dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin eu.dnetlib.dhp dhp-build-properties-maven-plugin 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT dhp-build-properties false true generate-properties Generates oozie properties which were not provided from commandline. false true false false false true eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.GenerateOoziePropertiesMojo java per-lookup once-per-session false write-project-properties Writes project properties for the keys listed in specified properties files. Based on: http://site.kuali.org/maven/plugins/properties-maven-plugin/1.3.2/write-project-properties-mojo.html false true false false false true eu.dnetlib.maven.plugin.properties.WritePredefinedProjectProperties java per-lookup once-per-session false properties.escapeChars java.lang.String false true Comma separated list of characters to escape when writing property values. cr=carriage return, lf=linefeed, tab=tab. Any other values are taken literally. properties.exclude java.lang.String false true Comma separated set of properties to exclude when writing the properties file properties.include java.lang.String false true Comma separated set of properties to write to the properties file. If provided, only the properties matching those supplied here will be written to the properties file. properties.includeEnvironmentVariables boolean false true If true, the plugin will include environment variables when writing the properties file. Environment variables are prefixed with "env". Environment variables override project properties. properties.includePropertyKeysFromFiles java.lang.String[] false true properties.includeSystemProperties boolean false true If true, the plugin will include system properties when writing the properties file. System properties override both environment variables and project properties. properties.outputFile java.io.File true true The file that properties will be written to project org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject true false properties.quiet boolean false true If true, the plugin will silently ignore any non-existent properties files, and the build will continue org.apache.maven maven-plugin-api jar 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-project jar 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-profile jar 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-model jar 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-artifact-manager jar 2.0 org.apache.maven maven-repository-metadata jar 2.0 org.apache.maven.wagon wagon-provider-api jar 1.0-alpha-5 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-utils jar 1.0.4 org.apache.maven maven-artifact jar 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-container-default jar 1.0-alpha-8 classworlds classworlds jar 1.1-alpha-2 org.kuali.maven.plugins properties-maven-plugin jar 1.3.2 org.springframework spring-core jar 3.1.1.RELEASE org.springframework spring-asm jar 3.1.1.RELEASE org.jasypt jasypt jar 1.9.0 org.kuali.maven.common maven-kuali-common jar 1.2.8 org.apache.ant ant jar 1.8.2 org.apache.ant ant-launcher jar 1.8.2 org.codehaus.plexus plexus-interpolation jar 1.15 commons-lang commons-lang jar 2.6 commons-io commons-io jar 2.5 org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j jar 1.6.4 org.slf4j slf4j-api jar 1.7.22 org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 jar 1.7.22 log4j log4j jar 1.2.17 javax.servlet javax.servlet-api jar 3.1.0