# UrlsWorker
This is the Worker's Application.
It requests assignments from the [controller](https://code-repo.d4science.org/lsmyrnaios/UrlsController) and processes them.
It posts the results to the controller, which in turn, puts them in a database.
To install and run the application:
- Run ```git clone``` and then ```cd UrlsWorker```.
- Create the file ```S3_minIO_credentials.txt``` , which contains just one line with the ___S3_url___, ___S3_username___, ___S3_password___, ___S3_server_region___ and the ___S3_bucket___, separated by a _comma_ ```,```.
- [Optional] Create the file ```inputData.txt``` , which contains just one line with the ___workerId___ and the ___controller's base api-url___, seperated by a _comma_ ```,``` . For example: ```worker_1,http://IP:PORT/api/```.
- Execute the ```installAndRun.sh``` script. In case the above file (_inputData.txt_) does not exist, it will request the current ___worker's ID___ and the ___Controller's Url___, and it will create the _inputData.txt_ file.
That script, installs the [PublicationsRetriever](https://github.com/LSmyrnaios/PublicationsRetriever), as a library and then compiles and runs the whole Application.
If you want to just run the app, then run the script with the argument "1": ```./installAndRun.sh 1```.