Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-widgetx-tdx-source is a widget to support the display of data from tabular data service.

Updated 4 years ago

about-vre portlet is the new name of gcube-loggedin

Updated 5 years ago

Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manages tabular data.

Updated 4 years ago

Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-unionwizard-widget is a widget to support the union operation on the portlet.

Updated 4 years ago

Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-toolbox-widget is a widget that implements the toolbar of the portlet.

Updated 4 years ago

Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-table-widget is a widget that implements the operations on table for the portlet.

Updated 4 years ago

The registry-publisher library

Updated 2 years ago