#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Generate the list of repositories for the selected organization on gitea # Input: the gitea organization to browse # Output: a file with one repository name (not URL) for each line # Manuele Simi (ISTI-CNR) # organization=$1 echo "Getting the list of repos for ${organization}" if [ -z "$organization" ]; then echo "Missing organization name." echo "Synopsis: generateRepoList.sh " echo "Example: generateRepoList.sh gCubeSystem" exit 1 else #check if the organization exists http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "https://code-repo.d4science.org/api/v1/orgs/${organization}") echo "Does org ${organization} exist? ${http_code}=200" if [ "$http_code" -ne 200 ]; then echo "Org ${organization} does not exist" exit 1 fi fi pageCounter=1 timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") empty="false" echo "" > allp.json while [ $empty = "false" ] do page=$(curl -X GET "https://code-repo.d4science.org/api/v1/orgs/${organization}/repos?page=${pageCounter}&limit=100000" -H "accept: application/json") echo "Length ${#page}" #break the loop when we get an empty json response ([]) if [ ${#page} -le 2 ]; then empty="true" else echo $page | python -mjson.tool >> allp.json ((pageCounter++)) fi done grep "\"name\": " allp.json > all_filtered.json sed "s/^[ \t]*\"name\": \"//g" all_filtered.json > all_filtered1.txt sed 's/\",//g' all_filtered1.txt > all_filtered2.txt sort all_filtered2.txt > all_sorted.txt mv all_sorted.txt ${organization}_all_sorted_$timestamp.txt rm allp.json all_filtered.json all_filtered1.txt all_filtered2.txt