// REMEMBER TO FILL THE environment section with your values. // the following filed should be filled: imagename, git_url // REMEMBER to put your Dockerfile in the root folder of your project // The related jenkinsjob template is here: pipeline { agent { label 'CI'} tools { maven 'Maven 3-6-2' jdk 'OpenJDK 8' } environment { JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64' GIT_URL= '${params.GIT_URL}' GIT_BRANCH= '${params.GIT_BRANCH}' } stages { stage('Checkout git project') { steps { echo " env GIT_URL: ${env.GIT_URL}" echo " env GIT_BRANCH: ${env.GIT_BRANCH}" echo " param GIT_URL: ${params.GIT_URL}" echo " env GIT_BRANCH: ${params.GIT_BRANCH}" echo " GIT_URL: ${GIT_URL}" echo " GIT_BRANCH: ${GIT_BRANCH}" git branch: "${params.GIT_BRANCH}", credentialsId: '88b54962-1c0e-49cb-8155-22276860f346', url: "${params.GIT_URL}" } } stage('Build the job') { steps { sh 'mvn --settings $MAVEN_CONFIG_FOLDER/$gcube_settings -Dmaven.repo.local=$MAVEN_CONFIG_FOLDER/$local_repo $build_options dependency:tree clean deploy' } } stage('Clean') { steps{ sh "mvn clean" } } } // post-build actions post { success { echo 'The gCubeBuild pipeline worked!' emailext to: 'roberto.cirillo@isti.cnr.it', subject: "[Jenkins gCubeBuild Pipeline] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} worked", body: "Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}" } failure { echo 'The gCubeBuild pipeline has failed' emailext attachLog: true, to: 'roberto.cirillo@isti.cnr.it', subject: "[Jenkins DockerPipeline D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} failed", body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" } } }