from sentence_transformers import models, SentenceTransformer from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import faiss from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity import numpy as np import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime class ResponseGenerator: def __init__(self, index, db,recommender,generators, retriever, num_retrieved=3): self.generators = generators self.retriever = retriever self.recommender = recommender self.db = db self.index = index self.num_retrieved = num_retrieved self.paper = {} self.dataset = {} = {} def update_index(self, index): self.index = index def update_db(self, db): self.db = db def _get_resources_links(self, item): if len(item) == 0: return [] links = [] for rsrc in item['resources']: links.append(rsrc['url']) return links def _get_matching_titles(self, rsrc, title): cand = self.db[rsrc].loc[self.db[rsrc]['title'] == title.lower()].reset_index(drop=True) if not cand.empty: return cand.loc[0] else: return {} def _get_matching_authors(self, rsrc, author, recent=False): cand = self.db[rsrc].loc[self.db[rsrc]['author'] == author.lower()].reset_index(drop=True) if not cand.empty: if recent: index = 0 curr = 0 for i, row in cand.iterrows(): if row['time'] > curr: index = i curr = row['time'] return cand.loc[index] else: return cand.loc[0] else: return {} def _get_most_recent(self, rsrc): cand = self.db[rsrc] index = 0 curr = 0 for i, row in cand.iterrows(): if row['time'] > curr: index = i curr = row['time'] return cand.loc[index] def _get_matching_topics(self, rsrc, topic): matches = [] score = 0.7 for i, cand in self.db[rsrc].iterrows(): for tag in cand['tags']: sim = cosine_similarity(np.array(self.retriever.encode([tag])), np.array(self.retriever.encode([topic.lower()]))) if sim > score: if(len(matches)>0): matches[0] = cand else: matches.append(cand) score = sim if len(matches) > 0: return matches[0] else: return [] def _search_index(self, index_type, db_type, query, multi=False): xq = self.retriever.encode([query]) D, I = self.index[index_type].search(xq, self.num_retrieved) if multi: return self.db[db_type].iloc[[I[0]][0]].reset_index(drop=True) return self.db[db_type].iloc[[I[0]][0]].reset_index(drop=True).loc[0] def gen_response(self, action, utterance=None, name=None, username=None, vrename=None, state=None, consec_history=None, chitchat_history=None): if action == "Help": commands = " You can choose between using one of the supported commands to explore the environment or you can use natural language to find resourcesand get answers and summaries. \n " return "Hey " + name + "! it's Janet! I am here to help you make use of the datasets and papers in the catalogue of the " + vrename +" VRE. I can answer questions whose answers may be inside the papers. I can summarize papers for you. I can also chat with you. So, whichever it is, I am ready to chat!" + commands + self.gen_response(action="listCommands") elif action == "Recommend": prompt = self.recommender.make_recommendation(username, name) if prompt != "": return prompt else: return "I can help you with exploiting the contents of the VRE, just let me know!" elif action == "OffenseReject": return "I am sorry, I cannot answer to this kind of language" elif action == "getHelp": commands = self.gen_response(action="listCommands") return "I can answer questions related to the papers in the VRE's catalogue. I can also get you the posts, papers and datasets from the catalogue if you specify a topic or an author. I am also capable of small talk and summarizing papers to an extent. Just write to me what you want and I will do it. Alternatively, you may use one of the commands Janet supports. " + commands elif action == "findPost": for entity in state['entities']: if(entity['entity'] == 'TOPIC'): = self._get_matching_topics('post_db', entity['value']) if len( > 0: return str("This is a relevant post: " +['content'] + ' by ' +['author']) if(entity['entity'] == 'AUTHOR'): = self._get_matching_authors('post_db', entity['value'], recent=True) if len( > 0: if len(['tags']) > 0: return str("Here is the most recent post by: " +['author'] + ', which is about ' + ', '.join(['tags']) + '. ' +['content']) else: return str("Here is the most recent post by: " +['author'] + ', ' +['content']) if len( > 0: ev =['content'] #generate the answer gen_seq = 'question: '+utterance+" context: "+ev gen_kwargs = {"length_penalty": 0.5, "num_beams":2, "max_length": 60, "repetition_penalty": 2.5, "temperature": 2} answer = self.generators['qa'](gen_seq, **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] if len(['tags']) > 0: return "The post is about: " + answer + " \n There is a special focus on " + ', '.join(['tags']) else: return "The post is about: " + answer = self._get_most_recent('post_db') return "This is the most recent post. " +['content'] + '\n If you want another post, please rewrite the query specifying either the author or the topic.' elif action == "ConvGen": gen_kwargs = {"length_penalty": 2.5, "num_beams":2, "max_length": 30, "repetition_penalty": 2.5, "temperature": 2} #answer = self.generators['chat']('history: '+ consec_history + ' ' + utterance + ' persona: ' + 'I am Janet. My name is Janet. I am an AI developed by CNR to help VRE users.' , **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] answer = self.generators['chat']('question: ' + utterance + ' context: My name is Janet. I am an AI developed by CNR to help VRE users. ' + chitchat_history , **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] return answer elif action == "findPaper": for entity in state['entities']: if (entity['entity'] == 'TITLE'): self.paper = self._get_matching_titles('paper_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.paper) if len(self.paper) > 0:# and len(links) > 0: return str("Here is the paper you want: " + self.paper['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.paper['url']) #links[0] else: self.paper = self._search_index('paper_titles_index', 'paper_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.paper) return str("This paper could be relevant: " + self.paper['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.paper['url']) if(entity['entity'] == 'TOPIC'): self.paper = self._get_matching_topics('paper_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.paper) if len(self.paper) > 0: # and len(links) > 0: return str("This paper could be relevant: " + self.paper['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.paper['url']) if(entity['entity'] == 'AUTHOR'): self.paper = self._get_matching_authors('paper_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.paper) if len(self.paper) > 0: # and len(links) > 0: return str("Here is the paper you want: " + self.paper['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.paper['url']) self.paper = self._search_index('paper_desc_index', 'paper_db', utterance) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.paper) return str("This paper could be relevant: " + self.paper['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.paper['url']) elif action == "findDataset": for entity in state['entities']: if (entity['entity'] == 'TITLE'): self.dataset = self._get_matching_titles('dataset_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.dataset) if len(self.dataset) > 0: # and len(links) > 0: return str("Here is the dataset you wanted: " + self.dataset['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.dataset['url']) else: self.dataset = self._search_index('dataset_titles_index', 'dataset_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.dataset) return str("This dataset could be relevant: " + self.dataset['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.dataset['url']) if(entity['entity'] == 'TOPIC'): self.dataset = self._get_matching_topics('dataset_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.dataset) if len(self.dataset) > 0: # and len(links) > 0: return str("This dataset could be relevant: " + self.dataset['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.dataset['url']) if(entity['entity'] == 'AUTHOR'): self.dataset = self._get_matching_authors('dataset_db', entity['value']) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.dataset) if len(self.dataset) > 0: #and len(links) > 0: return str("Here is the dataset you want: " + self.dataset['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.dataset['url']) self.dataset = self._search_index('dataset_desc_index', 'dataset_db', utterance) #links = self._get_resources_links(self.dataset) return str("This dataset could be relevant: " + self.dataset['title'] + '. ' + "It can be viewed at " + self.dataset['url']) elif action == "RetGen": #retrieve the most relevant paragraph content = self._search_index('content_index', 'content_db', utterance, multi=True)#['content'] evidence = "" ev = "" for i, row in content.iterrows(): evidence = evidence + str(i+1) + ") " + row['content'] + ' \n ' ev = ev + " " + row['content'] #generate the answer gen_seq = 'question: '+utterance+" context: "+ev #handle return random 2 answers gen_kwargs = {"length_penalty": 0.5, "num_beams":2, "max_length": 60, "repetition_penalty": 2.5, "temperature": 2} answer = self.generators['qa'](gen_seq, **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] return "According to the following evidence: " + evidence + " \n _______ \n " + "The answer is: " + answer elif action == "listPapers": answer = vrename + " has the following papers: \n" for i, pap in self.db['paper_db']: answer = answer + ' ' + str(i) + ') ' + pap['title'] + ': ' + pap['notes'] + ' \n ' return answer elif action == "listDatasets": answer = vrename + " has the following datasets: \n" for i, datase in self.db['dataset_db']: answer = answer + ' ' + str(i) + ') ' + datase['title'] + ': ' +datase['notes'] + ' \n ' return answer elif action == "listCommands": return "Janet supports the following commands: \n 1) help : explains how to use Janet. \n 2) list resources : lists all the papers and datasets in the VRE. \n 3) list papers : lists all the papers in the VRE. \n 4) list datasets : lists all the datasets in the VRE. \n 5) list topics : lists the topics discussed in the VRE. \n 6) list commands : displays this list of commands. \n" elif action == "listTopics": topics = {} for i, pos in self.db['post_db']: for tag in pos['tags']: topics[tag] = topics[tag]+1 if tag in topics else 1 topics = sorted(topics, reverse=True) topic_string = topics[0] for i in range(1, len(topics)): topic_string = topic_string + ', ' + topics[i] return "The main topics of " + vrename + " ordered by popularity are: " + topic_string + '. \n ' elif action == "listResources": papers = self.gen_response(action="listPapers", vrename=vrename) datasets = self.gen_response(action="listDatasets", vrename=vrename) return papers + " Also, " + datasets elif action == "command": if utterance == "help": return self.gen_response(action="Help", name=name, vrename=vrename) elif utterance == "list resources": return self.gen_response(action="listResources", vrename=vrename) elif utterance == "list papers": return self.gen_response(action="listPapers", vrename=vrename) elif utterance == "list datasets": return self.gen_response(action="listDatasets", vrename=vrename) elif utterance == "list topics": return self.gen_response(action="listTopics", vrename=vrename) elif utterance == "list commands": return self.gen_response(action="listCommands") elif action == "sumPaper": if len(self.paper) == 0 or (len(self.paper) > 0 and len(state['entities'])>0) for entity in state['entities']: if (entity['entity'] == 'TITLE'): paper = self._get_matching_titles('paper_db', entity['value']) if (len(paper) > 0): self.paper = paper break if (entity['entity'] == 'TOPIC'): self.paper = self._get_matching_topics('paper_db', entity['value']) if len(self.paper) == 0: return "I cannot seem to find the requested paper. Try again by specifying the title of the paper." #implement that df = self.db['content_db'][self.db['content_db']['paperid'] == self.paper['id']] answer = "" for i, row in df.iterrows(): gen_seq = 'summarize: '+row['content'] gen_kwargs = {"length_penalty": 1.5, "num_beams":6, "max_length": 30, "repetition_penalty": 2.5, "temperature": 2} answer = answer + self.generators['summ'](gen_seq, **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] + ' ' return answer elif action == "Clarify": if state['intent'] in ['FINDPAPER', 'SUMMARIZEPAPER'] and len(state['entities']) == 0: if len(self.paper) == 0: return 'Please specify the title, the topic of the paper of interest.' elif state['intent'] == 'FINDDATASET' and len(state['entities']) == 0: if len(self.dataset) == 0: return 'Please specify the title, the topic of the dataset of interest.' elif state['intent'] == 'EXPLAINPOST' and len(state['entities']) == 0: if len( != 0: return self.gen_response(action="findPost", utterance=utterance, username=username, state=state, consec_history=consec_history) return 'Please specify the the topic or the author of the post.' else: gen_kwargs = {"length_penalty": 2.5, "num_beams":8, "max_length": 120, "repetition_penalty": 2.5, "temperature": 2} question = self.generators['amb']('question: '+ utterance + ' context: ' + consec_history , **gen_kwargs)[0]['generated_text'] return question return "I am unable to generate the response. Can you please provide me with a prefered response in the feedback form so I can learn?"