pipeline { agent { label 'CD' } triggers { cron "0 0 * * MON" } //once in every two hours slot between 9 AM and 5 PM every weekday (perhaps at 10:38 AM, 12:38 PM, 2:38 PM, 4:38 PM) // cron('H H(9-16)/2 * * 1-5') environment { AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER = "${agent_root_folder}" AGENT_DEPLOY_FILE = "${agent_deploy_file}" } stages { stage('initialize environment') { steps { sh ''' date=`date` echo "#Build ${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER},," ''' } } stage('Deploy from system') { when{ allOf{ triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' environment name: 'IS_CRON', value: 'True' } } steps { echo 'Cron build enabled. Deploy from system ongoing' } } stage('Nothing to do ') { when{ allOf{ triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' environment name: 'IS_CRON', value: 'False' } } steps { echo 'Do Nothing: cron build disabled' } } stage('Add new pending deploy ') { when{ environment name: 'IS_CRON', value: 'True' anyOf{ triggeredBy 'BuildUpstreamCause' triggeredBy 'UpstreamCause' } } steps { echo "Cron build enabled. New deploy of ${params.TRIGGER_JOB} - ${params.TRIGGER_VERSION} appended to the deploy file" } } stage('Deploy from job ') { when{ environment name: 'IS_CRON', value: 'False' anyOf{ triggeredBy 'BuildUpstreamCause' triggeredBy 'UpstreamCause' } } steps { echo "Cron build disabled. New deploy of ${params.TRIGGER_JOB} - ${params.TRIGGER_VERSION} ongoing" } } } post { always { script { sh ''' echo ' jobs currently appended:' ''' //cat ./${ACTION_DEPLOY_FILE}.csv } } success { echo 'The deploy pipeline worked!' emailext attachLog: true,//attachmentsPattern: "**/${ACTION_DEPLOY_FILE}.csv", to: 'roberto.cirillo@isti.cnr.it', subject: "Deploy report", body: "${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}. Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}. " } failure { echo 'The deploy pipeline has failed' emailext attachLog: true, to: 'roberto.cirillo@isti.cnr.it', subject: "[Jenkins deploy D4S] deploy ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} failed", body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" } } }