feature/25131 #6

roberto.cirillo merged 31 commits from feature/25131 into master 2023-09-07 14:56:01 +02:00
1 changed files with 2 additions and 9 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 951d53cef2 - Show all commits

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@ -362,21 +362,14 @@ def deployRelease(def categoryList, def yaml){
for ( def category : categories){
if("${group_name}" == "$category"){
if (category == "${DISTRIBUTION_CATEGORY}"){
//searching smartgears-distribution version in Distribution component of defined inside the yaml file
def sg= component_list?.collect{ if ("$it.name" == 'smartgears-distribution'){ return "$it.version"; }}
//searching smartgears-distribution (os smartgears-distribution-legacy) version in Distribution component defined inside the yaml file
def sg= component_list?.collect{ if ("$it.name" == 'smartgears-distribution' || "$it.name" == 'smartgears-distribution-legacy' ){ return "$it.version"; }}
smartgears=(sg !=null ) ? sg[0] : ''
}else if (category =="${PORTLET_CATEGORY}"){
//def portlets="{\"generic_portlets\": ";
// portlets += component_list?.collect{ return [ 'name': "$it.name", 'version': "$it.version", 'extension': 'war' ] }
// portlets += component_list?.collect{ return " {\"group_id\": \"$it.group_id\", \"name\": \"$it.name\", \"version\": \"$it.version\", \"extension\": \"war\"} "}
portlets += component_list?.collect{ if ("${it.group_id}" != "null") return "{\"group_id\": \"$it.group_id\", \"name\": \"$it.name\", \"version\": \"$it.version\", \"extension\": \"war\"} "; else return "{\"name\": \"$it.name\", \"version\": \"$it.version\", \"extension\": \"war\"}"}
// portlets.removeAll(["\"group_id\": \"null\""]);
echo "portlets: $portlets"
def jsonContent= "{\"generic_portlets\": "+portlets+"}"
echo "json: $jsonContent"
writeJSON file: 'portlets.json', json: jsonContent
// def read = readJSON file: 'portlets.json'
// println("Portlets found: "+read.name+" "+read.version+ " "+read.extension)
def output = sh(returnStdout: true, returnStdoutTrim: true, script: "mv portlets.json $ANSIBLE_ROOT_FOLDER")
isPortlet= true