
115 lines
3.6 KiB

package eu.dnetlib.oa.graph.datasetsusagestats.export;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author D. Pierrakos
public class DatasetsStatsDB {
private String logPath;
private String logRepoPath;
private String logPortalPath;
private Statement stmt = null;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatasetsStatsDB.class);
public DatasetsStatsDB(String logRepoPath, String logPortalPath) throws Exception {
this.logRepoPath = logRepoPath;
this.logPortalPath = logPortalPath;
public void recreateDBAndTables() throws Exception {
private void createDatabase() throws Exception {
try {
stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Dropping datasets DB: " + ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema());
String dropDatabase = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema() + " CASCADE";
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to drop database: " + e);
throw new Exception("Failed to drop database: " + e.toString(), e);
try {
stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Creating usagestats DB: " + ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema());
String createDatabase = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create database: " + e);
throw new Exception("Failed to create database: " + e.toString(), e);
private void createTables() throws Exception {
try {
stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
// Create Reports table - This table should exist
logger.info("Creating Reports Table");
String sqlCreateTableDataciteReports = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "
+ ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema()
+ ".datacitereports(reportid STRING, \n"
+ " name STRING, \n"
+ " source STRING,\n"
+ " release STRING,\n"
+ " createdby STRING,\n"
+ " report_start_date STRING,\n"
+ " report_end_date STRING)\n"
+ " CLUSTERED BY (reportid)\n"
+ " into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true')";
logger.info("Reports Table Created");
// Create Datasets Performance Table
logger.info("Creating DataSetsPerformance Table");
String sqlCreateTableDataSetsPerformance = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "
+ ConnectDB.getDataSetUsageStatsDBSchema()
+ ".datasetsperformance(ds_type STRING,\n"
+ " ds_title STRING,\n"
+ " yop STRING,\n"
+ " dataset_type STRING, \n"
+ " uri STRING,\n"
+ " platform STRING,\n"
+ " publisher STRING,\n"
+ " publisher_id array<struct<type:STRING, value:STRING>>,\n"
+ " dataset_contributors array<struct<type:STRING, value:STRING>>,\n"
+ " period_end STRING,\n"
+ " period_from STRING,\n"
+ " access_method STRING,\n"
+ " metric_type STRING,\n"
+ " count INT,\n"
+ " reportid STRING)\n"
+ " CLUSTERED BY (ds_type)\n"
+ " into 100 buckets stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true')";
logger.info("DataSetsPerformance Table Created");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create tables: " + e);
throw new Exception("Failed to create tables: " + e.toString(), e);