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import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
// set the build options according to the Type of build
def (options, maven_local_repo_path, maven_settings_file, maven_activation_property) = ['', '', '', '']
def agent_root_folder = '/var/lib/jenkins/.m2'
def verbose = true
def resume = params.resume_from
if (params.Type == 'SNAPSHOT-DRY-RUN') {
echo "Configure Maven for SNAPSHOT-DRY-RUN artifacts"
options = ''
maven_local_repo_path = "local-snapshots"
maven_settings_file = "gcube-settings.xml"
if (params.Type == 'SNAPSHOT') {
echo "Configure Maven for SNAPSHOT artifacts"
options = ''
maven_local_repo_path = "local-snapshots"
maven_settings_file = "gcube-settings.xml"
if (params.Type == 'RELEASE-DRY-RUN') {
echo "Configure Maven for RELEASE-DRY-RUN artifacts"
options = ''
maven_local_repo_path = "local-releases"
maven_settings_file = "jenkins-releases-settings.xml"
maven_activation_property="-Pdry-run -Djenkins-releases -DRelease";
if (params.Type == 'STAGING') {
echo "Configure Maven for STAGING artifacts"
options = ''
maven_local_repo_path = "local-staging"
maven_settings_file = "jenkins-staging-settings.xml"
maven_activation_property="-Djenkins-staging -DRelease";
if (params.Type == 'RELEASE') {
echo "Configure Maven for RELEASE artifacts"
options = ''
maven_local_repo_path = "local-releases"
maven_settings_file = "jenkins-releases-settings.xml"
maven_activation_property="-Djenkins-releases -DRelease";
echo "Use settings file at ${maven_settings_file} with the following activation property: ${maven_activation_property}"
echo "Use local repo at ${maven_local_repo_path}"
echo "Release number: ${params.gCube_release_version}"
echo "Clean up gcube local artifacts? ${params.cleanup_gcube_artifacts}"
echo "Clean up all local artifacts? ${params.cleanup_local_repo}"
echo "Resume from previous build? ${params.resume_from}"
//locate the release file
String releaseURL = "https://code-repo.d4science.org/gCubeCI/gCubeReleases/raw/branch/master/open/gcube-${gCube_release_version}.yaml"
if (verbose)
println "Querying ${releaseURL}"
//load the release file
def text = releaseURL.toURL().getText()
def jsonConfig = new Yaml().load(text)
if (verbose)
println jsonConfig.inspect()
assert jsonConfig.gCube_release.Version == params.gCube_release_version: "Release versions do not match!"
echo "Building gCube v. ${jsonConfig.gCube_release.Version}"
if (verbose) {
echo "Found components:"
jsonConfig.gCube_release.Components.each { println it.key }
def jobs = [:]
def previous_report_content = ''
def previous_report_file = "${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${resume}.csv"
def previous_commit_file = "${agent_root_folder}/build_commits.${resume}.csv"
pipeline {
// see https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#agent
agent {
label 'CD'
// see https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#environment
environment {
//make the JVM start a bit faster with basic just-in-time compilation of the code only (-XX:*)
//make maven running in a multi-thread fashion (16 threads, 2 threads on each Core)
MAVEN_OPTS = "${params.build_options}"
AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER = "${agent_root_folder}"
MAVEN_SETTINGS_FILE = "${maven_settings_file}"
MAVEN_ACTIVATION_PROPERTY = "${maven_activation_property}"
MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO = "${agent_root_folder}/${maven_local_repo_path}"
CLEANUP_GCUBE_REPO = "${params.cleanup_gcube_artifacts}"
REMOVE_LOCAL_REPO = "${params.cleanup_local_repo}"
GCUBE_RELEASE_NUMBER = "${params.gCube_release_version}"
RESUME_FROM = "${resume}"
TYPE = "${params.Type}"
JOB_REPORT = "${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.csv"
PREVIOUS_JOB_REPORT = "${previous_report_file}"
PREVIOUS_COMMIT_REPORT = "${previous_commit_file}"
// see https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#parameters
parameters {
choice(name: 'Type',
description: 'The type of artifacts the build is expected to generate')
string(name: 'gCube_release_version',
defaultValue: 'x.y.z',
description: 'The number of the gCube release to build. Sample values: 4.14, 4.15, etc.')
booleanParam(name: 'cleanup_gcube_artifacts',
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Wipe out the gcube artifacts from the local maven repository before the builds?')
booleanParam(name: 'cleanup_local_repo',
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Wipe out the local maven repository before the builds?')
string(name: 'resume_from',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Resume from a previous build identified by the build number.')
//see https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#stages
stages {
stage('initialize reports') {
steps {
script {
if (resume) {
try {
content = readFile("${previous_report_file}")
println "JOB REPORT CONTENT: ${content}"
jobs = parseJobs(content)
sh "rm ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv || true"
sh "cp ${PREVIOUS_COMMIT_REPORT} ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv"
} catch (Exception e) {
println "Previous job report not available or not parsable"
sh '''
# job report
echo "#StartTime ${date}" >> ${JOB_REPORT}
echo -e "JobName,Status" >> ${JOB_REPORT}
# create build report if not resumed
if [ ! -f ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv ]; then
#build report
echo "#Build ${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER},,,,,,," > ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
echo "#Release ${GCUBE_RELEASE_NUMBER},,,,,,," >> ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
echo "#StartTime ${date},,,,,,," >> ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
echo -e "GroupID,ArtifactID,Version,SCM URL,Build Number,Distribution URL,Filename,Packaging" >> ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
stage('initialize local repository') {
steps {
script {
if (!resume) {
sh '''
if [ "$CLEANUP_GCUBE_REPO" = "true" ]; then
echo "Remove gCube artifacts from local repository"
rm -rf $MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO/org/gcube
if [ "$REMOVE_LOCAL_REPO" = "true" ]; then
echo "Create a fresh local repository"
sh '''
echo "Done with local repository and settings"
// the maven-parent needs to be built (once) at each execution
stage('build maven-parent') {
steps {
script {
if (jobs['maven-parent'] == 'SUCCESS') {
echo "Skipping maven-parent"
// propagate success
sh "echo -e maven-parent,SUCCESS >> ${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.csv"
} else {
def gjob = build(job: 'maven-parent', wait: true, propagate: true,
parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'gcube_settings', value: "${maven_settings_file} -Pdry-run"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'local_repo', value: "${maven_local_repo_path}"],
[$class: 'LabelParameterValue', name: 'exec_label', label: "CD", nodeEligibility: [$class: 'AllNodeEligibility']]
sh "echo -e maven-parent,${gjob.getResult()} >> ${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.csv"
echo "Done with maven-parent"
stage('build components') {
steps {
script {
jsonConfig.gCube_release.Components.each { group_name, component_list ->
stage("build ${group_name} components") {
buildComponents items: component_list?.collect { "${it.name}" },
"${maven_settings_file}", "${maven_activation_property}", "${maven_local_repo_path}", jobs
echo "Done with ${group_name} components"
stage('generate release notes') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
ls -lrt ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
cat ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv
def report_text = sh(script: 'cat ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv', returnStdout: true)?.trim()
def pjob = build(job: 'Pipeline-gCubeReleaseNotes', wait: true, propagate: true,
parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'report', value: "${report_text}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'report_number', value: "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'gCube_release_version', value: "${params.gCube_release_version}"],
[$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'use_report_commits', value: true]]
// post-build actions
post {
always {
script {
sh '''
mv ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.csv ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.csv
cp ${AGENT_ROOT_FOLDER}/build_commits.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.csv .
echo 'The default maven settings have been restored'
success {
echo 'The pipeline worked!'
emailext to: 'jenkinsbuilds@d4science.org',
subject: "[Jenkins build D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} worked",
body: "Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}"
emailext attachmentsPattern: "**/*.${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER}.csv",
to: 'jenkinsreleases@d4science.org',
subject: "${TYPE} report for release ${GCUBE_RELEASE_NUMBER} (build #${PIPELINE_BUILD_NUMBER})",
body: "${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}. Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}"
failure {
echo 'The pipeline has failed'
emailext attachLog: true,
to: 'jenkinsbuilds@d4science.org',
subject: "[Jenkins build D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} failed",
body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}"
def buildComponents(args, maven_settings_file, maven_activation_property, maven_local_repo_path, jobs) {
if (args.items) {
parallel args.items?.collectEntries { name ->
["${name}": {
if (name && !"NONE".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
if ( (jobs["${name}"] == 'SUCCESS') ) {
echo "Skipping ${name}"
// propagate success
sh "echo -e ${name},SUCCESS >> ${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.csv"
} else {
def gjob = build(job: name, wait: true, propagate: true,
parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'gcube_settings', value: "${maven_settings_file} ${maven_activation_property}"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'local_repo', value: "${maven_local_repo_path}"],
[$class: 'LabelParameterValue', name: 'exec_label', label: "CD", nodeEligibility: [$class: 'AllNodeEligibility']]
sh "echo -e ${name},${gjob.getResult()} >> ${agent_root_folder}/build_jobs.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.csv"
Loads the jobs from the given report.
def parseJobs(content) {
def jobs = [:]
for (String line : content.split('\n')) {
if (!line.startsWith('#') && !line.startsWith('JobName')) {
def columns = line.split(',')
jobs["${columns[0]}"] = columns[1]