
292 lines
11 KiB

package eu.dnetlib.oa.graph.usagerawdatabeta.export;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author D. Pierrakos, S. Zoupanos
public class LaReferenciaStats {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LaReferenciaStats.class);
private String logRepoPath;
private Statement stmt = null;
private String CounterRobotsURL;
private ArrayList robotsList;
public LaReferenciaStats(String logRepoPath) throws Exception {
this.logRepoPath = logRepoPath;
// this.createTmpTables();
* private void connectDB() throws Exception { try { ConnectDB connectDB = new ConnectDB(); } catch (Exception e) {
* log.error("Connect to db failed: " + e); throw new Exception("Failed to connect to db: " + e.toString(), e); } }
private void createTables() throws Exception {
try {
Statement stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Creating LaReferencia tables");
String sqlCreateTableLareferenciaLog = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialog(matomoid INT, " +
"source STRING, id_visit STRING, country STRING, action STRING, url STRING, entity_id STRING, " +
"source_item_type STRING, timestamp STRING, referrer_name STRING, agent STRING) " +
"clustered by (source, id_visit, action, timestamp, entity_id) into 100 buckets " +
"stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true')";
logger.info("Created LaReferencia tables");
logger.info("Lareferencia Tables Created");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create tables: " + e);
throw new Exception("Failed to create tables: " + e.toString(), e);
// System.exit(0);
public void processLogs() throws Exception {
try {
logger.info("Processing LaReferencia repository logs");
logger.info("LaReferencia repository logs process done");
logger.info("LaReferencia removing double clicks");
logger.info("LaReferencia removed double clicks");
logger.info("LaReferencia updating Production Tables");
logger.info("LaReferencia updated Production Tables");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to process logs: " + e);
throw new Exception("Failed to process logs: " + e.toString(), e);
public void processlaReferenciaLog() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Adding JSON Serde jar");
stmt.executeUpdate("add jar /usr/share/cmf/common_jars/hive-hcatalog-core-1.1.0-cdh5.14.0.jar");
logger.info("Added JSON Serde jar");
logger.info("Dropping lareferencialogtmp_json table");
String drop_lareferencialogtmp_json = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() +
logger.info("Dropped lareferencialogtmp_json table");
logger.info("Creating lareferencialogtmp_json");
String create_lareferencialogtmp_json = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() +
".lareferencialogtmp_json(\n" +
" `idSite` STRING,\n" +
" `idVisit` STRING,\n" +
" `country` STRING,\n" +
" `referrerName` STRING,\n" +
" `browser` STRING,\n" +
" `repItem` STRING,\n" +
" `actionDetails` ARRAY<\n" +
" struct<\n" +
" timestamp: STRING,\n" +
" type: STRING,\n" +
" url: STRING,\n" +
" `customVariables`: struct<\n" +
" `1`: struct<\n" +
" `customVariablePageValue1`: STRING\n" +
" >,\n" +
" `2`: struct<\n" +
" `customVariablePageValue2`: STRING\n" +
" >\n" +
" >\n" +
" >\n" +
" >" +
")\n" +
"ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe'\n" +
"LOCATION '" + ExecuteWorkflow.lareferenciaLogPath + "'\n" +
"TBLPROPERTIES (\"transactional\"=\"false\")";
logger.info("Created lareferencialogtmp_json");
logger.info("Dropping lareferencialogtmp table");
String drop_lareferencialogtmp = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() +
logger.info("Dropped lareferencialogtmp table");
logger.info("Creating lareferencialogtmp");
String create_lareferencialogtmp = "CREATE TABLE " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp(matomoid INT, " +
"source STRING, id_visit STRING, country STRING, action STRING, url STRING, entity_id STRING, " +
"source_item_type STRING, timestamp STRING, referrer_name STRING, agent STRING) " +
"clustered by (source, id_visit, action, timestamp, entity_id) into 100 buckets " +
"stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true')";
logger.info("Created lareferencialogtmp");
logger.info("Inserting into lareferencialogtmp");
String insert_lareferencialogtmp = "INSERT INTO " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp " +
"SELECT DISTINCT cast(idSite as INT) as matomoid, CONCAT('opendoar____::', " +
"actiondetail.customVariables.`2`.customVariablePageValue2) as source, idVisit as id_Visit, country, " +
"actiondetail.type as action, actiondetail.url as url, " +
"actiondetail.customVariables.`1`.`customVariablePageValue1` as entity_id, " +
"'repItem' as source_item_type, from_unixtime(cast(actiondetail.timestamp as BIGINT)) as timestamp, " +
"referrerName as referrer_name, browser as agent " +
"FROM " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp_json " +
"LATERAL VIEW explode(actiondetails) actiondetailsTable AS actiondetail";
logger.info("Inserted into lareferencialogtmp");
public void removeDoubleClicks() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Cleaning download double clicks");
// clean download double clicks
String sql = "DELETE from " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp WHERE EXISTS (" +
"SELECT DISTINCT p1.source, p1.id_visit, p1.action, p1.entity_id, p1.timestamp " +
"FROM " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp p1, " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp p2 " +
"WHERE p1.source=p2.source AND p1.id_visit=p2.id_visit AND p1.entity_id=p2.entity_id " +
"AND p1.action=p2.action AND p1.action='download' AND p1.timestamp!=p2.timestamp " +
"AND p1.timestamp<p2.timestamp AND ((unix_timestamp(p2.timestamp)-unix_timestamp(p1.timestamp))/60)<30 " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.source=p1.source AND lareferencialogtmp.id_visit=p1.id_visit " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.action=p1.action AND lareferencialogtmp.entity_id=p1.entity_id " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.timestamp=p1.timestamp)";
logger.info("Cleaned download double clicks");
stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Cleaning action double clicks");
// clean view double clicks
sql = "DELETE from " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp WHERE EXISTS (" +
"SELECT DISTINCT p1.source, p1.id_visit, p1.action, p1.entity_id, p1.timestamp " +
"FROM " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp p1, " +
ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp p2 " +
"WHERE p1.source=p2.source AND p1.id_visit=p2.id_visit AND p1.entity_id=p2.entity_id " +
"AND p1.action=p2.action AND p1.action='action' AND p1.timestamp!=p2.timestamp " +
"AND p1.timestamp<p2.timestamp AND ((unix_timestamp(p2.timestamp)-unix_timestamp(p1.timestamp))/60)<10 " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.source=p1.source AND lareferencialogtmp.id_visit=p1.id_visit " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.action=p1.action AND lareferencialogtmp.entity_id=p1.entity_id " +
"AND lareferencialogtmp.timestamp=p1.timestamp)";
logger.info("Cleaned action double clicks");
// conn.close();
private void updateProdTables() throws SQLException, Exception {
Statement stmt = ConnectDB.getHiveConnection().createStatement();
logger.info("Updating lareferencialog");
String sql = "insert into " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialog " +
"select * from " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp";
logger.info("Dropping lareferencialogtmp");
sql = "DROP TABLE " + ConnectDB.getUsageStatsDBSchema() + ".lareferencialogtmp";
logger.info("Dropped lareferencialogtmp");
private ArrayList<String> listHdfsDir(String dir) throws Exception {
FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> Files;
ArrayList<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Path exportPath = new Path(hdfs.getUri() + dir);
Files = hdfs.listFiles(exportPath, false);
while (Files.hasNext()) {
String fileName = Files.next().getPath().toString();
// log.info("Found hdfs file " + fileName);
// hdfs.close();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("HDFS file path with exported data does not exist : " + new Path(hdfs.getUri() + logRepoPath));
throw new Exception("HDFS file path with exported data does not exist : " + logRepoPath, e);
return fileNames;
private String readHDFSFile(String filename) throws Exception {
String result;
try {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
// log.info("reading file : " + filename);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fs.open(new Path(filename))));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (!line.equals("[]")) {
// sb.append(line);
line = br.readLine();
result = sb.toString().replace("][{\"idSite\"", ",{\"idSite\"");
if (result.equals("")) {
result = "[]";
// fs.close();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(e);
return result;