# gCubePushingOut Starting from a build commits report generated by the gCube Release pipeline, for each component listed in the report, this Jenkins pipeline: * checkouts the git repository * pushes the git repo metadata listed in a specific file to the software-version service ## Requirements * [Jenkins](https://jenkins.io/) ver. 2.164.2 or newer * [Pipeline plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Plugin) ver. 2.5 or newer * [Pipeline: SCM Step plugin](https://plugins.jenkins.io/workflow-scm-step) ver. 2.7 or newer * [Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries](https://plugins.jenkins.io/workflow-cps-global-lib) ver. 2.15 or newer * User credentials configured on Jenkins. These are needed to set the author of the tag. ## References * [Pipeline as code](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline-as-code/) * [Pipeline Syntax](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/) * [Shared Libraries](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/) * [REST api plugin](https://plugins.jenkins.io/pipeline-rest-api//) ## Wiki doc ## License This project is licensed under the [EUPL V.1.1 License](LICENSE.md). ~