package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; public class GraphCleaningFunctions extends CleaningFunctions { public static final String CLEANING_REGEX = "(?:\\n|\\r|\\t)"; public static final String ORCID_PREFIX_REGEX = "^http(s?):\\/\\/orcid\\.org\\/"; public static final String INVALID_AUTHOR_REGEX = ".*deactivated.*"; public static final String TITLE_FILTER_REGEX = "[.*test.*\\W\\d]"; public static final int TITLE_FILTER_RESIDUAL_LENGTH = 10; public static T fixVocabularyNames(T value) { if (value instanceof Datasource) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Project) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Organization) { Organization o = (Organization) value; if (Objects.nonNull(o.getCountry())) { fixVocabName(o.getCountry(), ModelConstants.DNET_COUNTRY_TYPE); } } else if (value instanceof Relation) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Result) { Result r = (Result) value; fixVocabName(r.getLanguage(), ModelConstants.DNET_LANGUAGES); fixVocabName(r.getResourcetype(), ModelConstants.DNET_DATA_CITE_RESOURCE); fixVocabName(r.getBestaccessright(), ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES); if (Objects.nonNull(r.getSubject())) { r.getSubject().forEach(s -> fixVocabName(s.getQualifier(), ModelConstants.DNET_SUBJECT_TYPOLOGIES)); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getInstance())) { for (Instance i : r.getInstance()) { fixVocabName(i.getAccessright(), ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES); fixVocabName(i.getRefereed(), ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS); } } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getAuthor())) { r.getAuthor().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(a -> { if (Objects.nonNull(a.getPid())) { a.getPid().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(p -> { fixVocabName(p.getQualifier(), ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES); }); } }); } if (value instanceof Publication) { } else if (value instanceof Dataset) { } else if (value instanceof OtherResearchProduct) { } else if (value instanceof Software) { } } return value; } public static boolean filter(T value) { if (value instanceof Datasource) { // nothing to evaluate here } else if (value instanceof Project) { // nothing to evaluate here } else if (value instanceof Organization) { // nothing to evaluate here } else if (value instanceof Relation) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Result) { Result r = (Result) value; if (Objects.nonNull(r.getTitle()) && r.getTitle().isEmpty()) { return false; } if (value instanceof Publication) { } else if (value instanceof Dataset) { } else if (value instanceof OtherResearchProduct) { } else if (value instanceof Software) { } } return true; } public static T cleanup(T value) { if (value instanceof Datasource) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Project) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Organization) { Organization o = (Organization) value; if (Objects.isNull(o.getCountry()) || StringUtils.isBlank(o.getCountry().getClassid())) { o.setCountry(ModelConstants.UNKNOWN_COUNTRY); } } else if (value instanceof Relation) { // nothing to clean here } else if (value instanceof Result) { Result r = (Result) value; if (Objects.nonNull(r.getPublisher()) && StringUtils.isBlank(r.getPublisher().getValue())) { r.setPublisher(null); } if (Objects.isNull(r.getLanguage()) || StringUtils.isBlank(r.getLanguage().getClassid())) { r .setLanguage( qualifier("und", "Undetermined", ModelConstants.DNET_LANGUAGES)); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getSubject())) { r .setSubject( r .getSubject() .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.getValue())) .filter(sp -> Objects.nonNull(sp.getQualifier())) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.getQualifier().getClassid())) .map(GraphCleaningFunctions::cleanValue) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getTitle())) { r .setTitle( r .getTitle() .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.getValue())) .filter( sp -> sp .getValue() .toLowerCase() .replaceAll(TITLE_FILTER_REGEX, "") .length() > TITLE_FILTER_RESIDUAL_LENGTH) .map(GraphCleaningFunctions::cleanValue) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getDescription())) { r .setDescription( r .getDescription() .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.getValue())) .map(GraphCleaningFunctions::cleanValue) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getPid())) { r.setPid(processPidCleaning(r.getPid())); } if (Objects.isNull(r.getResourcetype()) || StringUtils.isBlank(r.getResourcetype().getClassid())) { r .setResourcetype( qualifier(ModelConstants.UNKNOWN, "Unknown", ModelConstants.DNET_DATA_CITE_RESOURCE)); } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getInstance())) { for (Instance i : r.getInstance()) { Optional .ofNullable(i.getPid()) .ifPresent(pid -> { final Set pids = pid .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(p -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); Optional .ofNullable(i.getAlternateIdentifier()) .ifPresent(altId -> { final Set altIds = altId .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(p -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); i.setAlternateIdentifier(Lists.newArrayList(Sets.difference(altIds, pids))); }); }); if (Objects.isNull(i.getAccessright()) || StringUtils.isBlank(i.getAccessright().getClassid())) { i .setAccessright( accessRight( ModelConstants.UNKNOWN, ModelConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES)); } if (Objects.isNull(i.getHostedby()) || StringUtils.isBlank(i.getHostedby().getKey())) { i.setHostedby(ModelConstants.UNKNOWN_REPOSITORY); } if (Objects.isNull(i.getRefereed())) { i.setRefereed(qualifier("0000", "Unknown", ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS)); } } } if (Objects.isNull(r.getBestaccessright()) || StringUtils.isBlank(r.getBestaccessright().getClassid())) { Qualifier bestaccessrights = OafMapperUtils.createBestAccessRights(r.getInstance()); if (Objects.isNull(bestaccessrights)) { r .setBestaccessright( qualifier( ModelConstants.UNKNOWN, ModelConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES)); } else { r.setBestaccessright(bestaccessrights); } } if (Objects.nonNull(r.getAuthor())) { final List authors = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Author a : r.getAuthor()) { if (Objects.isNull(a.getPid())) { a.setPid(Lists.newArrayList()); } else { a .setPid( a .getPid() .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(p -> Objects.nonNull(p.getQualifier())) .filter(p -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())) .map(p -> { p.setValue(p.getValue().trim().replaceAll(ORCID_PREFIX_REGEX, "")); return p; }) .filter(p -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getValue())) .collect( Collectors .toMap( StructuredProperty::getValue, Function.identity(), (p1, p2) -> p1, LinkedHashMap::new)) .values() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toList())); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(a.getFullname())) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(a.getName()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(a.getSurname())) { a.setFullname(a.getSurname() + ", " + a.getName()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(a.getFullname()) && isValidAuthorName(a)) { authors.add(a); } } boolean nullRank = authors .stream() .anyMatch(a -> Objects.isNull(a.getRank())); if (nullRank) { int i = 1; for (Author author : authors) { author.setRank(i++); } } r.setAuthor(authors); } if (value instanceof Publication) { } else if (value instanceof Dataset) { } else if (value instanceof OtherResearchProduct) { } else if (value instanceof Software) { } } return value; } // HELPERS private static boolean isValidAuthorName(Author a) { return !Stream .of(a.getFullname(), a.getName(), a.getSurname()) .filter(s -> s != null && !s.isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.joining("")) .toLowerCase() .matches(INVALID_AUTHOR_REGEX); } private static List processPidCleaning(List pids) { return pids .stream() .filter(Objects::nonNull) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(StringUtils.trim(sp.getValue()))) .filter(sp -> !PID_BLACKLIST.contains(sp.getValue().trim().toLowerCase())) .filter(sp -> Objects.nonNull(sp.getQualifier())) .filter(sp -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.getQualifier().getClassid())) .map(CleaningFunctions::normalizePidValue) .filter(CleaningFunctions::pidFilter) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static void fixVocabName(Qualifier q, String vocabularyName) { if (Objects.nonNull(q) && StringUtils.isBlank(q.getSchemeid())) { q.setSchemeid(vocabularyName); q.setSchemename(vocabularyName); } } private static AccessRight accessRight(String classid, String classname, String scheme) { return OafMapperUtils .accessRight( classid, classname, scheme, scheme); } private static Qualifier qualifier(String classid, String classname, String scheme) { return OafMapperUtils .qualifier( classid, classname, scheme, scheme); } protected static StructuredProperty cleanValue(StructuredProperty s) { s.setValue(s.getValue().replaceAll(CLEANING_REGEX, " ")); return s; } protected static Field cleanValue(Field s) { s.setValue(s.getValue().replaceAll(CLEANING_REGEX, " ")); return s; } }