alessia_____::104c2d4ba8878c16fa824dce5b1bea57 12d8f77e-d66f-46f5-8d88-af7db23bc4c9 2023-09-08T10:12:35.864+02:00 alessia_____ 2023-09-08T11:31:45.692+02:00 BRAGHIERI MARCO Visual Analytics for Data Scientists SoBigData++ TrainingMaterial Participants to this module shall - Learn the principles and rules underlying the design of visual data representations and human-computer interactions - Understand, adapt and apply representative visual analytics methods and systems for diverse types of data and problems - Analyse and evaluate the structure and properties of data to select or devise appropriate methods for data exploration - Combine visualization, interactive techniques, and computational processing to develop practical data analysis for problem solving (This teaching material on Visual Analytics for Data Scientists is part of a MSc module at City University London). The author did not intend to violate any copyright on figures or content. In case you are the legal owner of any copyrighted content, please contact and we will immediately remove it Visual analytics Slides Other PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF ZIP OPEN 0010 other-open corda__h2020::871042 false false 0.9