
169 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

# This program reads the openaire to doi mapping from the ${synonymFolder} of the workflow
# and uses this mapping to create doi-based score files in the format required by BiP! DB.
# This is done by reading each openaire-id based ranking file and joining the openaire based
# score and classes to all the corresponding dois.
# Imports
import sys
# Sparksession lib to communicate with cluster via session object
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Import sql types to define schemas
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Import sql functions with shorthand alias
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import max
# from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
# Clean up directory name - no longer needed in final workflow version
def clean_directory_name(dir_name):
# We have a name with the form *_bip_universe<digits>_* or *_graph_universe<digits>_*
# and we need to keep the parts in *
dir_name_parts = dir_name.split('_')
dir_name_parts = [part for part in dir_name_parts if ('bip' not in part and 'graph' not in part and 'universe' not in part and 'from' not in part)]
dir_name = dir_name.replace("openaire_id_graph", "openaire_ids")
clean_name = dir_name + ".txt.gz"
# clean_name = '_'.join(dir_name_parts)
# if '_ids' not in clean_name:
# clean_name = clean_name.replace('id_', 'ids_')
# clean_name = clean_name.replace('.txt', '')
# clean_name = clean_name.replace('.gz', '')
# if 'openaire_ids_' in clean_name:
# clean_name = clean_name.replace('openaire_ids_', '')
# clean_name = clean_name + '.txt.gz'
# else:
# clean_name = clean_name + '.txt.gz'
return clean_name
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print ("Usage: ./ <synonym_folder> <num_partitions> <score_file_1> <score_file_2> <...etc...>")
# Read arguments
synonyms_folder = sys.argv[1]
num_partitions = int(sys.argv[2])
input_file_list = [argument.replace("_openaire_id_graph", "").replace("_openaire_id_graph_", "") + "_openaire_ids.txt.gz" for argument in sys.argv[3:]]
# input_file_list = [clean_directory_name(item) for item in input_file_list]
# Prepare output specific variables
output_file_list = [item.replace("_openaire_ids", "") for item in input_file_list]
output_file_list = [item + ".txt.gz" if not item.endswith(".txt.gz") else item for item in output_file_list]
# --- INFO MESSAGES --- #
print ("\n\n----------------------------")
print ("Mpping openaire ids to DOIs")
print ("Reading input from: " + synonyms_folder)
print ("Num partitions: " + str(num_partitions))
print ("Input files:" + " -- ".join(input_file_list))
print ("Output files: " + " -- ".join(output_file_list))
print ("----------------------------\n\n")
# We weill define the following schemas:
# --> the schema of the openaire - doi mapping file [string - int - doi_list] (the separator of the doi-list is a non printable character)
# --> a schema for floating point ranking scores [string - float - string] (the latter string is the class)
# --> a schema for integer ranking scores [string - int - string] (the latter string is the class)
float_schema = StructType([
StructField('id', StringType(), False),
StructField('score', FloatType(), False),
StructField('class', StringType(), False)
int_schema = StructType([
StructField('id', StringType(), False),
StructField('score', IntegerType(), False),
StructField('class', StringType(), False)
# This schema concerns the output of the file
# containing the number of references of each doi
synonyms_schema = StructType([
StructField('id', StringType(), False),
StructField('num_synonyms', IntegerType(), False),
StructField('doi_list', StringType(), False),
# Start spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Map openaire scores to DOIs').getOrCreate()
# Set Log Level for spark session
# MAIN Program
# Read and repartition the synonym folder - also cache it since we will need to perform multiple joins
synonym_df ='delimiter', '\t').csv(synonyms_folder)
synonym_df ='id', F.split(F.col('doi_list'), chr(0x02)).alias('doi_list'))
synonym_df ='id', F.explode('doi_list').alias('doi')).repartition(num_partitions, 'id').cache()
# print ("Synonyms: " + str(synonym_df.count()))
# print ("DF looks like this:" )
#, False)
print ("\n\n-----------------------------")
# Now we need to join the score files on the openaire-id with the synonyms and then keep
# only doi - score - class and write this to the output
for offset, input_file in enumerate(input_file_list):
print ("Mapping scores from " + input_file)
# Select correct schema
schema = int_schema
if "attrank" in input_file.lower() or "pr" in input_file.lower() or "ram" in input_file.lower():
schema = float_schema
# Load file to dataframe
ranking_df ='delimiter', '\t').csv(input_file).repartition(num_partitions, 'id')
# Get max score
max_score ='score').alias('max')).collect()[0]['max']
print ("Max Score for " + str(input_file) + " is " + str(max_score))
# print ("Loaded df sample:")
#, False)
# Join scores to synonyms and keep required fields
doi_score_df = synonym_df.join(ranking_df, ['id']).select('doi', 'score', 'class').repartition(num_partitions, 'doi').cache()
# Write output
output_file = output_file_list[offset]
print ("Writing to: " + output_file)
doi_score_df.write.mode('overwrite').option('delimiter','\t').option('header',False).csv(output_file, compression='gzip')
# Creata another file for the bip update process
ranking_df ='id', 'score', F.lit(F.col('score')/max_score).alias('normalized_score'), 'class', F.col('class').alias('class_dup'))
doi_score_df = synonym_df.join(ranking_df, ['id']).select('doi', 'score', 'normalized_score', 'class', 'class_dup').repartition(num_partitions, 'doi').cache()
output_file = output_file.replace(".txt.gz", "_for_bip_update.txt.gz")
print ("Writing bip update to: " + output_file)
doi_score_df.write.mode('overwrite').option('delimiter','\t').option('header',False).csv(output_file, compression='gzip')
# Free memory?
print ("-----------------------------")
print ("\n\nFinished!\n\n")