#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash echo "Manage the user's workspace" workspace_dir='/workspace' workspace_logdir='/var/log/workspace-lib' workspace_libdir='/opt/workspace-lib' workspace_fuse_jar="$workspace_libdir/fuse-workspace.jar" _decode_base64_url() { local len=$((${#1} % 4)) local result="$1" if [ $len -eq 2 ]; then result="$1"'==' elif [ $len -eq 3 ]; then result="$1"'=' fi echo "$result" | tr '_-' '/+' | base64 -d } # $1 => JWT to decode # $2 => either 1 for header or 2 for body (default is 2) decode_jwt() { _decode_base64_url $(echo -n $1 | cut -d "." -f ${2:-2}) | jq .; } [[ ! -d "$workspace_dir" ]] || [[ -z `ls -A "$workspace_dir"` ]] || mv $workspace_dir ${workspace_dir}.old mkdir -p $workspace_dir chown ${USER}:${USER} $workspace_dir chown -R ${USER}:${USER} $workspace_logdir chmod 444 $workspace_fuse_jar/fuse-workspace.jar _retval= if [ -d /home/${USER}/workspace ]; then rmdir /home/${USER}/workspace _retval=$? if [ $_retval -ne 0 ]; then echo "The user has a directory named 'workspace' inside their home directory and it is not empty." echo "Not starting the workspace mount" exit $_retval fi fi echo "Mount the workspace" su - "$USER" -c "/usr/bin/java -cp .:${workspace_dir}:${workspace_logdir}/ -Dlogback.configurationFile=${workspace_logdir}/logback.xml -jar $workspace_fuse_jar $SHINYPROXY_OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN $workspace_dir" >/dev/null 2>&1 & _retval= _fuse_process=$(ps auwwx | grep fuse | grep java) _retval=$? if [ $_retval -ne 0 ]; then echo "The mount of the workspace failed" exit 1 fi ln -sf $workspace_dir /home/${USER}/workspace exit 0