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<h2>Bulk access to projects</h2>
The APIs offer custom access to metadata about projects funded by a selection of international funders for the <strong>DSpace</strong> and <strong>EPrints</strong> platforms.
The currently supported funding streams and relative codes are: <br>
<li><strong>FP7:</strong> The 7th Framework Programme funded by the European Commission</li>
<li><strong>WT:</strong> Wellcome Trust funding programme</li>
<li><strong>H2020:</strong> Horizon2020 Programme funded by the European Commission</li>
<li><strong>FCT:</strong> The funding programme of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the national funding agency of Portugal</li>
<li><strong>ARC:</strong> the funding programme of the Australian Research Council</li>
<li><strong>NHMRC:</strong> the funding programme of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council</li>
<li><strong>SFI:</strong> Science Foundation Ireland</li>
<li><strong>HRZZ:</strong> Croatian Science Foundation</li>
<li><strong>MZOS:</strong> Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia</li>
<li><strong>MESTD:</strong> The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia </li>
<li><strong>NWO:</strong> The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research</li>
<p> DSpace endpoint: <a href="$fundingStream/ALL/ALL" target="_blank">$fundingStream/ALL/ALL</a> <br>
ePrints endpoint: <a href="$fundingStream/ALL/ALL" target="_blank">$fundingStream/ALL/ALL</a>
The URLs embed the parameters needed to collect projects funded by specific funding stream, where the pattern is FundingStream/FundingSubStream/FundingSubSubStream.<br>
Additional parameters can be concatenated to the URL to refine the results by date (date must be in the form <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>):
Get Wellcome Trust projects for EPrints: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>
Get EC-FP7 projects of the specific programme “SP2-IDEAS” for EPrints: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>
Get EC-FP7 projects for DSpace that started after the given date: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br>
<p>APIs are free-to-use (no sign-up needed) by any third-party service</p>
<p><strong> Metadata license is CC-BY</strong>: the metadata records retuned by the service can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE is acknowledged as content provider.
<p><strong>Quality of Service</strong>: all API services are running in production 24/7 within the OpenAIRE infrastructure premises deployed at the <a href="">data center</a> facilities of the <a href=">Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling</a> (ICM).
<p><strong>APIs rate limits</strong>
<li>no more than 30 concurrent connections from single IP to any APIs</li>
<li>no more than 67 concurrent requests in total</li>
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