forked from D-Net/dnet-hadoop
Contexts are now downloaded instead of using the stats_ext db
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
TMP=/tmp/stats-update-`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 6`
echo "Downloading context data"
curl ${CONTEXT_API}/contexts?all=true -H "accept: application/json" | /usr/local/sbin/jq -r '.[] | "\(.id),\(.label)"' > contexts.csv
cat contexts.csv | cut -d , -f1 | xargs -I {} curl ${CONTEXT_API}/context/{}/?all=true | /usr/local/sbin/jq -r '.[]|"\(.id|split(":")[0]),\(.id),\(.label)"' > categories.csv
cat categories.csv | cut -d , -f2 | sed 's/:/%3A/g'| xargs -I {} curl ${CONTEXT_API}/context/category/{}/?all=true | /usr/local/sbin/jq -r '.[]|"\(.id|split("::")[0])::\(.id|split("::")[1]),\(.id),\(.label)"' > concepts.csv
cat contexts.csv | cut -f1 -d, | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1,\1::other,other/' >> categories.csv
cat categories.csv | cut -d, -f2 | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1,\1::other,other/' >> concepts.csv
echo "uploading context data to hdfs"
hdfs dfs -mkdir ${TMP}
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal contexts.csv ${TMP}
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal categories.csv ${TMP}
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal concepts.csv ${TMP}
hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 ${TMP}
echo "Creating and populating impala tables"
impala-shell -c "create table ${TARGET_DB}.context (id string, name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';"
impala-shell -c "create table ${TARGET_DB}.category (context string, id string, name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';"
impala-shell -c "create table ${TARGET_DB}.concept (category string, id string, name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';"
impala-shell -c "load data inpath '${TMP}/contexts.csv' into table ${TARGET_DB}.context;"
impala-shell -c "load data inpath '${TMP}/categories.csv' into table ${TARGET_DB}.category;"
impala-shell -c "load data inpath '${TMP}/concepts.csv' into table ${TARGET_DB}.concept;"
echo "Cleaning up"
hdfs dfs -rm -f -r -skipTrash ${TMP}
echo "Finito!"
@ -23,19 +23,6 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.rndexpediture AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.rndexpediture;
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.rndexpediture;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.context AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.context;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.category AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.category;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${stats_db_name}.concept AS
FROM ${external_stats_db_name}.concept;
-- Creation date of the database
-- Creation date of the database
@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
<description>the time period, in seconds, after which Hive fails a transaction if a Hive client has not sent a hearbeat. The default value is 300 seconds.</description>
<description>the time period, in seconds, after which Hive fails a transaction if a Hive client has not sent a hearbeat. The default value is 300 seconds.</description>
<description>the base url of the context api (</description>
@ -263,6 +267,19 @@
<ok to="Step19"/>
<ok to="Step19"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step17">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="step20-createMonitorDB"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
<action name="Step19">
<action name="Step19">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
Reference in New Issue