sequenceFilePath the path to store the sequence file of the native metadata collected mdStorePath the path of the native mdstore apiDescription A json encoding of the API Description class dataSourceInfo A json encoding of the Datasource Info identifierPath An xpath to retrieve the metadata idnentifier for the generation of DNet Identifier metadataEncoding The type of the metadata XML/JSON timestamp The timestamp of the collection date workflowId The identifier of the workflow Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] ${jobTracker} ${nameNode} lib/dhp-collector-worker-1.0.0.jar -p${sequenceFilePath} -a${apiDescription} -n${nameNode} -rh${rmq_host} -ru${rmq_user} -rp${rmq_pwd} -rr${rmq_report} -ro${rmq_ongoing} -usandro.labruzzo -w${workflowId} ${jobTracker} ${nameNode} yarn cluster GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.GenerateNativeStoreSparkJob dhp-aggregations-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --num-executors 50 --conf spark.yarn.jars="hdfs://" --encoding ${metadataEncoding} --dateOfCollection ${timestamp} --provenance ${dataSourceInfo} --xpath${identifierPath} --input${sequenceFilePath} --output${mdStorePath} -rh${rmq_host} -ru${rmq_user} -rp${rmq_pwd} -rr${rmq_report} -ro${rmq_ongoing} -w${workflowId}