The portlet provides the Requesting Party Token in a given user context, useful for developers

Updated 2 days ago

A library that sits between the Liferay portal services and portlets. Provide management of users, roles and organizations. It provides a layer of abstraction above the liferay services, hiding the configuration complexities of roles and organizations.

Updated 3 days ago

The GeoPortal Data Entry App is a technology to publish and manage spatio-temporal projects in the Geoportal D4Science service

Updated 3 days ago

The gCube Data Catalog Portlet powered by CKAN

Updated 2 weeks ago

The News-Feed allows to view already published posts sorted in a reverse chronological order within a given VRE context, along with their replies and likes plus some other information, such as the date in which it was published etc.

Updated 4 weeks ago

gCube Ckan2Zenodo Publisher widget allows to publish D4Science catalogue's items on Zenodo

Updated 4 weeks ago

Workspace Portlet is a web-gui to manage the gCube workspace

Updated 1 month ago

The Workspace Tree Widget is a widget to navigate and interact with gCube Workspace

Updated 1 month ago

Trending Topics Portlet (former Top Topics) visualises a list of topics (#hashtags) that are present in the context where it is deployed. The #hashtags are ranked according to their "trendiness".

Updated 3 months ago

Workspace Uploader Widget allows you to upload your files in the gCube Workspace

Updated 3 months ago

VRE Roles and Groups viewer Portlet allows to view only the user roles and groups in a VRE.

Updated 3 months ago

Join VRE Portlet is the Explore portlet of the Gateway when the user is not logged in. When logged in it allows the user to register to VREs.

Updated 3 months ago

This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Porlet which interacts with workspace and social service to gather usage statistics (e.g. disk space in use, number of posts etc.)

Updated 3 months ago

Accounting Manager is a administration tool for monitoring and displaying statistical data concerning the D4Science Infrastructure

Updated 3 months ago

gCube Invites Members Widget is used from the portlet for inviting external users to portal VREs.

Updated 3 months ago

Create users portlet allows a VRE-Manager to enter user’s personal data and automatically register he/she in the portal. The portlet also sends a temporary password to the just registered user.

Updated 3 months ago

This portlet takes care of managing the invites received from the users and guides them throughout the necessary step required to accept such invitation URLs.

Updated 3 months ago

VRE Members Portlet displays the members of the current VRE

Updated 3 months ago