package eu.openaire.urls_worker.components; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.UrlsWorkerApplication; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.controllers.FullTextsController; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.plugins.PublicationsRetrieverPlugin; import eu.openaire.urls_worker.util.AssignmentsHandler; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; @Component public class ScheduledTasks { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScheduledTasks.class); private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); //@Scheduled(fixedRate = 600_000) // Every 10 mins: 600_000 public void reportCurrentTime() {"Server is live! Time is now {}", dateFormat.format(new Date())); } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 900_000) // Every 15 mins: 900_000 public void handleNewAssignments() { if ( AssignmentsHandler.isAvailableForWork ) { if ( (UrlsWorkerApplication.maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart == 0) // Infinite batches. || (AssignmentsHandler.numHandledAssignmentsBatches < UrlsWorkerApplication.maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart) ) AssignmentsHandler.handleAssignments(); else {"The maximum assignments-batches (" + UrlsWorkerApplication.maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart + ") to be handled was reached! Shut down, in order for the external Linux-service to restart on its own.."); UrlsWorkerApplication.gentleShutdown(); } } else { //logger.debug("The worker is not available for work at the moment.."); // JUST FOR DEBUG! } } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 7_200_000) // Every 2 hours. public void deleteHandledAssignmentsFullTexts() { Set> entrySet = FullTextsController.assignmentsNumsHandledAndLocallyDeleted.entrySet(); if ( entrySet.isEmpty() ) return;"Going to delete the locally stored fullTexts."); for ( Map.Entry entry : entrySet ) { if ( entry.getValue().equals(true) ) // It is already deleted, move on. continue; Long curAssignments = entry.getKey(); String currentAssignmentsBasePath = PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.assignmentsBasePath + "assignments_" + curAssignments + "_fullTexts" + File.separator; logger.debug("Going to delete the files from assignments: " + currentAssignmentsBasePath); File curDir = new File(currentAssignmentsBasePath); if ( !curDir.isDirectory() ) { logger.error("This assignments-dir does not exist: " + currentAssignmentsBasePath); continue; } try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(curDir); FullTextsController.assignmentsNumsHandledAndLocallyDeleted.put(curAssignments, true); // Set the is-handled to true. } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("The following directory could not be deleted: " + currentAssignmentsBasePath, e); } } } //@Scheduled(fixedRate = 20_000) // Every 20 secs. public void testUrlConnection() { String urlToCheck = ""; PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.connectWithUrlTest(urlToCheck); } }