def agent_root_folder = '/var/lib/jenkins/.m2' def projects2artifacts = [:] def artifacts2projects = [:] def modules2deps = [:] def alreadyInTheTree = [] def inputProject = params.jenkins_project.trim() def report = [:] report['project'] = inputProject pipeline { agent { label 'CD' } environment { AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER = "${agent_root_folder}" PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER = "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" WALKER_NOTES = "${agent_root_folder}/walker_notes.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.txt" } parameters { string(name: 'jenkins_project', defaultValue: '', description: 'The name of the Jenkins project to analyze.') } stages { stage('walking projects') { steps { script { Jenkins.get().getAllItems(TopLevelItem.class).each { p -> projects2artifacts[] = [] p.getAllJobs().each { j -> projects2artifacts[] <<; artifacts2projects[] = } } println "FOUND ${projects2artifacts.size()} projects" //projects2artifacts.each { k,v -> println ("PROJECT ${k} BUILDS ${v}") } } } } stage('walking maven modules') { steps { script { // get all the maven modules and their dependencies Jenkins.get().getAllItems(hudson.maven.MavenModule.class).each { m -> modules2deps[] = [] m.getDependencies().each { d -> modules2deps[] << "${d.groupId}:${d.artifactId}" } } println "FOUND ${modules2deps.size()} modules" //modules2deps.each { k,v -> println ("MODULE ${k} DEPENDS on ${v}") } } } } stage('analyze downstream projects') { steps { script { // println "PROJECT ${inputProject} BUILDS ${projects2artifacts[inputProject]} artifacts" // first, let's find out what components depend on the project's artifacts (i.e. downstream dependencies) report['downstream_modules'] = [:] report['downstream_projects'] = [] for ( level in 1..50 ) report['downstream_modules']["L${level}"] = [:] // can't initialize with withDefault closure in jenkins projects2artifacts[inputProject].each { a -> if (a.split(':').length > 1) { //skip the parent (only groupId) report = analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, a, 1) } } } } } stage('print report') { steps { script { printReport(report) } } } } // post-build actions post { always { script { sh ''' cp $WALKER_NOTES ./walker_notes.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.txt ''' } } success { echo 'The dependencies walker pipeline worked!' emailext to: '', subject: "[Jenkins WalkerPipeline D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} worked", body: "Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}" emailext attachmentsPattern: "**/walker_notes.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.txt", to: '', subject: "Dependency Report for gCube component ${inputProject} (build #${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER})", body: "Downstream dependencies of ${inputProject}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}" } failure { echo 'The dependencies walker pipeline has failed' emailext attachLog: true, to: '', subject: "[JenkinsDependenciesWalker D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} failed for component ${inputProject}", body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" } } } // look for modules that use this artifact def findDownstreamDependencies(modules2deps, artifact) { def downdeps = [] //println "Looking for users of ${artifact}" modules2deps.each { k, v -> if (v.contains("${artifact}")) downdeps << k } return downdeps } //build the report of the given dependency, go recursive on its dependencies def analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, artifact, depth) { def level = "L${depth}" def downdeps = findDownstreamDependencies(modules2deps, artifact) def skipTree = alreadyInTheTree.contains(artifact) if (!skipTree) { report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact] = ['dependencies': [], 'projects': []] // get all downstream dependencies report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies'].addAll(downdeps) //println "${artifact} is used by ${report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies']}" // add the project that builds the artifact report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['projects'] << artifacts2projects[artifact] report['downstream_projects'] << artifacts2projects[artifact] alreadyInTheTree << artifact } // then we look for the projects that build the downstream dependencies and finally we go recursive if (downdeps.size() > 0) { def nextDepth = ++depth downdeps.each { d -> if (!skipTree) { report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['projects'] << artifacts2projects[d] report['downstream_projects'] << artifacts2projects[d] } // go recursive analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, d, nextDepth) } } report } // print the final report def printReport(report) { def text = '' def indent = '\t' text += "Dependency Report for ${report['project']}" text += "\n\n" text += "|--Project Maven Modules\n" report['downstream_modules'].each { depth, artifacts -> artifacts.each { name, data -> text += "${indent}|--Module: ${name}\n" text += "${indent * 2}|--Deepest Dependency Level: ${depth}\n" text += "${indent * 2}|--Used by (Maven Modules)\n" data['dependencies'].each { d -> text += "${indent * 3}|--${d}" text += "\n" } text += "${indent * 2}|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)\n" data['projects'].each { p -> text += "${indent * 3}|--${p}" text += "\n" } } } text += "\n\n" text += "|--All Downstream Projects\n" report['downstream_projects'].unique().sort() report['downstream_projects'].each { p -> text += "${indent}|--${p}" text += "\n" } println text appendNotes(text) } def appendNotes(report) { sh("""#!/bin/bash echo -e "${report}" > $WALKER_NOTES """) } // debug job def printJob(job) { println("fullname ${job.fullName}") println("name ${}") println("display name ${job.displayName}") job.getAllJobs().each { j -> println("dep: ${}") } }