[ { "paramName": "issm", "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", "paramDescription": "when true will stop SparkSession after job execution", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName": "d", "paramLongName": "dateOfCollection", "paramDescription": "the date when the record has been stored", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "i", "paramLongName": "input", "paramDescription": "the path of the sequencial file to read", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "o", "paramLongName": "output", "paramDescription": "the path of the result DataFrame on HDFS", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "w", "paramLongName": "workflowId", "paramDescription": "the identifier of the dnet Workflow", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "tr", "paramLongName": "transformationRule", "paramDescription": "the transformation Rule to apply to the input MDStore", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "ru", "paramLongName": "rabbitUser", "paramDescription": "the user to connect with RabbitMq for messaging", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "rp", "paramLongName": "rabbitPassword", "paramDescription": "the password to connect with RabbitMq for messaging", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "rh", "paramLongName": "rabbitHost", "paramDescription": "the host of the RabbitMq server", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "ro", "paramLongName": "rabbitOngoingQueue", "paramDescription": "the name of the ongoing queue", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "rr", "paramLongName": "rabbitReportQueue", "paramDescription": "the name of the report queue", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "t", "paramLongName": "isTest", "paramDescription": "the name of the report queue", "paramRequired": false } ]