package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.dedup; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.EntityType; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelSupport; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Field; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.OafEntity; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Result; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; public class IdGenerator implements Serializable { public static String CROSSREF_ID = "10|openaire____::081b82f96300b6a6e3d282bad31cb6e2"; public static String DATACITE_ID = "10|openaire____::9e3be59865b2c1c335d32dae2fe7b254"; // pick the best pid from the list (consider date and pidtype) public static String generate(List pids, String defaultID) { if (pids == null || pids.size() == 0) return defaultID; Optional bp = pids .stream() .max(Identifier::compareTo); if (bp.get().isUseOriginal() || bp.get().getPid().getValue() == null) { return bp.get().getOriginalID().split("\\|")[0] + "|dedup_wf_001::" + DedupUtility.md5(bp.get().getOriginalID()); } else { return bp.get().getOriginalID().split("\\|")[0] + "|" + createPrefix(bp.get().getPid().getQualifier().getClassid()) + "::" + DedupUtility.md5(bp.get().getPid().getValue()); } } // pick the best pid from the entity. Returns a list (length 1) to save time in the call public static List bestPidtoIdentifier(T entity) { if (entity.getPid() == null || entity.getPid().size() == 0) return Lists .newArrayList( new Identifier(new StructuredProperty(), new Date(), PidType.original, entity.getCollectedfrom(), EntityType.fromClass(entity.getClass()), entity.getId())); Optional bp = entity .getPid() .stream() .filter(pid -> PidType.classidValueOf(pid.getQualifier().getClassid()) != PidType.undefined) .max(Comparator.comparing(pid -> PidType.classidValueOf(pid.getQualifier().getClassid()))); return bp .map( structuredProperty -> Lists .newArrayList( new Identifier(structuredProperty, extractDate(entity, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")), PidType.classidValueOf(structuredProperty.getQualifier().getClassid()), entity.getCollectedfrom(), EntityType.fromClass(entity.getClass()), entity.getId()))) .orElseGet( () -> Lists .newArrayList( new Identifier(new StructuredProperty(), new Date(), PidType.original, entity.getCollectedfrom(), EntityType.fromClass(entity.getClass()), entity.getId()))); } // create the prefix (length = 12): dedup_+ pidType public static String createPrefix(String pidType) { StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder("dedup_" + pidType); while (prefix.length() < 12) { prefix.append("_"); } return prefix.toString().substring(0, 12); } // extracts the date from the record. If the date is not available or is not wellformed, it returns a base date: // 00-01-01 public static Date extractDate(T duplicate, SimpleDateFormat sdf) { String date = "2000-01-01"; if (ModelSupport.isSubClass(duplicate, Result.class)) { Result result = (Result) duplicate; if (isWellformed(result.getDateofacceptance())) { date = result.getDateofacceptance().getValue(); } } try { return sdf.parse(date); } catch (ParseException e) { return new Date(); } } public static boolean isWellformed(Field date) { return date != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(date.getValue()) && date.getValue().matches(DatePicker.DATE_PATTERN) && DatePicker.inRange(date.getValue()); } }