.add(errorLabel); suggestBox.setFocus(true); } protected boolean tryRemoveSuggestion(Widget widget) { Set> entrySet = suggestionMap.entrySet(); for (Entry entry : entrySet) { if (widget.equals(entry.getValue())) { if (chipProvider.isChipRemovable(entry.getKey())) { suggestionMap.remove(entry.getKey()); return true; } return false; } } return false; } /** * Adding the item value using Material Chips added on auto complete box */ public boolean addItem(final Suggestion suggestion) {, suggestion); if (getLimit() > 0) { if (suggestionMap.size() >= getLimit()) { return false; } } if (suggestionMap.containsKey(suggestion)) { return false; } final ListItem displayItem = new ListItem(); displayItem.setStyleName(AddinsCssName.MULTIVALUESUGGESTBOX_TOKEN); if (getType() == AutocompleteType.TEXT) { suggestionMap.clear(); itemBox.setText(suggestion.getDisplayString()); } else { final MaterialChip chip = chipProvider.getChip(suggestion); if (chip == null) { return false; } chip.addClickHandler(event -> { if (chipProvider.isChipSelectable(suggestion)) { if (itemsHighlighted.contains(displayItem)) { chip.removeStyleName(selectedChipStyle); itemsHighlighted.remove(displayItem); } else { chip.addStyleName(selectedChipStyle); itemsHighlighted.add(displayItem); } } }); if (chip.getIcon() != null) { chip.getIcon().addClickHandler(event -> { if (chipProvider.isChipRemovable(suggestion)) { suggestionMap.remove(suggestion); list.remove(displayItem); itemsHighlighted.remove(displayItem);, getValue()); suggestBox.showSuggestionList(); } }); } suggestionMap.put(suggestion, chip); displayItem.add(chip); list.insert(displayItem, list.getWidgetCount() - 1); } return true; } /** * Clear the chip items on the autocomplete box */ public void clear() { itemBox.setValue(""); placeholderLabel.removeStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); Collection values = suggestionMap.values(); for (Widget widget : values) { Widget parent = widget.getParent(); if (parent instanceof ListItem) { parent.removeFromParent(); } } suggestionMap.clear(); clearErrorOrSuccess(); } @Override protected FocusableMixin getFocusableMixin() { if (focusableMixin == null) { focusableMixin = new FocusableMixin<>(new MaterialWidget(itemBox.getElement())); } return focusableMixin; } /** * @return the item values on autocomplete * @see #getValue() */ public List getItemValues() { Set keySet = suggestionMap.keySet(); List values = new ArrayList<>(keySet.size()); for (Suggestion suggestion : keySet) { values.add(suggestion.getReplacementString()); } return values; } /** * @param itemValues the itemsSelected to set * @see #setValue(Object) */ public void setItemValues(List itemValues) { setItemValues(itemValues, false); } /** * @param itemValues the itemsSelected to set * @param fireEvents will fire value change event if true * @see #setValue(Object) */ public void setItemValues(List itemValues, boolean fireEvents) { if (itemValues == null) { clear(); return; } List list = new ArrayList<>(itemValues.size()); for (String value : itemValues) { Suggestion suggestion = new, value); list.add(suggestion); } setValue(list, fireEvents); if (itemValues.size() > 0) { placeholderLabel.addStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); } } /** * @return the itemsHighlighted */ public List getItemsHighlighted() { return itemsHighlighted; } /** * @param itemsHighlighted the itemsHighlighted to set */ public void setItemsHighlighted(List itemsHighlighted) { this.itemsHighlighted = itemsHighlighted; } /** * @return the suggestion oracle */ public SuggestOracle getSuggestions() { return suggestions; } /** * Sets the SuggestOracle to be used to provide suggestions. Also setups the * component with the needed event handlers and UI elements. * * @param suggestions the suggestion oracle to set */ public void setSuggestions(SuggestOracle suggestions) { this.suggestions = suggestions; build(suggestions); } public void setSuggestions(SuggestOracle suggestions, AutocompleteType type) { setType(type); setSuggestions(suggestions); } public int getLimit() { return limit; } public void setLimit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; if (this.suggestBox != null) { this.suggestBox.setLimit(limit); } } /** * Set the number of suggestions to be displayed to the user. This differs from * setLimit() which set both the suggestions displayed AND the limit of values * allowed within the autocomplete. * @param limit */ public void setAutoSuggestLimit(int limit) { if (this.suggestBox != null) { this.suggestBox.setLimit(limit); } } @Override public String getPlaceholder() { return placeholderLabel.getText(); } @Override public void setPlaceholder(String placeholder) { placeholderLabel.setText(placeholder); } /** * Gets the current {@link MaterialChipProvider}. By default, the class uses * an instance of {@link DefaultMaterialChipProvider}. */ public MaterialChipProvider getChipProvider() { return chipProvider; } /** * Sets a {@link MaterialChipProvider} that can customize how the * {@link MaterialChip} is created for each selected {@link Suggestion}. */ public void setChipProvider(MaterialChipProvider chipProvider) { this.chipProvider = chipProvider; } /** * When set to false, only {@link Suggestion}s from the * SuggestionOracle are accepted. Direct input create by the user is * ignored. By default, direct input is allowed. */ public void setDirectInputAllowed(boolean directInputAllowed) { this.directInputAllowed = directInputAllowed; } /** * @return if {@link Suggestion}s created by direct input from the user * should be allowed. By default directInputAllowed is * true. */ public boolean isDirectInputAllowed() { return directInputAllowed; } /** * Sets the style class applied to chips when they are selected. *

* Defaults to "blue white-text". *

* * @param selectedChipStyle The class or classes to be applied to selected chips */ public void setSelectedChipStyle(String selectedChipStyle) { this.selectedChipStyle = selectedChipStyle; } /** * Returns the style class applied to chips when they are selected. *

* Defaults to "blue white-text". *

*/ public String getSelectedChipStyle() { return selectedChipStyle; } @Override public void showProgress(ProgressType type) { progressMixin.showProgress(ProgressType.INDETERMINATE); } @Override public void setPercent(double percent) { progressMixin.setPercent(percent); } @Override public void hideProgress() { progressMixin.hideProgress(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addKeyUpHandler(final KeyUpHandler handler) { return itemBox.addKeyUpHandler(event -> { if (isEnabled()) { handler.onKeyUp(event); } }); } @Override public void setType(AutocompleteType type) { typeMixin.setType(type); } @Override public AutocompleteType getType() { return typeMixin.getType(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(final SelectionHandler handler) { return addHandler(new SelectionHandler() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent event) { if (isEnabled()) { handler.onSelection(event); } } }, SelectionEvent.getType()); } public ReadOnlyMixin getReadOnlyMixin() { if (readOnlyMixin == null) { readOnlyMixin = new ReadOnlyMixin<>(this, itemBox); } return readOnlyMixin; } @Override public void setReadOnly(boolean value) { getReadOnlyMixin().setReadOnly(value); if (value) { setEnabled(false); } } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return getReadOnlyMixin().isReadOnly(); } @Override public void setToggleReadOnly(boolean toggle) { getReadOnlyMixin().setToggleReadOnly(toggle); } @Override public boolean isToggleReadOnly() { return getReadOnlyMixin().isToggleReadOnly(); } /** * Interface that defines how a {@link MaterialChip} is created, given a * {@link Suggestion}. * * @see MaterialAutoComplete#setChipProvider(MaterialChipProvider) */ public static interface MaterialChipProvider { /** * Creates and returns a {@link MaterialChip} based on the selected * {@link Suggestion}. * * @param suggestion the selected {@link Suggestion} * @return the created MaterialChip, or null if the * suggestion should be ignored. */ MaterialChip getChip(Suggestion suggestion); /** * Returns whether the chip defined by the suggestion should be selected when the user clicks on it. *


* Selecion of chips is used to batch remove suggestions, for example. *

* * @param suggestion the selected {@link Suggestion} * @see MaterialAutoComplete#setSelectedChipStyle(String) */ boolean isChipSelectable(Suggestion suggestion); /** * Returns whether the chip defined by the suggestion should be removed from the autocomplete when clicked on its icon. *


* Override this method returning false to implement your own logic when the user clicks on the chip icon. *

* * @param suggestion the selected {@link Suggestion} */ boolean isChipRemovable(Suggestion suggestion); } /** * Default implementation of the {@link MaterialChipProvider} interface, * used by the {@link MaterialAutoComplete}. *


* By default all chips are selectable and removable. The default {@link IconType} used by the chips provided is the {@link IconType#CLOSE}. *

* * @see MaterialAutoComplete#setChipProvider(MaterialChipProvider) */ public static class DefaultMaterialChipProvider implements MaterialChipProvider { @Override public MaterialChip getChip(Suggestion suggestion) { final MaterialChip chip = new MaterialChip(); String imageChip = suggestion.getDisplayString(); String textChip = imageChip; String s = "]*[>]", ""); } chip.setText(textChip); chip.setIconType(IconType.CLOSE); return chip; } @Override public boolean isChipRemovable(Suggestion suggestion) { return true; } @Override public boolean isChipSelectable(Suggestion suggestion) { return true; } } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(final ValueChangeHandler> handler) { return addHandler(new ValueChangeHandler>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent> event) { if (isEnabled()) { handler.onValueChange(event); } } }, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addBlurHandler(BlurHandler handler) { return itemBox.addHandler(blurEvent -> { if (isEnabled()) { handler.onBlur(blurEvent); } }, BlurEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addFocusHandler(FocusHandler handler) { return itemBox.addHandler(focusEvent -> { if (isEnabled()) { handler.onFocus(focusEvent); } }, FocusEvent.getType()); } /** * Returns the selected {@link Suggestion}s. Modifications to the list are * not propagated to the component. * * @return the list of selected {@link Suggestion}s, or empty if none was * selected (never null). */ @Override public List getValue() { return new ArrayList<>(suggestionMap.keySet()); } @Override public void setValue(List value, boolean fireEvents) { clear(); if (value != null) { placeholderLabel.addStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); for (Suggestion suggestion : value) { addItem(suggestion); } } super.setValue(value, fireEvents); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); itemBox.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override public ErrorMixin getErrorMixin() { return errorMixin; } public Label getPlaceholderLabel() { return placeholderLabel; } public TextBox getItemBox() { return itemBox; } public MaterialLabel getErrorLabel() { return errorLabel; } public SuggestBox getSuggestBox() { return suggestBox; } @Override public MaterialProgress getProgress() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }