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--- a/docs/data-model/data-model.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/data-model.md
@@ -15,12 +15,9 @@ Its main entities are described in brief below:
* [Data Sources](entities/data-source) are the resources used to collect metadata for the graph objects
* [Organizations](entities/organization) correspond to companies or research institutions involved in projects,
responsible for operating data sources or consisting the affiliations of Product creators.
* [Projects](entities/project) are research projects funded by a Funding Stream of a Funder.
* [Communities](entities/community) are groups of people with a common research intent.
:::note Further reading
A detailed report on the OpenAIRE Research Graph Data Model can be found on [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/2643199).
diff --git a/docs/data-model/entities/community.md b/docs/data-model/entities/community.md
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--- a/docs/data-model/entities/community.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/community.md
@@ -17,6 +17,67 @@ For example, the organizations supporting a research infrastructure fall in the
### id
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+The OpenAIRE id for the community/research infrastructure, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
\ No newline at end of file
+"id": "00|context_____::5b7f9fa40bdc12072249204cedfa7808"
+### acronym
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The acronym of the community.
+"acronym": "covid-19"
+### description
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Description of the research community/research infrastructure
+"description": "This portal provides access to publications, research data, projects and software that may be relevant to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The OpenAIRE COVID-19 Gateway aggregates COVID-19 related records, links them and provides a single access point for discovery and navigation. We tag content from the OpenAIRE Research Graph (10,000+ data sources) and additional sources. All COVID-19 related research results are linked to people, organizations and projects, providing a contextualized navigation."
+### name
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The long name of the community.
+"name": "Corona Virus Disease"
+### subject
+_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
+The list of the subjects associated to the research community (only appies to research communities).
+"subject": [
+ "COVID19",
+ "SARS-CoV",
+ "HCoV-19",
+ ...
+### type
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The type of the community; one of `{ Research Community, Research infrastructure }`.
+"type": "Research Community"
+### zenodo_community
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The URL of the Zenodo community associated to the Research community/Research infrastructure.
+"zenodo_community": "https://zenodo.org/communities/covid-19"
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--- a/docs/data-model/entities/data-source.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/data-source.md
@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ sidebar_position: 2
# Data source
-OpenAIRE entity instances are created out of data collected from various data sources of different kinds, such as publication repositories, dataset archives, CRIS systems, funder databases, etc. Data sources export information packages (e.g., XML records, HTTP responses, RDF data, JSON) that may contain information on one or more of such entities and possibly relationships between them. For example, a metadata record about a project carries information for the creation of a Project entity and its participants (as Organization entities). It is important, once each piece of information is extracted from such packages and inserted into the OpenAIRE information space as an entity, for such pieces to keep provenance information relative to the originating data source. This is to give visibility to the data source, but also to enable the reconstruction of the very same piece of information if problems arise.
+OpenAIRE entity instances are created out of data collected from various data sources of different kinds, such as publication repositories, dataset archives, CRIS systems, funder databases, etc. Data sources export information packages (e.g., XML records, HTTP responses, RDF data, JSON) that may contain information on one or more of such entities and possibly relationships between them.
-Definitions for the re3data specific elements from: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_758898_6/component/file_775891/content
+For example, a metadata record about a project carries information for the creation of a Project entity and its participants (as Organization entities). It is important, once each piece of information is extracted from such packages and inserted into the OpenAIRE information space as an entity, for such pieces to keep provenance information relative to the originating data source. This is to give visibility to the data source, but also to enable the reconstruction of the very same piece of information if problems arise.
@@ -16,127 +15,280 @@ OpenAIRE entity instances are created out of data collected from various data so
### id
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+The OpenAIRE id of the data source, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+"id": "10|issn___print::22c514d022b199c346e7f29ca06efc95"
### originalId
_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
-The list of original ids associated to the datasource.
+The list of original identifiers associated to the datasource.
+"originalId": [
+ "issn___print::2451-8271",
+ ...
### pid
_Type: [ControlledField](other#controlledfield) • Cardinality: MANY_
The persistent identifiers for the datasource.
+"pid": [
+ {
+ "scheme": "DOI",
+ "value": "10.5281/zenodo.4707307"
+ },
+ ...
### datasourcetype
_Type: [ControlledField](other#controlledfield) • Cardinality: ONE_
-The datasource type (e.g. pubsrepository::institutional, Institutional Repository) as in the vocabulary [dnet:datasource_typologies](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel).
+The datasource type; see the vocabulary [dnet:datasource_typologies](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:datasource_typologies).
+"datasourcetype": {
+ "scheme": "pubsrepository::journal",
+ "value": "Journal"
### openairecompatibility
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-The OpenAIRE compatibility of the ingested results, indicates which guidelines they are compliant to the vocabulary [dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel).
+The OpenAIRE compatibility of the ingested results, indicates which guidelines they are compliant according to the vocabulary [dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel).
+"openairecompatibility": "collected from a compatible aggregator"
### officialname
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The official name of the datasource.
+"officialname": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
### englishname
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The English name of the datasource.
+"englishname": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
### websiteurl
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the website of the datasource.
+"websiteurl": "http://dspace.unict.it/"
### logourl
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the logo for the datasource.
+"logourl": "https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/public/journals/26/pageHeaderLogoImage_en_US.png"
### dateofvalidation
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-The date of validation against the guidelines for the datasource records.
+The date of validation against the OpenAIRE guidelines for the datasource records.
+"dateofvalidation": "2016-10-10"
### description
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The description for the datasource.
-### subjects
-_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+"description": "Recent Patents on Medical Imaging publishes review and research articles, and guest edited single-topic issues on recent patents in the field of medical imaging. It provides an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The journal is essential reading for all researchers involved in Medical Imaging."
-The subjects of the contents provided by the datasource.
+### subjects
+_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
+List of subjects associated to the datasource
+"subjects": [
+ "Medicine",
+ "Imaging",
+ ...
### languages
_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
-The languages of the contents provided by the datasource (OpenDOAR only).
+The languages present in the data source's content, as defined by OpenDOAR.
+ "eng",
+ ...
### contenttypes
_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
-The typologies of the contents provided by the datasource (OpenDOAR only).
+Types of content in the data source, as defined by OpenDOAR
+"contenttypes": [
+ "Journal articles",
+ ...
### releasestartdate
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Releasing date of the data source, as defined by re3data.org.
+"releasestartdate": "2010-07-24"
### releaseenddate
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Date when the data source went offline or stopped ingesting new research data. As defined by re3data.org
+"releaseenddate": "2016-03-28"
### accessrights
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-Open, restricted or closed.
+Type of access to the data source, as defined by re3data.org. Possible values: `{ open, restricted, closed }`.
+"accessrights": "open"
### uploadrights
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-Open, restricted or closed.
+Type of data upload, as defined by re3data.org; one of `{ open, restricted, closed }`.
+"uploadrights": "closed"
### databaseaccessrestriction
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-All existing access restrictions to the research data repository. Allowed values are: feeRequired, registration, other (re3data only).
+Access restrictions to the research data repository. Allowed values are: `{ feeRequired, registration, other }`.
+This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification](https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_758898_6/component/file_775891/content) for more details.
+"databaseaccessrestriction": "registration"
### datauploadrestriction
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-All existing restrictions to the data upload. (re3data only).
+Upload restrictions applied by the datasource, as defined by re3data.org. One of `{ feeRequired, registration, other }`.
+This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification](https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_758898_6/component/file_775891/content) for more details.
+"datauploadrestriction": "feeRequired registration"
### versioning
_Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE_
-The research data repository supports versioning of research data. (re3data only).
+Whether the research data repository supports versioning:
+`yes` if the data source supports versioning, `no` otherwise.
+This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification](https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_758898_6/component/file_775891/content) for more details.
+"versioning": true
### citationguidelineurl
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-The URL of the research data repository providing information on how to cite its research data. The DataCite citation format is recommended (http://www.datacite.org/whycitedata). (re3data only)
+The URL of the data source providing information on how to cite its items. The DataCite citation format is recommended (http://www.datacite.org/whycitedata).
+This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification](https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_758898_6/component/file_775891/content) for more details.
+"citationguidelineurl": "https://physionet.org/about/#citation"
### pidsystems
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The persistent identifier system that is used by the data source. As defined by re3data.org.
+"pidsystems": "hdl"
### certificates
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The certificate, seal or standard the data source complies with. As defined by re3data.org.
+"certificates": "WDS"
### policies
_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
+Policies of the data source, as defined in OpenDOAR.
### journal
_Type: [Container](other#container) • Cardinality: ONE_
+Information about the journal, if this data source is of type Journal.
+"container": {
+ "edition": "",
+ "iss": "5",
+ "issnLinking": "",
+ "issnOnline": "1873-7625",
+ "issnPrinted":"2451-8271",
+ "name": "Recent Patents and Topics on Imaging",
+ "sp": "12",
+ "ep": "22",
+ "vol": "50"
+### missionstatementurl
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The URL of a mission statement describing the designated community of the data source. As defined by re3data.org
+"missionstatementurl": "https://www.sigma2.no/content/nird-research-data-archive"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 7af09a71..47f224ac 100644
--- a/docs/data-model/entities/organization.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/organization.md
@@ -14,35 +14,81 @@ Organizations include companies, research centers or institutions involved as pr
### id
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
-Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+The OpenAIRE id for the organization, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+"id": "20|openorgs____::b84450f9864182c67b8611b5593f4250"
### legalshortname
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The legal name in short form of the organization.
+"legalshortname": "ARC"
### legalname
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The legal name of the organization.
+"legalname": "Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies"
### alternativenames
_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
-The alternative names of the organization.
+Alternative names that identify the organization.
+"alternativenames": [
+ "Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies",
+ "Athena RIC",
+ "ARC",
+ ...
### websiteurl
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
The websiteurl of the organization.
+"websiteurl": "https://www.athena-innovation.gr/el/announce/pressreleases.html"
### country
_Type: [Country](other#country) • Cardinality: ONE_
The country where the organization is located.
+ "code": "GR",
+ "label": "Greece"
### pid
_Type: [OrganizationPid](other#organizationpid) • Cardinality: MANY_
The list of persistent identifiers for the organization.
+"pid": [
+ {
+ "scheme": "ISNI",
+ "value": "0000 0004 0393 5688"
+ },
+ {
+ "scheme": "GRID",
+ "value":
+ "grid.19843.37"
+ },
+ ...
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/docs/data-model/entities/other.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/other.md
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Persistent identifier associated with this author.
"scheme": "orcid",
"value": "0000-0001-7169-1177"
- "provenance" {
+ "provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
@@ -339,6 +339,68 @@ The country label.
"label": "Italy"
+## Funding
+Funding information for a project.
+### funding_stream
+_Type: [FundingStream](#fundingstream) • Cardinality: ONE_
+Funding information for the project.
+"funding_stream": {
+ "description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action",
+ "id": "EC::H2020::RIA"
+### jurisdiction
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Geographical jurisdiction (e.g. for European Commission is EU, for Croatian Science Foundation is HR).
+"jurisdiction": "EU"
+### name
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The name of the funder.
+"name": "European Commission"
+### shortName
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The short name of the funder.
+"shortName": "EC"
+## FundingStream
+Description of a funding stream.
+### id
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The identifier of the funding stream.
+"id": "EC::H2020::RIA"
+### description
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Short description of the funding stream.
+"description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action"
## GeoLocation
Represents the geolocation information.
@@ -370,6 +432,57 @@ The name of a specific place.
"place": "Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany"
+## Grant
+The money granted to a project.
+### currency
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The currency of the granted amount (e.g. EUR).
+"currency": "EUR"
+### fundedamount
+_Type: Number • Cardinality: ONE_
+The funded amount.
+"fundedamount": 1.0E7
+### totalcost
+_Type: Number • Cardinality: ONE_
+The total cost of the project.
+"totalcost": 1.0E7
+## H2020Programme
+The H2020 programme funding a project.
+### code
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The code of the programme.
+"code": "H2020-EU."
+### description
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The description of the programme.
+"description": "Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures"
## Instance
An instance is one specific materialization or version of the result. For example, you can have one result with three instances as result of deduplication:
@@ -601,7 +714,7 @@ _Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) • Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the reason why this country is associated to this result.
-"provenance" : {
+"provenance": {
"provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.85"
@@ -640,8 +753,8 @@ Contains the subject term: subject type (keyword, MeSH, etc) and the subject ter
"subject": {
- "scheme":"keyword",
- "value":"SVOC"
+ "scheme": "keyword",
+ "value": "SVOC"
@@ -652,8 +765,8 @@ Contains provenance information for the subject term.
"provenance": {
- "provenance":"Harvested",
- "trust":"0.9"
+ "provenance": "Harvested",
+ "trust": "0.9"
diff --git a/docs/data-model/entities/project.md b/docs/data-model/entities/project.md
index 16785068..cc984ff7 100644
--- a/docs/data-model/entities/project.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/project.md
@@ -15,17 +15,157 @@ _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](entity-identifiers).
+"id": "40|corda__h2020::70ea22400fd890c5033cb31642c4ae68"
### code
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Τhe grant agreement code of the project.
+"code": "777541"
### acronym
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Project's acronym.
+"acronym": "OpenAIRE-Advance"
### title
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Project's title.
+"title": "OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship"
+### callidentifier
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The identifier of the research call.
+"callidentifier": "H2020-EINFRA-2017"`
+### funding
+_Type: [Funding](other#funding) • Cardinality: MANY_
+Funding information for the project.
+"funding": [
+ {
+ "funding_stream": {
+ "description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action",
+ "id": "EC::H2020::RIA"
+ },
+ "jurisdiction": "EU",
+ "name": "European Commission",
+ "shortName": "EC"
+ }
+### granted
+_Type: [Grant](other#grant) • Cardinality: ONE_
+The money granted to the project.
+"granted": {
+ "currency": "EUR",
+ "fundedamount": 1.0E7,
+ "totalcost": 1.0E7
+### h2020programme
+_Type: [H2020Programme](other#h2020programme) • Cardinality: MANY_
+The H2020 programme funding the project.
+ {
+ "code": "H2020-EU.",
+ "description": "Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures"
+ }
+### keywords
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+"keywords": [
+ "Open Science",
+ ...
+### openaccessmandatefordataset
+_Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE_
+"openaccessmandatefordataset": true
+### openaccessmandateforpublications
+_Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE_
+"openaccessmandateforpublications": true
+### startdate
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The start year of the project.
+"startdate": "2018-01-01"
+### enddate
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The end year pf the project.
+"enddate": "2021-02-28"
+### subject
+_Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_
+The subjects of the project
+"subject": [
+ "Data and Distributed Computing e-infrastructures for Open Science",
+ ...
+### summary
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+Short summary of the project.
+"summary": "OpenAIRE-Advance continues the mission of OpenAIRE to support the Open Access/Open Data mandates in Europe. By sustaining the current successful infrastructure, comprised of a human network and robust technical services, it consolidates its achievements while working to shift the momentum among its communities to Open Science, aiming to be a trusted e-Infrastructurewithin the realms of the European Open Science Cloud.In this next phase, OpenAIRE-Advance strives to empower its National Open Access Desks (NOADs) so they become a pivotal part within their own national data infrastructures, positioningOA and open science onto national agendas. The capacity building activities bring together experts ontopical task groups in thematic areas(open policies, RDM, legal issues, TDM), promoting a train the trainer approach, strengthening and expanding the pan-European Helpdesk with support and training toolkits, training resources and workshops.It examines key elements of scholarly communication, i.e., co-operative OA publishing and next generation repositories, to develop essential building blocks of the scholarly commons.On the technical level OpenAIRE-Advance focuses on the operation and maintenance of the OpenAIRE technical TRL8/9 services,and radically improvesthe OpenAIRE services on offer by: a) optimizing their performance and scalability, b) refining their functionality based on end-user feedback, c) repackagingthem into products, taking a professional marketing approach with well-defined KPIs, d)consolidating the range of services/products into a common e-Infra catalogue to enable a wider uptake.OpenAIRE-Advancesteps up its outreach activities with concrete pilots with three major RIs,citizen science initiatives, and innovators via a rigorous Open Innovation programme. Finally, viaits partnership with COAR, OpenAIRE-Advance consolidatesOpenAIRE’s global roleextending its collaborations with Latin America, US, Japan, Canada, and Africa."
+### websiteurl
+_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
+The website of the project
+"websiteurl": "https://www.openaire.eu/advance/"
diff --git a/docs/data-model/entities/result.md b/docs/data-model/entities/result.md
index ff56aed1..2d62bc3c 100644
--- a/docs/data-model/entities/result.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/entities/result.md
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publi
"scheme": "orcid",
"value": "0000-0002-3789-9238"
- "provenance" {
+ "provenance"; {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
@@ -263,12 +263,12 @@ Persistent identifiers of the result. See also the [OpenAIRE entity identifier a
"pid": [
- "scheme":"pmc",
- "value":"PMC8024784"
+ "scheme": "pmc",
+ "value": "PMC8024784"
- "scheme":"doi",
- "value":"10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"
+ "scheme": "doi",
+ "value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"
@@ -314,12 +314,12 @@ Subject, keyword, classification code, or key phrase describing the resource.
"subjecsts": [
"provenance": {
- "provenance":"Harvested",
- "trust":"0.9"
+ "provenance": "Harvested",
+ "trust": "0.9"
"subject": {
- "scheme":"keyword",
- "value":"Open science"
+ "scheme": "keyword",
+ "value": "Open science"
@@ -342,15 +342,15 @@ Container has information about the conference or journal where the result has b
"container": {
- "edition":"",
- "iss":"5",
- "issnLinking":"",
- "issnOnline":"1873-7625",
- "issnPrinted":"0048-7333",
- "name":"Research Policy",
- "sp":"12",
- "ep":"22",
- "vol":"50"
+ "edition": "",
+ "iss": "5",
+ "issnLinking": "",
+ "issnOnline": "1873-7625",
+ "issnPrinted": "0048-7333",
+ "name": "Research Policy",
+ "sp": "12",
+ "ep": "22",
+ "vol": "50"
### Dataset
diff --git a/docs/data-model/relationships.md b/docs/data-model/relationships.md
index 5832dd28..8d2bc42c 100644
--- a/docs/data-model/relationships.md
+++ b/docs/data-model/relationships.md
@@ -15,31 +15,66 @@ _Type: [Node](#the-node-object) • Cardinality: ONE_
Represents the source node in the relation.
+"source": {
+ "id": "20|openorgs____::1cb75a3ad756e4c83e455e3e7347643b",
+ "type": "organization"
### target
_Type: [Node](#the-node-object) • Cardinality: ONE_
Represents the target node in the relation.
+"target": {
+ "id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f",
+ "type": "datasource"
### reltype
_Type: [RelType](#the-reltype-object) • Cardinality: ONE_
Represent the semantics of the relation between two nodes of the graph.
+"reltype": {
+ "name": "provides",
+ "type": "provision"
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](entities/other#provenance-1) • Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information.
+"provenance": {
+ "provenance": "Harvested",
+ "trust":"0.900"
### validated
_Type: Boolean • Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates weather or not the relation was validated.
+"validated": true
### validationDate
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the validation date of the relation - applies only when the validated flag is set to true.
+"validationDate": "2022-09-02"
## The `Node` object
@@ -52,11 +87,18 @@ _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.
+"id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f"
### type
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Graph node type.
+"type": "datasource"
## The `RelType` object
@@ -67,19 +109,25 @@ _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Relation category, e.g. affiliation, citation, see table Relation typologies.
+"name": "provides"
### name
_Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_
Further specifies the relation semantic, indicating the relation direction, e.g. Cites, isCitedBy.
+"type": "provision"
## Relationship types
The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the graph dump.
-| # | source entity type | target entity type | relType.type | relType.name | relType.name (inverse) |
+| # | Source entity type | Target entity type | Relation type | Relation name | Inverse relation name |
| 1 | [Project](entities/project) | [Result](entities/result) | outcome | produces | isProducedBy |
| 2 | [Result](entities/result) | [Organization](entities/organization) | affiliation | hasAuthorInstitution | isAuthorInstitutionOf |
@@ -90,9 +138,9 @@ The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the graph
| 7 | [Data source](entities/data-source) | [Organization](entities/organization) | provision | provides | isProvidedBy |
| 8 | [Result](entities/result) | [Data source](entities/data-source) | provision | isHostedBy | hosts |
| 9 | [Result](entities/result) | [Data source](entities/data-source) | provision | isProvidedBy | provides |
-| 10 | [Result](entities/result) | [CommunityInitiative](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
-| 11 | [Organization](entities/organization) | [CommunityInitiative](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
-| 12 | [Data source](entities/data-source) | [CommunityInitiative](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
-| 13 | [Project](entities/project) | [CommunityInitiative](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
+| 10 | [Result](entities/result) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
+| 11 | [Organization](entities/organization) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
+| 12 | [Data source](entities/data-source) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
+| 13 | [Project](entities/project) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
diff --git a/sidebar-utils.js b/sidebar-utils.js
index c910d534..ee69999f 100644
--- a/sidebar-utils.js
+++ b/sidebar-utils.js
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ function filterItems(items, itemsToFilter) {
// filter out items in current level
return result.filter( item => !itemsToFilter.includes(item.id) );
- }
- module.exports = {
+module.exports = {
- };
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\ No newline at end of file