The URI Resolver is a RESTful service which gives access via HTTP(s) to different gCube Resolver services and gCube Applications

更新於 12 小時前

Scripts used to setup the resources of our infrastructure. Shell scripts, and then terraform ones

更新於 14 小時前

更新於 14 小時前

Collection of OOZIE workflows for the OpenAIRE Graph construction, processing, provisioning.

更新於 15 小時前

更新於 15 小時前

Collection of oozie workflows for creating the OpenAIRE Graph dumps and their publishing.

更新於 16 小時前

更新於 16 小時前

Initial work to kickoff lot-1

更新於 17 小時前

更新於 18 小時前

Collection of OOZIE workflows for the OpenAIRE Graph construction, processing, provisioning.

更新於 19 小時前

RDA Json File Transformer

更新於 22 小時前

Rstudio docker images. Used through JupyterHub in the D4Science VREs.

更新於 1 天前

Experiments for static web components

更新於 2 天前