package eu.dnetlib.usagestats.repositories; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.CountryRepositories; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.CountryUsageStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.CountryUsageStatsAll; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.MonthlyStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.MonthlyUsageStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.RepositoryStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.TotalStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.TotalStatsReposViewsDownloads; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.UsageStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.portal.YearlyStats; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Dataset_Performance; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Dataset_Usage; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Item_Identifiers; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Item_Performance; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Item_Usage; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.COUNTER_Platform_Usage; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.SUSHI_Consortium_Member_List; import eu.dnetlib.usagestats.sushilite.domain.SUSHI_Org_Identifiers; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; /** * Created by D.Pierrakos */ @Repository public class UsageStatsRepository { private final DataSource usageStatsDB; private final HashOperations jedis; private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Value("${prod.statsdb}") private String statsDB; @Value("${prod.usagestatsImpalaDB}") private String usagestatsImpalaDB; public UsageStatsRepository(DataSource usageStatsDB, RedisTemplate redisTemplate) { this.usageStatsDB = usageStatsDB; this.jedis = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); } private static String MD5(String string) throws { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(string.getBytes()); byte byteData[] = md.digest(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte aByteData : byteData) { sb.append(Integer.toString((aByteData & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); } return sb.toString(); } private static String toJson(Object o) throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(o); } private static UsageStats fromJson(String string) throws { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); return objectMapper.readValue(string, UsageStats.class); } /* private static List reportItemsFromJson(String string) throws Exception { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); return objectMapper.readValue(string, objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, COUNTER_Platform_Usage.class)); } */ public List executeMontlyUsageStats(String query) { List montlhyList = new ArrayList(); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection();; st = connection.prepareStatement(query);; rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { MonthlyUsageStats monthlyUsageStats = new MonthlyUsageStats(); monthlyUsageStats.addDate(rs.getString(1)); monthlyUsageStats.addDownloads(rs.getString(2)); monthlyUsageStats.addViews(rs.getString(3)); montlhyList.add(monthlyUsageStats); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put("test", "result", toJson(montlhyList)); jedis.put("test", "persistent", "false"); jedis.put("test", "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return montlhyList; } public TotalStatsReposViewsDownloads executeTotalStatsReposViewsDownloads( String query) { TotalStatsReposViewsDownloads totalStatsReposViewsDownlads = new TotalStatsReposViewsDownloads(); String total_repos = " "; String views = " "; String downloads = " "; String redis_key = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection();; st = connection.prepareStatement(query);; rs = st.executeQuery(); redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); while ( { totalStatsReposViewsDownlads.addRepositories(rs.getString(1)); totalStatsReposViewsDownlads.addViews(rs.getString(2)); totalStatsReposViewsDownlads.addDownloads(rs.getString(3)); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(totalStatsReposViewsDownlads)); jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return totalStatsReposViewsDownlads; } public CountryUsageStatsAll executeCountryUsageStats(String query) { CountryUsageStatsAll countryListAll = new CountryUsageStatsAll(); List countryList = new ArrayList(); String date = " "; String total_repos = " "; String views = " "; String downloads = " "; String redis_key = "redis_key"; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; int total_views = 0; int total_downloads = 0; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection();; st = connection.prepareStatement(query);; rs = st.executeQuery(); redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); while ( { CountryUsageStats countryUsageStats = new CountryUsageStats(); countryUsageStats.addCountry(rs.getString(1)); countryUsageStats.addTotalRepos(rs.getString(2)); countryUsageStats.addViews(rs.getString(3)); countryUsageStats.addDownloads(rs.getString(4)); total_views += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3)); total_downloads += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)); countryList.add(countryUsageStats); } countryListAll.addViewsAll(Integer.toString(total_views)); countryListAll.addDownloadsAll(Integer.toString(total_downloads)); countryListAll.addCountryUsageStats(countryList); } catch (Exception e) {; System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(countryListAll)); jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return countryListAll; } public CountryUsageStats executeCountryUsageStats(String query, String country) { CountryUsageStats countryUsageStats = new CountryUsageStats(); String total_repos = " "; String views = " "; String downloads = " "; String redis_key = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; int total_views = 0; int total_downloads = 0; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement(query); redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); //st.setString(1, country);; rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { countryUsageStats.addCountry(country); countryUsageStats.addTotalRepos(rs.getString(1)); countryUsageStats.addViews(rs.getString(2)); countryUsageStats.addDownloads(rs.getString(3)); } } catch (Exception e) {; System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(countryUsageStats)); jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return countryUsageStats; } public List executeCountryRepositories(String query) { List countryReposList = new ArrayList(); String country = " "; String repository = " "; String redis_key = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection();; st = connection.prepareStatement(query);; rs = st.executeQuery(); redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); while ( { CountryRepositories countryRepository = new CountryRepositories(); countryRepository.addCountry(rs.getString(1)); countryRepository.addRepository(rs.getString(2)); countryReposList.add(countryRepository); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(countryReposList)); jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return countryReposList; } public List executeMontlyUsageStatsForRepo(String query, String datasourceId) { List montlhyList = new ArrayList(); String redis_key = ""; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement(query); redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); st.setString(1, datasourceId);; rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { MonthlyUsageStats monthlyUsageStats = new MonthlyUsageStats(); monthlyUsageStats.addDate(rs.getString(1)); monthlyUsageStats.addDownloads(rs.getString(2)); monthlyUsageStats.addViews(rs.getString(3)); montlhyList.add(monthlyUsageStats); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } try { jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(montlhyList)); jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return montlhyList; } public UsageStats executeUsageStats(String query, List values, String type) { UsageStats usageStats = new UsageStats(); int total_views = 0; int total_downloads = 0; int page_views = 0; int openaire_downloads = 0; int openaire_views = 0; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement(query); int i = 1; for (String s : values) { st.setString(i, s); i++; } String redis_key = MD5(st.toString()); String redis_result = jedis.get(redis_key, "result"); if (redis_result != null) { return fromJson(redis_result); } rs = st.executeQuery(); if (type.equals("result")) { while ( { if (rs.getString(1).equals("views") && rs.getString(4) != null && !rs.getString(4).equals("") && !rs.getString(4).equals("null")) { usageStats.addViews(new RepositoryStats(rs.getString(3), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(4), rs.getString(5))); total_views += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)); openaire_views += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(5)); } else if (rs.getString(1).equals("downloads") && rs.getString(4) != null && !rs.getString(4).equals("") && !rs.getString(4).equals("null")) { usageStats.addDownloads(new RepositoryStats(rs.getString(3), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(4), "0")); total_downloads += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)); openaire_downloads += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(5)); } else if (rs.getString(1).equals("pageviews") && rs.getString(4) != null && !rs.getString(4).equals("") && !rs.getString(4).equals("null")) { page_views = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(4)); } } usageStats.setTotal_views(Integer.toString(total_views)); usageStats.setTotal_downloads(Integer.toString(total_downloads)); usageStats.setPageViews(Integer.toString(page_views)); usageStats.setTotal_openaire_views(Integer.toString(openaire_views)); usageStats.setTotal_openaire_downloads(Integer.toString(openaire_downloads)); } else if (type.equals("project") || type.equals("datasource")) { while ( { if (rs.getString(1).equals("views") && rs.getString(2) != null && !rs.getString(2).equals("") && !rs.getString(2).equals("null")) { total_views += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)); openaire_views += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3)); } else if (rs.getString(1).equals("downloads") && rs.getString(2) != null && !rs.getString(2).equals("") && !rs.getString(2).equals("null")) { total_downloads += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)); openaire_downloads += Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(3)); } else if (rs.getString(1).equals("pageviews") && rs.getString(2) != null && !rs.getString(2).equals("") && !rs.getString(2).equals("null")) { page_views = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)); } /* else if (rs.getString(1).equals("openaire") && rs.getString(2) != null && !rs.getString(2).equals("") && !rs.getString(2).equals("null")) { openaire = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)); } */ } usageStats.setTotal_views(Integer.toString(total_views)); usageStats.setTotal_downloads(Integer.toString(total_downloads)); usageStats.setPageViews(Integer.toString(page_views)); usageStats.setTotal_openaire_views(Integer.toString(openaire_views)); usageStats.setTotal_openaire_downloads(Integer.toString(openaire_downloads)); } jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); //jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toString(usageStats)); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(usageStats)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot execute query2 : ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return usageStats; } public TotalStats executeTotalStats() { TotalStats totalStats = null; try { String redis_result = jedis.get("total_stats", "result"); if (redis_result != null) { totalStats = fromJsonTotalStats(redis_result); } else { return updateTotalStats(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot execute totalStats : ", e); } return totalStats; } public TotalStats updateTotalStats() { TotalStats totalStats = new TotalStats(); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; HashMap> monthlyStatsMap = new HashMap<>(); try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT count(distinct d.repository_id) AS repository, count(distinct d.result_id) AS items, sum(d.count) AS downloads, sum(v.count) AS views from public.downloads_stats d FULL OUTER JOIN public.views_stats v ON d.source=v.source AND d.repository_id=v.repository_id AND d.result_id=v.result_id AND;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ndv(distinct repository_id) AS repository, ndv(distinct result_id) AS items, sum(downloads) AS downloads, sum(views) AS views FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats;"); rs = st.executeQuery();; totalStats.setRepositories(rs.getInt(1)); totalStats.setItems(rs.getInt(2)); totalStats.setDownloads(rs.getInt(3)); totalStats.setViews(rs.getInt(4)); rs.close(); st.close(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("select coalesce(, as month, count(distinct d.repository_id) as repository, count(distinct d.result_id) as items, sum(d.count) as downloads, sum(v.count) as views from public.downloads_stats d FULL OUTER JOIN public.views_stats v ON d.source=v.source AND d.repository_id=v.repository_id AND d.result_id=v.result_id AND group by month order by month;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT `date`, ndv(distinct repository_id) AS repository, ndv(distinct result_id) AS items, sum(downloads) AS downloads, sum(views) AS views FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats GROUP BY `date` ORDER BY `date`;"); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { int year = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1).substring(0, 4)); int month = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1).substring(5)); MonthlyStats monthlyStats = new MonthlyStats(); monthlyStats.setMonth(month); monthlyStats.setRepositories(rs.getInt(2)); monthlyStats.setItems(rs.getInt(3)); monthlyStats.setDownloads(rs.getInt(4)); monthlyStats.setViews(rs.getInt(5)); if (monthlyStatsMap.get(year) != null) { monthlyStatsMap.get(year).add(monthlyStats); } else { List newList = new ArrayList<>(); newList.add(monthlyStats); monthlyStatsMap.put(year, newList); } } rs.close(); st.close(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT COALESCE(SUBSTRING( FROM 1 FOR 4), SUBSTRING( FROM 1 FOR 4)) AS year, COUNT(DISTINCT d.repository_id) AS repository, COUNT(DISTINCT d.result_id) AS items, SUM(d.count) AS downloads, SUM(v.count) AS views FROM public.downloads_stats d FULL OUTER JOIN public.views_stats v ON d.source=v.source AND d.repository_id=v.repository_id AND d.result_id=v.result_id AND GROUP BY year ORDER BY year;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT SUBSTR(`date`,1,4) AS year, ndv(DISTINCT repository_id) AS repository, \n" + "ndv(DISTINCT result_id) AS items, SUM(downloads) AS downloads, SUM(views) AS views \n" + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats GROUP BY year ORDER BY year;"); rs = st.executeQuery(); List yearlyStatsList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { YearlyStats yearlyStats = new YearlyStats(); yearlyStats.setYear(rs.getInt(1)); yearlyStats.setRepositories(rs.getInt(2)); yearlyStats.setItems(rs.getInt(3)); yearlyStats.setDownloads(rs.getInt(4)); yearlyStats.setViews(rs.getInt(5)); yearlyStats.setMonthlyStats(monthlyStatsMap.get(rs.getInt(1))); yearlyStatsList.add(yearlyStats); } totalStats.setYearlyStats(yearlyStatsList); jedis.put("total_stats", "result", toJson(totalStats)); jedis.put("total_stats", "persistent", "false"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot execute totalStats : ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return totalStats; } private static TotalStats fromJsonTotalStats(String string) throws { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); return objectMapper.readValue(string, TotalStats.class); } public String executeRepoId(String repositoryIdentifier, String report) { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null;"database " + statsDB); try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); String[] split = repositoryIdentifier.split(":"); String openaire_id = "-1"; switch (split[0].toLowerCase()) { case "openaire": if (!report.equals("jr1")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("select id from " + statsDB + ".datasource where id=?"); st.setString(1, repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("select id from " + statsDB + ".datasource where id=? AND (type='Journal' OR type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher')"); st.setString(1, repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); } rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; case "opendoar": if (!report.equals("jr1")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("select id from " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids where oid=?"); st.setString(1, "opendoar____::" + repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("select distinct from " + statsDB + ".datasource d, " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids di where di.oid=? and and (type='Journal' OR type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher')"); st.setString(1, "opendoar____::" + repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); } rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; case "issn": st = connection.prepareStatement("select distinct from " + statsDB + ".datasource d, " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids di, " + statsDB + ".datasource_results dr where and di.oid like ? and and (type='Journal' OR type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher')"); st.setString(1, "%" + repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "") + "%"); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; default: return "-1"; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Repository id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return "-1"; } public String getInstitutionID(String repositoryIdentifier) { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null;"database " + statsDB); try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); String[] split = repositoryIdentifier.split(":"); String openaire_id = "-1"; switch (split[0].toLowerCase()) { case "openaire": st = connection.prepareStatement("select id from " + statsDB + ".datasource where id=?"); st.setString(1, repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; case "opendoar": st = connection.prepareStatement("select id from " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids where oid=?"); st.setString(1, "opendoar____::" + repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "")); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; case "issn": st = connection.prepareStatement("select distinct from " + statsDB + ".datasource d, " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids di, " + statsDB + ".datasource_results dr where and di.oid like ? and and (type='Journal' OR type='Journal Aggregator/Publisher')"); st.setString(1, "%" + repositoryIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", "") + "%"); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { openaire_id = rs.getString(1); } return openaire_id; default: return "-1"; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Repository id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return "-1"; } public void executeItemIR(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String itemDataType, String granularity) { String[] split = itemIdentifier.split(":"); switch (split[0].toLowerCase()) { case "oid": executeOid(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); break; case "doi": executeDoi(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); break; // case "openaire": // executeOpenaire(reportItems, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), repositoryIdentifier, itemDataType, beginDate, endDate, granularity); // break; default: } } public void executeItemDSR(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) { String[] split = itemIdentifier.split(":"); switch (split[0].toLowerCase()) { case "oid": executeDSROid(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); break; case "doi": executeDSRDoi(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); break; // case "openaire": // executeOpenaire(reportItems, itemIdentifier.replaceFirst(split[0] + ":", ""), repositoryIdentifier, itemDataType, beginDate, endDate, granularity); // break; default: } } private void executeOid(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String oid, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String itemDataType, String granularity) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_oids roid, public.downloads_stats s WHERE AND roid.orid=? UNION SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_oids roid, public.views_stats s WHERE AND roid.orid=?"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + statsDB + ".result_oids roid, " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us WHERE AND roid.oid=?"); st.setString(1, oid); //st.setString(2, oid); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (repositoryIdentifier != null) { executeBatchItemsIR(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); } else { executeItemsAllRepoIR(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); } } connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Oid to OpenAIRE id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } private void executeDoi(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String doi, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String itemDataType, String granularity) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_pids poid, public.downloads_stats s WHERE AND poid.type='doi' AND UNION SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_pids poid, public.views_stats s WHERE AND poid.type='doi' AND"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids poid, " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us WHERE AND poid.type='Digital Object Identifier' AND"); st.setString(1, doi); //st.setString(2, doi); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (repositoryIdentifier != null) { executeBatchItemsIR(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); } else { executeItemsAllRepoIR(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, itemDataType, granularity); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Doi to OpenAIRE id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } private void executeDSROid(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String oid, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_oids roid, public.downloads_stats s WHERE AND roid.orid=? UNION SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_oids roid, public.views_stats s WHERE AND roid.orid=?"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + statsDB + ".result_oids roid, " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc " + "WHERE AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND roid.oid=?"); st.setString(1, oid); //st.setString(2, oid); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (repositoryIdentifier != null) { if (checkIfDatacite(repositoryIdentifier)) { executeBatchItemsDSRDatacite(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); } else { executeBatchItemsDSR(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); } } else { // if (checkIfDatacite(repositoryIdentifier)) { // executeItemsAllRepoDSRDatacite(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); // } else { executeItemsAllRepoDSR(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); // } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Oid to OpenAIRE id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } private void executeDSRDoi(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String doi, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); //st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_pids poid, public.downloads_stats s WHERE AND poid.type='doi' AND UNION SELECT DISTINCT FROM public.result_pids poid, public.views_stats s WHERE AND poid.type='doi' AND"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids poid, " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc " + "WHERE AND poid.type='Digital Object Identifier' AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND"); st.setString(1, doi); //st.setString(2, doi); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (repositoryIdentifier != null) { if (checkIfDatacite(repositoryIdentifier)) { executeBatchItemsDSRDatacite(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); } else { executeBatchItemsDSR(reportItems, repositoryIdentifier, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); } } else { // if (checkIfDatacite(repositoryIdentifier)) { // executeItemsAllRepoDSRDatacite(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); // } else { executeItemsAllRepoDSR(reportItems, rs.getString(1), beginDate, endDate, metricType, granularity); // } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Doi to OpenAIRE id failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public void executeBatchItemsPR(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, String metricType, String dataType, String granularity) { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String platform = getInstitutionName(repositoryIdentifier);"Platform " + platform);"Data Type " + dataType); try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { if (dataType.equals("") || dataType.equals("All")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT rc.type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, " +"sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " +"sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " +"sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND GROUP BY rc.type order by rc.type ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage(platform, rs.getString(1), "Regular"); reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(5) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT rc.type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, " +"sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " +"sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " +"sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " +"FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND rc.type=? AND GROUP BY rc.type order by rc.type ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage(platform, rs.getString(1), "Regular"); reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(5) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { if (dataType.equals("") || dataType.equals("All")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, " +"sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " +"sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " +"sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND GROUP BY rc.type, us.`date` order by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { if (reportItem != null) { reportItems.add(reportItem); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage(platform, rs.getString(1), "Regular"); datatype = rs.getString(1); } if (reportItem != null) { reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(5) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(6) : null)); } endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } //add last report item reportItems.add(reportItem); } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, " +"sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " +"sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " +"sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND rc.type=? AND GROUP BY rc.type, us.`date` order by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { if (reportItem != null) { reportItems.add(reportItem); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage(platform, rs.getString(1), "Regular"); datatype = rs.getString(1); } if (reportItem != null) { reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(5) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(6) : null)); } endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } //add last report item reportItems.add(reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public void executeBatchItemsPR_P1(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate) { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); String platform = getInstitutionName(repositoryIdentifier); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT us.`date`, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, " +"sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " +"sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " +"sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? GROUP BY us.`date` order by us.`date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem = null; int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage(platform, null, "Regular"); while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(1))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); //iterate on data types reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(1))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getString(5))); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(1))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } if (reportItem.getItemPerformances().size() > 0) { reportItems.add(reportItem); } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public void executeBatchItemsIR(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String dataType, String granularity) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String platform = getInstitutionName(repositoryIdentifier); if (itemIdentifier.equals("")) { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + "openaire_prod_stats.result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? " + "AND AND AND us.repository_id=? " + "GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? " + "AND AND AND us.repository_id=? and rc.type=? " + "GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp1, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? " + "AND AND AND us.repository_id=? AND rc.type=? " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; List identifiers = null; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // // //} endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } else { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? " + "AND us.result_id=? GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd WHERE " + "GROUP BY repo,type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item, yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, " + "sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(select distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND " + "AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND rc.type=? GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); st.setString(5, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Items_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Items_Ivestigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, uniquedownloads,uniqueviews " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(select distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(select distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND " + "AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND rc.type=? " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); st.setString(5, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; List identifiers = null; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } } public void executeItemsAllRepoIR(List reportItems, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String dataType, String granularity) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, name, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo,rc.type type, as name, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, (SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? " + "AND GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,name, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(8), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, name, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo,rc.type type, as name, sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, (SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? AND rc.type=? " + "AND GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,name, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { //String platform = getInstitutionName(rs.getString(8)); reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(8), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { if (dataType.equals("")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, name, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, as name, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, (SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? AND " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,`date`,name, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(9), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(11) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } else { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`,total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, name, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` `date`,rc.type type, as name, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, (SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? AND AND rc.type=? " + "GROUP BY us.`date`,rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, tmp, tpd " + "WHERE group by repo,`date`,name, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); st.setString(4, dataType); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Item_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Item_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Item_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(9), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), null, "Regular"); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Item_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(11) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public void executeBatchItemsDSR(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String platform = getInstitutionName(repositoryIdentifier); if (itemIdentifier.equals("")) { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>='? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(10)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } //} } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, us.`date`, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` as `date`, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY us.`date`, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations ORDER BY `date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; List identifiers = null; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } else { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews," // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(10)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, us.`date`, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` as `date`, rc.type type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY us.`date`, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, us.`date`) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations ORDER BY `date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } } public void executeItemsAllRepoDSR(List reportItems, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; PreparedStatement st1 = null; ResultSet rs = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT rc.type, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid,, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations, " + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds, openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp " + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND us.result_id=? AND " + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.year,,dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid,name, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type,, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' AND GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id, tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY name, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations "); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); // + "UNION " st1 = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, cast(dp.yop as Int) as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, dp.platform, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " + "dp.access_method access_method FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and AND " + "AND GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type, "); st1.setString(1, report_dateFormat.format(beginDate)); st1.setString(2, report_dateFormat.format(endDate)); st1.setString(3, itemIdentifier); COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { // String platform = getInstitutionName(rs.getString(8)); reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(8), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { // String platform = getInstitutionName(rs.getString(8)); reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs1.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", rs1.getString(8), rs1.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs1.getInt(6)), rs1.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs1.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs1.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs1.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs1.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs1.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid,, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND us.result_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, us.`date`, rs.year,, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " + "SELECT type, `date`, total_item_requests, total_item_investigations, resultid, item, yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations, name, 'Regular' as access_method " + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` as `date`, rc.type type,, sum(us.total_item_requests) as total_item_requests, sum(us.total_item_investigations) as total_item_investigations, " + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " + "sum(us.unique_item_requests)) as unique_item_requests, sum(us.unique_item_investigations) as unique_item_investigations " + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".counter_r5_stats_with_metrics us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND AND us.result_id=? " + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY, us.repository_id, rc.type, us.`date`, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.`date`) tmp, tpd " + "WHERE GROUP BY name,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,total_item_requests,total_item_investigations,unique_item_requests,unique_item_investigations ORDER BY `date` ASC;"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); st1 = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, dp.period_from, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, dp.platform, " + "dp.access_method access_method FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and and " + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,, dp.period_from"); st1.setString(1, report_dateFormat.format(beginDate)); st1.setString(2, report_dateFormat.format(endDate)); st1.setString(3, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(11), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(12)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } rs1 = st1.executeQuery(); while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs1.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs1.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs1.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs1.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", rs1.getString(11), rs1.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs1.getInt(7)), rs1.getString(12)); String[] identifiersAll = rs1.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(report_dateFormat.parse(rs1.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs1.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs1.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs1.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs1.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs1.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } public void executeBatchItemsDSRDatacite(List reportItems, String repositoryIdentifier, String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); //SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); String beginDateStr = report_dateFormat.format(beginDate); String endDateStr = report_dateFormat.format(endDate); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String platform = getInstitutionName(repositoryIdentifier); if (itemIdentifier.equals("")) { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and and " + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(10)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } //} } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, us.`date`, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, dp.period_from, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and and " + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,, dp.period_from"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; List identifiers = null; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // if (reportItem != null) { // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } else { try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews," // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and AND and " + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } while ( { reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(10)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(8) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); } } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (select id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id from " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " // + "SELECT rc.type, us.`date`, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " // + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, " // + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews, " // + "case when us.source='Datacite' then dp.access_method else 'regular' end as access_method " // + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us, " + statsDB + ".result_classifications rc, " + statsDB + ".result rs, " // + statsDB + ".result_oids ro, tpd, datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp " // + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND us.repository_id=? AND us.result_id=? AND " // + "AND AND AND AND rc.type='Dataset' AND dp.ds_type=ro.oid " // + "GROUP BY us.source,, rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, us.`date`, rs.year, dp.access_method ORDER by rc.type, us.`date` ASC;"); st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, dp.period_from, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM openaire_prod_datacite_usage_stats.datasetsperformance_nonarray_view dp, " + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and AND and " + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,, dp.period_from"); st.setString(1, beginDateStr); st.setString(2, endDateStr); st.setString(3, repositoryIdentifier); st.setString(4, itemIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); String result = ""; String lastDate = ""; COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[0] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[1] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { metricTypeValue[2] = true; } if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { metricTypeValue[3] = true; } int ft_total = 0; int abstr = 0; Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); endCal.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(endDateStr)); endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); lastDate = beginDateStr; String datatype = ""; while ( { Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); // //iterate on data types if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { datatype = rs.getString(1); } reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", platform, rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(11)); String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); } reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); reportItems.add(reportItem); endC.setTime(report_dateFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); lastDate = report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()); //if (reportItem != null) { //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); } } /* jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } } } // public void executeItemsAllRepoDSRDatacite(List reportItems, // String itemIdentifier, Date beginDate, // Date endDate, List metricType, String granularity) throws Exception { // SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // SimpleDateFormat postgresFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM"); // String beginDateStr = postgresFormat.format(beginDate); // String endDateStr = postgresFormat.format(endDate); // // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement st = null; // ResultSet rs = null; // // try { // connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); // // if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("totals")) { // //// st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " //// + "SELECT type, downloads, views, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, uniquedownloads,uniqueviews, 'Regular' as access_method " //// + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, rc.type type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " //// + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " //// + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews " //// + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " //// + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? " //// + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY rc.type, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.repository_id) tmp, tpd " //// + "WHERE GROUP BY repo, type,resultid,item,yop,downloads,views,uniquedownloads,uniqueviews"); // st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " // + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " // + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp, " // + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " // + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and AND and " // + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,"); // st.setString(1, beginDateStr); // st.setString(2, endDateStr); // st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); // // rs = st.executeQuery(); // COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; // boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; // // if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { // metricTypeValue[0] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { // metricTypeValue[1] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { // metricTypeValue[2] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { // metricTypeValue[3] = true; // } // // while ( { // String platform = getInstitutionName(rs.getString(8)); // reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(5), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(8), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(6)), rs.getString(11)); // String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(7).split("#!#"); // for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { // String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); // reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); // } // // reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(beginDate), report_dateFormat.format(endDate), // metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(2) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(9) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null)); // reportItems.add(reportItem); // } // // //} // } else if (granularity.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { // //// st = connection.prepareStatement("WITH tpd as (SELECT distinct id, concat(type,'#-#',pid) type_id FROM " + statsDB + ".result_pids) " //// + "SELECT type, `date`, downloads, views, resultid, item,yop,group_concat(distinct tpd.type_id,'#!#') as oid, uniquedownloads,uniqueviews, 'Regular' as access_method " //// + "FROM (SELECT us.repository_id repo, us.`date` as `date`, rc.type type, sum(us.downloads) as downloads, sum(us.views) as views, " //// + "us.result_id as resultid, rs.title as item, rs.year as yop, " //// + "count(case when us.downloads >0 then 1 else null end) as uniquedownloads, count(case when us.views >0 then 1 else null end) as uniqueviews " //// + "FROM " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us,(SELECT distinct id, type FROM " + statsDB + ".result_classifications) rc, openaire_prod_stats.result rs " //// + "WHERE us.`date`>=? AND us.`date`<=? AND AND AND us.result_id=? " //// + "AND rc.type='Dataset' GROUP BY rc.type, us.`date`, rs.title, us.result_id, rs.title, rs.year, us.`date`) tmp, tpd " //// + "WHERE GROUP BY repo,`date`, type,resultid,item,yop,downloads,views,uniquedownloads,uniqueviews ORDER BY `date` ASC;"); // st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT 'Dataset' as type, dp.period_from, sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as downloads, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='total-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as views, " // + " as resultid,dp.ds_title as item, dp.yop as yop, concat('Digital Object Identifier#-#',dp.ds_type) as oid, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-requests' then count else 0 end) as uniquedownloads, " // + "sum(case when dp.metric_type='unique-dataset-investigations' then count else 0 end) as uniqueviews, " // + "dp.access_method access_method, dp.platform FROM datasetsusagestats_20210312a.datasetsperformance dp, " // + statsDB + ".result_pids rp, " + statsDB + ".datasource ds " // + "WHERE dp.period_from>=? AND dp.period_end<=? and and and " // + "GROUP BY dp.ds_title, dp.yop, dp.platform, dp.access_method, dp.ds_type,, dp.period_from"); // st.setString(1, beginDateStr); // st.setString(2, endDateStr); // st.setString(3, itemIdentifier); // // rs = st.executeQuery(); // String result = ""; // String lastDate = ""; // COUNTER_Dataset_Usage reportItem = null; // boolean[] metricTypeValue = {false, false, false, false}; // // if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Requests")) { // metricTypeValue[0] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Total_Dataset_Investigations")) { // metricTypeValue[1] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Requests")) { // metricTypeValue[2] = true; // } // if (metricType.contains("Unique_Dataset_Investigations")) { // metricTypeValue[3] = true; // } // // int ft_total = 0; // int abstr = 0; // // Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); // endCal.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(endDateStr)); // endCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // Date endDateForZeros = endCal.getTime(); // // lastDate = beginDateStr; // String datatype = ""; // // while ( { // Calendar endC = Calendar.getInstance(); // endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); // endC.set(Calendar.DATE, endC.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); //// //iterate on data types // if (!datatype.equals(rs.getString(1))) { //// if (reportItem != null) { //// reportItems.add(reportItem); //// } //// reportItem = new COUNTER_Platform_Usage("", "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1), "Regular", ""); // datatype = rs.getString(1); // } // reportItem = new COUNTER_Dataset_Usage(rs.getString(6), "OpenAIRE", rs.getString(9), rs.getString(1), Integer.toString(rs.getInt(7)), rs.getString(12)); // String[] identifiersAll = rs.getString(8).split("#!#"); // for (int i = 0; i < identifiersAll.length; i++) { // String[] typeIdentifierArray = identifiersAll[i].split("#-#"); // reportItem.addIdentifier(new COUNTER_Dataset_Identifiers(typeIdentifierArray[0], typeIdentifierArray[1])); // } // // reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Dataset_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))), report_dateFormat.format(endC.getTime()), // metricTypeValue[0] == true ? rs.getString(3) : null, metricTypeValue[1] == true ? rs.getString(4) : null, metricTypeValue[2] == true ? rs.getString(10) : null, metricTypeValue[3] == true ? rs.getString(11) : null)); // reportItems.add(reportItem); // // endC.setTime(postgresFormat.parse(rs.getString(2))); // endC.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // lastDate = postgresFormat.format(endC.getTime()); // //if (reportItem != null) { // //fillWithZeros(postgresFormat.parse(lastDate), endDateForZeros, reportItem); // } // } // /* // jedis.put(redis_key, "persistent", "false"); // jedis.put(redis_key, "query", st.toString()); // jedis.put(redis_key, "result", toJson(reportItems)); // jedis.put(redis_key, "fetchMode", "3"); // */ // } catch (Exception e) { // log.error("Batch Item Report failed: ", e); // } finally { // DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); // DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); // DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); // } // } private void fillWithZeros(Date from, Date to, COUNTER_Platform_Usage reportItem) { SimpleDateFormat report_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar fromCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); fromCalendar.setTime(from); Calendar toCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); toCalendar.setTime(to); while (from.before(to)) { Calendar temp_c = Calendar.getInstance(); temp_c.setTime(from); temp_c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, temp_c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); Date temp_endDate = temp_c.getTime(); reportItem.addPerformance(new COUNTER_Item_Performance(report_dateFormat.format(from), report_dateFormat.format(temp_endDate), "0", "0", "0", "0")); fromCalendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); from = fromCalendar.getTime(); } } public String getInstitutionName(String repositoryIdentifier) { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null; String institutionName = ""; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement("select name from " + statsDB + ".datasource where id=?"); st.setString(1, repositoryIdentifier); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { institutionName = rs.getString(1); } return institutionName; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Repository name failed: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return "-1"; } public boolean checkServiceConnection() { Connection connection = null; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); if (connection != null) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) {; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return false; } public ArrayList buildMembersList() { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null; ArrayList membersList = new ArrayList(); try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement("select distinct us.repository_id,, do.oid from " + statsDB + ".datasource d, " + statsDB + ".datasource_oids do, " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats us " + "where and and and do.oid not like '%piwik%' order by do.oid asc"); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { ArrayList identifiers = new ArrayList(); identifiers.add(new SUSHI_Org_Identifiers("OpenAIRE", rs.getString(1))); identifiers.add(new SUSHI_Org_Identifiers("OpenDOAR", rs.getString(3))); membersList.add(new SUSHI_Consortium_Member_List(null, null, rs.getString(2), null, identifiers)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("No member found " + e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return membersList; } public boolean checkIfDatacite(String repositoryIdentifer) { PreparedStatement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean dataciteMember = false; try { connection = usageStatsDB.getConnection(); st = connection.prepareStatement("select distinct source from " + usagestatsImpalaDB + ".usage_stats where repository_id=?;"); st.setString(1, repositoryIdentifer); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.getString(1).equals("Datacite")) { dataciteMember = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("No member found " + e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(st); DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } return dataciteMember; } }