------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ -- Additional relations -- -- Sources related tables/views ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources STORED AS PARQUET as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM ( SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(datasource, 4) as datasource from ${openaire_db_name}.publication p lateral view explode(p.collectedfrom.key) c as datasource) p LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.dataset_sources STORED AS PARQUET as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM ( SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(datasource, 4) as datasource from ${openaire_db_name}.dataset p lateral view explode(p.collectedfrom.key) c as datasource) p LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.software_sources STORED AS PARQUET as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM ( SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(datasource, 4) as datasource from ${openaire_db_name}.software p lateral view explode(p.collectedfrom.key) c as datasource) p LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources STORED AS PARQUET as SELECT p.id, case when d.id is null then 'other' else p.datasource end as datasource FROM ( SELECT substr(p.id, 4) as id, substr(datasource, 4) as datasource from ${openaire_db_name}.otherresearchproduct p lateral view explode(p.collectedfrom.key) c as datasource) p LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT substr(d.id, 4) id from ${openaire_db_name}.datasource d WHERE d.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and d.datainfo.invisible = FALSE) d on p.datasource = d.id; CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_sources AS SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.publication_sources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.dataset_sources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.software_sources UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ${stats_db_name}.otherresearchproduct_sources; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_orcid STORED AS PARQUET as select distinct res.id, regexp_replace(res.orcid, 'http://orcid.org/' ,'') as orcid from ( SELECT substr(res.id, 4) as id, auth_pid.value as orcid FROM ${openaire_db_name}.result res LATERAL VIEW explode(author) a as auth LATERAL VIEW explode(auth.pid) ap as auth_pid LATERAL VIEW explode(auth.pid.qualifier.classid) apt as author_pid_type WHERE res.datainfo.deletedbyinference = FALSE and res.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and author_pid_type = 'orcid') as res; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_result stored as parquet as select substr(rel.source, 4) as source, substr(rel.target, 4) as target, relclass, subreltype from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel join ${openaire_db_name}.result r1 on rel.source=r1.id join ${openaire_db_name}.result r2 on r2.id=rel.target where reltype='resultResult' and r1.resulttype.classname!=r2.resulttype.classname and r1.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r1.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r2.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r2.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r1.resulttype.classname != 'other' and r2.resulttype.classname != 'other' and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_citations_oc stored as parquet as select substr(target, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(source, 4)) as citations from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel join ${openaire_db_name}.result r1 on rel.source=r1.id join ${openaire_db_name}.result r2 on r2.id=rel.target where relClass='Cites' and rel.datainfo.provenanceaction.classid = 'sysimport:crosswalk:opencitations' and reltype='resultResult' and r1.resulttype.classname!=r2.resulttype.classname and r1.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r1.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r2.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r2.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r1.resulttype.classname != 'other' and r2.resulttype.classname != 'other' and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE group by substr(target, 4); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_references_oc stored as parquet as select substr(source, 4) as id, count(distinct substr(target, 4)) as references from ${openaire_db_name}.relation rel join ${openaire_db_name}.result r1 on rel.source=r1.id join ${openaire_db_name}.result r2 on r2.id=rel.target where relClass='Cites' and rel.datainfo.provenanceaction.classid = 'sysimport:crosswalk:opencitations' and reltype='resultResult' and r1.resulttype.classname!=r2.resulttype.classname and r1.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r1.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r2.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and r2.datainfo.invisible = FALSE and r1.resulttype.classname != 'other' and r2.resulttype.classname != 'other' and rel.datainfo.deletedbyinference=false and rel.datainfo.invisible = FALSE group by substr(source, 4);