export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/home/$(whoami)/.python-eggs export link_folder=/tmp/impala-shell-python-egg-cache-$(whoami) if ! [ -L $link_folder ] then rm -Rf "$link_folder" ln -sfn ${PYTHON_EGG_CACHE}${link_folder} ${link_folder} fi export HADOOP_USER_NAME=$2 # Set the active HDFS node of OCEAN and IMPALA cluster. OCEAN_HDFS_NODE='hdfs://nameservice1' echo "OCEAN HDFS virtual-name which resolves automatically to the active-node: ${OCEAN_HDFS_NODE}" IMPALA_HDFS_NODE='' COUNTER=0 while [ $COUNTER -lt 3 ]; do if hdfs dfs -test -e hdfs://impala-cluster-mn1.openaire.eu/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then IMPALA_HDFS_NODE='hdfs://impala-cluster-mn1.openaire.eu:8020' break elif hdfs dfs -test -e hdfs://impala-cluster-mn2.openaire.eu/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then IMPALA_HDFS_NODE='hdfs://impala-cluster-mn2.openaire.eu:8020' break else IMPALA_HDFS_NODE='' sleep 1 fi ((COUNTER++)) done if [ -z "$IMPALA_HDFS_NODE" ]; then echo -e "\n\nPROBLEM WHEN SETTING THE HDFS-NODE FOR IMPALA CLUSTER! | AFTER ${COUNTER} RETRIES.\n\n" exit 1 fi echo "Active IMPALA HDFS Node: ${IMPALA_HDFS_NODE} , after ${COUNTER} retries." IMPALA_HOSTNAME='impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu' IMPALA_CONFIG_FILE='/etc/impala_cluster/hdfs-site.xml' IMPALA_HDFS_DB_BASE_PATH="${IMPALA_HDFS_NODE}/user/hive/warehouse" # Set sed arguments. LOCATION_HDFS_NODE_SED_ARG="s|${OCEAN_HDFS_NODE}|${IMPALA_HDFS_NODE}|g" # This requires to be used with "sed -e" in order to have the "|" delimiter (as the "/" conflicts with the URIs) # Set the SED command arguments for column-names with reserved words: DATE_SED_ARG_1='s/[[:space:]]\date[[:space:]]/\`date\`/g' DATE_SED_ARG_2='s/\.date,/\.\`date\`,/g' # the "date" may be part of a larger field name like "datestamp" or "date_aggregated", so we need to be careful with what we are replacing. DATE_SED_ARG_3='s/\.date[[:space:]]/\.\`date\` /g' HASH_SED_ARG_1='s/[[:space:]]\hash[[:space:]]/\`hash\`/g' HASH_SED_ARG_2='s/\.hash,/\.\`hash\`,/g' HASH_SED_ARG_3='s/\.hash[[:space:]]/\.\`hash\` /g' LOCATION_SED_ARG_1='s/[[:space:]]\location[[:space:]]/\`location\`/g' LOCATION_SED_ARG_2='s/\.location,/\.\`location\`,/g' LOCATION_SED_ARG_3='s/\.location[[:space:]]/\.\`location\` /g' function copydb() { db=$1 # Delete the old DB from Impala cluster (if exists). impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "drop database if exists ${db} cascade" |& tee error.log # impala-shell prints all logs in stderr, so wee need to capture them and put them in a file, in order to perform "grep" on them later log_errors=`cat error.log | grep -E "WARN|ERROR|FAILED"` if [ -n "$log_errors" ]; then echo -e "\n\nTHERE WAS A PROBLEM WHEN DROPPING THE OLD DATABASE! EXITING...\n\n" rm -f error.log exit 2 fi # Make Impala aware of the deletion of the old DB immediately. sleep 1 impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "INVALIDATE METADATA" echo "Copying $db files from Ocean to Impala cluster.." # Using max-bandwidth of: 50 * 100 Mb/s = 5 Gb/s # Using max memory of: 50 * 6144 = 300 Gb # Using 1MB as a buffer-size. # The " -Ddistcp.dynamic.recordsPerChunk=50" arg is not available in our version of hadoop # The "ug" args cannot be used as we get a "User does not belong to hive" error. # The "p" argument cannot be used, as it blocks the files from being used, giving a "sticky bit"-error, even after applying chmod and chown onm the files. hadoop distcp -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=6144 -m 70 -bandwidth 150 \ -numListstatusThreads 40 \ -copybuffersize 1048576 \ -strategy dynamic \ -pb \ ${OCEAN_HDFS_NODE}/user/hive/warehouse/${db}.db ${IMPALA_HDFS_DB_BASE_PATH} # In case we ever use this script for a writable DB (using inserts/updates), we should perform the following costly operation as well.. #hdfs dfs -conf ${IMPALA_CONFIG_FILE} -chmod -R 777 ${TEMP_SUBDIR_FULLPATH}/${db}.db echo "Creating schema for ${db}" # create the new database (with the same name) impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "create database ${db}" # Make Impala aware of the creation of the new DB immediately. sleep 1 impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "INVALIDATE METADATA" sleep 1 # Because "Hive" and "Impala" do not have compatible schemas, we cannot use the "show create table " output from hive to create the exact same table in impala. # So, we have to find at least one parquet file (check if it's there) from the table in the ocean cluster for impala to use it to extract the table-schema itself from that file. all_create_view_commands=() for i in `hive -e "show tables in ${db};" | sed 's/WARN:.*//g'`; do # Get the tables and views without any potential the "WARN" logs. # Check if this is a view by showing the create-command where it should print "create view" for a view, not the "create table". Unfortunately, there is now "show views" command. create_entity_command=`hive -e "show create table ${db}.${i};"` # It needs to happen in two stages, otherwise the "grep" is not able to match multi-line command. create_view_command_test=`echo -e "$create_entity_command" | grep 'CREATE VIEW'` if [ -n "$create_view_command_test" ]; then echo -e "\n'${i}' is a view, so we will save its 'create view' command and execute it on Impala, after all tables have been created.\n" create_view_command=`echo -e "$create_entity_command" | sed 's/WARN:.*//g' | sed 's/\`//g' \ | sed 's/"$/;/' | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/\\"\\"/\"/g' | sed -e "${LOCATION_HDFS_NODE_SED_ARG}" | sed "${DATE_SED_ARG_1}" | sed "${HASH_SED_ARG_1}" | sed "${LOCATION_SED_ARG_1}" \ | sed "${DATE_SED_ARG_2}" | sed "${HASH_SED_ARG_2}" | sed "${LOCATION_SED_ARG_2}" \ | sed "${DATE_SED_ARG_3}" | sed "${HASH_SED_ARG_3}" | sed "${LOCATION_SED_ARG_3}"` all_create_view_commands+=("$create_view_command") else echo -e "\n'${i}' is a table, so we will check for its parquet files and create the table on Impala cluster.\n" CURRENT_PRQ_FILE=`hdfs dfs -conf ${IMPALA_CONFIG_FILE} -ls -C "${IMPALA_HDFS_DB_BASE_PATH}/${db}.db/${i}/" | grep -v 'Found' | grep -v '_impala_insert_staging' | head -1` if [ -z "$CURRENT_PRQ_FILE" ]; then # If there is not parquet-file inside. echo -e "\n\nTHE TABLE \"${i}\" HAD NO PARQUET FILES TO GET THE SCHEMA FROM! IT'S EMPTY!\n\n" else impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "create table ${db}.${i} like parquet '${CURRENT_PRQ_FILE}' stored as parquet;" |& tee error.log log_errors=`cat error.log | grep -E "WARN|ERROR|FAILED"` if [ -n "$log_errors" ]; then echo -e "\n\nTHERE WAS A PROBLEM WHEN CREATING TABLE '${i}'!\n\n" fi fi fi done echo -e "\nAll tables have been created, going to create the views..\n" # Make Impala aware of the new tables. sleep 1 impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "INVALIDATE METADATA" sleep 1 # Time to loop through the views and create them. # At this point all table-schemas should have been created. echo -e "\nAll_create_view_commands:\n\n${all_create_view_commands[@]}\n\n" # DEBUG should_retry=1 # Should retry creating the views (in case their tables where not created before them). # There are views of other views as well, so we may have 3,4,5 nested-view and need to retry.. previous_num_of_views_to_retry=${#all_create_view_commands} while ((should_retry)); do # The only accepted reason for a view to not be created, is if it depends on another view, which has not been created yet. # In this case, we should retry creating this particular view again. should_retry=0 # We should NOT do another iteration, unless at least one view could NOT be created. should_retry_create_view_commands=() for create_view_command in "${all_create_view_commands[@]}"; do # Get the tables and views without any potential the "WARN" logs. impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "${create_view_command}" |& tee error.log # impala-shell prints all logs in stderr, so wee need to capture them and put them in a file, in order to perform "grep" on them later specific_errors=`cat error.log | grep -E "FAILED: ParseException line 1:13 missing TABLE at 'view'|ERROR: AnalysisException: Could not resolve table reference:"` echo -e "\nspecific_errors: ${specific_errors}\n" if [ -n "$specific_errors" ]; then echo -e "\nView '$(cat error.log | grep "CREATE VIEW " | sed 's/CREATE VIEW //g' | sed 's/ as select .*//g')' failed to be created, possibly because it depends on another view.\n" should_retry=1 should_retry_create_view_commands+=("$create_view_command") else sleep 1 # Wait a bit for Impala to register that the view was created, before possibly referencing it by another view. fi done echo -e "\nTo be retried \"create_view_commands\":\n\n${should_retry_create_view_commands[@]}\n" new_num_of_views_to_retry=${#should_retry_create_view_commands} if [[ $new_num_of_views_to_retry -eq $previous_num_of_views_to_retry ]]; then echo -e "THE NUMBER OF VIEWS TO RETRY HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED! THE SCRIPT IS LIKELY GOING TO AN INFINITE-LOOP! EXITING.." exit 3 else previous_num_of_views_to_retry=$new_num_of_views_to_retry fi all_create_view_commands=$should_retry_create_view_command done sleep 1 impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "INVALIDATE METADATA" sleep 1 echo "Computing stats for tables.." for i in `impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} --delimited -q "show tables in ${db}"`; do # Taking the create table statement from the Ocean cluster, just to check if its a view, as the output is easier than using impala-shell from Impala cluster. create_view_command=`hive -e "show create table ${db}.${i};" | grep "CREATE VIEW"` # This grep works here, as we do not want to match multiple-lines. if [ -z "$create_view_command" ]; then # If it's a table, then go load the data to it. impala-shell --user ${HADOOP_USER_NAME} -i ${IMPALA_HOSTNAME} -q "compute stats ${db}.${i}"; fi done rm -f error.log echo -e "\n\nFinished processing db: ${db}\n\n" } MONITOR_DB=$1 #HADOOP_USER_NAME=$2 copydb $MONITOR_DB