# This script deploys and runs the oozie workflow on the cluster, defined in the "~/.dhp/application.properties" file. # Select the build profile. DEFAULT_PROFILE='' # It's the empty profile. NEWER_VERSIONS_PROFILE='-Pscala-2.12' CHOSEN_MAVEN_PROFILE=${DEFAULT_PROFILE} # Build and deploy this module. mvn clean package -U ${CHOSEN_MAVEN_PROFILE} -Poozie-package,deploy,run \ -Dworkflow.source.dir=eu/dnetlib/dhp/oa/graph/stats # Show the Oozie-job-ID. echo -e "\n\nShowing the contents of \"extract-and-run-on-remote-host.log\":\n" cat ./target/extract-and-run-on-remote-host.log # Check oozie workflow status # oozie job -oozie http://iis-cdh5-test-m3:11000/oozie -info # Get the from the previous output and check the logs: # yarn logs -applicationId