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Aldo Mihasi 2022-12-19 14:56:28 +02:00
parent ab048820f5
commit 70db55dd5e
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -81,16 +81,24 @@ public class ZenodoDeposit implements RepositoryDeposit {
//It requires more than one step to create a new version
//First, get the deposit related to the concept DOI
String listUrl = zenodoUrl + "deposit/depositions" + "?q=conceptdoi:\"" + previousDOI + "\"&access_token=" + zenodoToken;
logger.debug("listUrl = " + listUrl);
ResponseEntity<Map[]> listResponses = restTemplate.getForEntity(listUrl, Map[].class);
createResponse = listResponses.getBody()[0];
links = (LinkedHashMap<String, String>) createResponse.get("links");
//Second, make the new version (not in the links?)
String newVersionUrl = links.get("self") + "/actions/newversion" + "?access_token=" + zenodoToken;
logger.debug("new version url: " + newVersionUrl);
createResponse = restTemplate.postForObject(newVersionUrl, null, Map.class);
links = (LinkedHashMap<String, String>) createResponse.get("links");
//Third, get the new deposit
String latestDraftUrl = links.get("latest_draft") + "?access_token=" + zenodoToken;
createResponse = restTemplate.getForObject(latestDraftUrl, Map.class);
links = (LinkedHashMap<String, String>) createResponse.get("links");
//At this point it might fail to perform the next requests so enclose them with try catch
try {