import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ContentChild, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, NgZone, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, PipeTransform, SimpleChanges, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation, inject } from '@angular/core'; import { BaseComponent } from '@common/base/base.component'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { DatatableComponent, SelectionType, TableColumn } from '@swimlane/ngx-datatable'; import { debounceTime, filter, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { MatCheckboxChange } from '@angular/material/checkbox'; import { BatchActionsDirective } from '@common/modules/hybrid-listing/directives/batch-actions.directive'; import { PageEvent } from '@angular/material/paginator'; import { nameof } from 'ts-simple-nameof'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { CollectionUtils } from '@app/core/services/utilities/collection-utils.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-hybrid-listing', templateUrl: './hybrid-listing.component.html', styleUrls: ['./hybrid-listing.component.scss'], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, }) export class HybridListingComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @ViewChild('wrapperCard', {static: true, read: ElementRef}) wrapperCard: ElementRef; @ViewChild(DatatableComponent) table: DatatableComponent; private changeDetectorRef = inject(ChangeDetectorRef); private ngZone = inject(NgZone); @ViewChild('functionValueTemplate', { static: true }) functionValueTemplate: TemplateRef; private _batchActions?: BatchActionsDirective @ContentChild(BatchActionsDirective) set batchActions(batchActions: BatchActionsDirective){ this._batchActions = batchActions; this.refreshColumnDefinitionData(); if(this._batchActions){ this._batchActions.getSelections = () =>{ return this.selected; } } } get batchActions(): BatchActionsDirective{ return this._batchActions; } private _listItemTemplate: TemplateRef; @Input() public set listItemTemplate(value: TemplateRef){ if(!value){ this.mode = HybridListingMode.Table; } this._listItemTemplate = value; } public get listItemTemplate(): TemplateRef{ return this._listItemTemplate; } private _cardItemTemplate: TemplateRef; @Input() public set cardItemTemplate(value: TemplateRef){ if(!value){ this.mode = HybridListingMode.Table; } this._cardItemTemplate = value; } public get cardItemTemplate(): TemplateRef{ return this._cardItemTemplate; } protected _rowIdentity = x => x @Input() trackBy: ((item: any) => any ) = this._rowIdentity; @Input() class: TableClass = TableClass.Material; @Input() forceShowShorting = false; @Input() columns: ColumnDefinition[]; @Input() rows: any[]; @Input() columnMode: ColumnMode = ColumnMode.Force; @Input() headerHeight = 50; @Input() footerHeight = 50; @Input() rowHeight: number | string = 'auto'; @Input() messages: StaticTableMessages; @Input() externalPaging = true; @Input() count = 0; @Input() offset = 0; @Input() limit: number = undefined; @Input() propertySelectable: boolean = true; @Input() hideModeSelection: boolean = false; public _defaultSort: any; @Input() set defaultSort(input: string[]) { if (input && input.length > 0) { this._defaultSort = => { let sortProp: String = x; let sortDir: String = SortDirection.Ascending; if (x.startsWith('+')) { sortProp = x.substring(1); sortDir = SortDirection.Ascending; } else if (x.startsWith('-')) { sortProp = x.substring(1); sortDir = SortDirection.Descending; } return { prop: sortProp, dir: sortDir }; }); } else { this._defaultSort = undefined; } } @Input() loadingIndicator = false; @Input() externalSorting = false; @Input() initialMode: HybridListingMode; @Output() rowActivated: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() pageLoad: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() columnSort: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() columnsChanged: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() modeChanged: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); public internalColumns: TableColumn[]; @Input() visibleColumns: TableColumnProp[]; private columnSortKeys: Map; protected sortableListColumns: {property: TableColumnProp, name: string}[]; protected availableColumns: {property: TableColumnProp, name: string}[]; protected columnSelections: Set; SelectionType = SelectionType; protected selected=[] get rowIdentity(){ return this.batchActions?.rowIdentity ?? this.trackBy ?? this._rowIdentity; } HybridListingMode = HybridListingMode; SortDirection = SortDirection; protected mode: HybridListingMode = HybridListingMode.Table; constructor( private collectionUtils: CollectionUtils, private language: TranslateService, ) { super(); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['columns']) { this.refreshColumnDefinitionData(); } if (changes['visibleColumns'] && !changes['visibleColumns'].isFirstChange()) { this.refreshColumnDefinitionData(); } const modeChanges = changes[nameof(x => x.initialMode)]; if(modeChanges?.isFirstChange){ if(![null, undefined].includes(this.initialMode)){ this.mode = this.initialMode; } } } ngOnDestroy(): void { super.ngOnDestroy(); this.resizeObserver?.unobserve(this.wrapperCard.nativeElement) this.resizeObserver?.disconnect(); this.resizeObserver = null; this.resizeSubject$.complete(); } private resizeObserver: ResizeObserver; private resizeSubject$: Subject; ngOnInit() { this.setTableMessages(); this.language.onLangChange.pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(event => { this.setTableMessages(); this.refreshColumnDefinitionData(); }); this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { this.resizeSubject$ = new Subject; this.resizeSubject$.pipe( debounceTime(500), filter(() => !!this.table) ).subscribe(() => { this.table.recalculate(); this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); }) this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver( (resize) => { this.resizeSubject$.next(); }, ) this.resizeObserver.observe(this.wrapperCard.nativeElement) }) } public setModeSilently(mode: HybridListingMode):void{ this.mode = mode; } public getMode(): HybridListingMode{ return this.mode; } public isColumnSelected = (columnProp: string) => !!this.columnSelections?.has(columnProp) protected onListItemActivated(row: any){ this.rowActivated.emit({ type: 'click', row: row, } as any); } protected emptySelections(): void{ this.selected = []; } protected toggleMode(): void{ if(!this.listItemTemplate && !this.cardItemTemplate){ this.mode = HybridListingMode.Table; this.modeChanged.emit(this.mode); return; } switch(this.mode){ case HybridListingMode.Table:{ if(this.listItemTemplate){ this.mode = HybridListingMode.List; this.modeChanged.emit(this.mode); return; } } case HybridListingMode.List:{ if(this.cardItemTemplate){ this.mode = HybridListingMode.Card; this.modeChanged.emit(this.mode); return; } } case HybridListingMode.Card: default: { this.mode = HybridListingMode.Table; this.modeChanged.emit(this.mode); return; } } } onsomePage(event: PageEvent){ if(!event){ return; } this.pageLoad.emit({ count: event.length, pageSize: event.pageSize, limit: event.pageSize, offset: event.pageIndex, }); } protected isListingItemSelected(item: any){ return !!this.selected?.find(x => this.rowIdentity && (this.rowIdentity(item) === this.rowIdentity(x))); } onSelectionListChange(event: MatCheckboxChange, item: any){ this.selected = this.selected?.filter(x => this.rowIdentity && (this.rowIdentity(item) !== this.rowIdentity(x))) if(event.checked){ this.selected = [ ...(this.selected ?? []), item].filter(x => x); } } private setTableMessages() { this.messages = { emptyMessage: this.language.instant('COMMONS.LISTING-COMPONENT.MESSAGE.EMPTY'), totalMessage: this.language.instant('COMMONS.LISTING-COMPONENT.MESSAGE.TOTAL'), selectedMessage: this.language.instant('COMMONS.LISTING-COMPONENT.MESSAGE.SELECTED') }; } private refreshColumnDefinitionData() { const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns(); this.internalColumns = this.columns.filter(x => x.alwaysShown || visibleColumns.includes(x.prop)).map(x => { const item = { checkboxable: x.checkboxable, frozenLeft: x.frozenLeft, frozenRight: x.frozenRight, flexGrow: x.flexGrow, minWidth: x.minWidth, maxWidth: x.maxWidth, width: x.width, resizeable: x.resizeable, comparator: x.comparator, pipe: x.pipe, sortable: x.sortable, draggable: x.draggable, canAutoResize: x.canAutoResize, name: x.languageName ? this.language.instant(x.languageName) :, prop: x.prop, cellTemplate: x.cellTemplate, headerTemplate: x.headerTemplate, cellClass: x.cellClass, headerClass: x.headerClass, headerCheckboxable: x.headerCheckboxable, summaryFunc: x.summaryFunc, summaryTemplate: x.summaryTemplate } as TableColumn; if (x.valueFunction) { item.cellTemplate = this.functionValueTemplate; item['valueFunction'] = x.valueFunction; } return item; }); this.internalColumns = [ this.batchActions?.rowIdentity && { checkboxable: true, sortable: false, width: 30, maxWidth: 30, canAutoRisize: false, headerCheckboxable: false } ,...this.internalColumns].filter(x => !!x) this.columnSortKeys = new Map(; this.availableColumns = this.columns?.filter(x => !x?.alwaysShown).map(x => ({ name: x.languageName ? this.language.instant(x.languageName) :, property: x.prop })); this.sortableListColumns = this.internalColumns.filter(x => x?.sortable).map(x => ({ name:, property: x.prop })) this.columnSelections = new Set(visibleColumns); } protected getPropertyName(string): string{ return this.sortableListColumns?.find(x => === string)?.name; } protected onColumnSelectionChange(event: MatCheckboxChange, property: TableColumnProp){ if(event.checked){ this.columnSelections.add(property) }else{ this.columnSelections.delete(property) } this.visibleColumns = [...this.columnSelections].filter(x => x); this.refreshColumnDefinitionData(); const visibleColumns = this.getVisibleColumns(); this.columnSelections = new Set(visibleColumns); this.columnsChanged.emit({ properties: visibleColumns }) } onRowActivated(event) { if (this.rowActivated && event) { this.rowActivated.emit({ type: event.type, event: event.event, row: event.row, column: event.column, value: event.value, cellElement: event.cellElement, rowElement: event.rowElement, }); } } onColumnSort(event) { if (this.columnSort && event) { const sortDescriptorsCollection: SortDescriptor[][] = => getColumnSortDescriptors(x, this.columnSortKeys.get(x.prop))); const sortEvent = { column: event.column, previousValue: event.prevValue, newValue: event.newValue, sortDescriptors: this.collectionUtils.flatten(sortDescriptorsCollection) }; this.columnSort.emit(sortEvent); } } protected toggleSortListViewSort(): void{ if(this.columnSort){ const previousSort = this._defaultSort?.[0]?.dir as SortDirection; const sortField = this._defaultSort?.[0]?.prop as string; if(!sortField){ return ; } switch(previousSort){ case SortDirection.Ascending:{ this.columnSort.emit({ newValue: SortDirection.Descending, previousValue: SortDirection.Ascending, sortDescriptors: [{ direction: SortDirection.Descending, property: sortField }] }) return; } case SortDirection.Descending:{ this.columnSort.emit({ newValue: SortDirection.Ascending, previousValue: SortDirection.Descending, sortDescriptors: [{ direction: SortDirection.Ascending, property: sortField }] }) return; } default: return; } } } protected onListViewSort(byProperty: string): void{ if(!byProperty){ return; } if(!this.columnSort){ return; } const previousSort = this._defaultSort?.[0]?.dir; const sort = previousSort ?? SortDirection.Descending; this.columnSort.emit({ newValue: sort, previousValue: previousSort, sortDescriptors:[ { direction: sort, property: byProperty } ] }) } getVisibleColumns(): TableColumnProp[] { if (!this.visibleColumns || this.visibleColumns.length === 0) { return => x.prop).filter(x => x); } return this.visibleColumns; } } export enum TableClass { Material = 'material', Bootstrap = 'bootstrap', Dark = 'dark' } export enum ColumnMode { Standard = 'standard', Flex = 'flex', Force = 'force' } export interface RowActivateEvent { type: 'keydown' | 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mouseenter'; event: MouseEvent; row: T; column: ColumnDefinition; value: any; cellElement: Element; rowElement: Element; } export interface PageLoadEvent { count: number; pageSize: number; limit: number; offset: number; } export interface ColumnSortEvent { sortDescriptors: SortDescriptor[]; column?: ColumnDefinition; previousValue: SortDirection; newValue: SortDirection; } export interface ColumnsChangedEvent { properties: TableColumnProp[]; } export interface SortDescriptor { direction: SortDirection; property: string; } export enum SortDirection { Ascending = 'asc', Descending = 'desc' } export declare type TableColumnProp = string | number; export interface ColumnDefinition { /** * Determines if column is checkbox * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ checkboxable?: boolean; /** * Determines if the column is frozen to the left * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ frozenLeft?: boolean; /** * Determines if the column is frozen to the right * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ frozenRight?: boolean; /** * The grow factor relative to other columns. Same as the flex-grow * API from http =// Basically; * take any available extra width and distribute it proportionally * according to all columns' flexGrow values. * * @type {number} * @memberOf TableColumn */ flexGrow?: number; /** * Min width of the column * * @type {number} * @memberOf TableColumn */ minWidth?: number; /** * Max width of the column * * @type {number} * @memberOf TableColumn */ maxWidth?: number; /** * The default width of the column, in pixels * * @type {number} * @memberOf TableColumn */ width?: number; /** * Can the column be resized * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ resizeable?: boolean; /** * Custom sort comparator * * @type {*} * @memberOf TableColumn */ comparator?: any; /** * Custom pipe transforms * * @type {PipeTransform} * @memberOf TableColumn */ pipe?: PipeTransform; /** * Can the column be sorted * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ sortable?: boolean; /** * Can the column be re-arranged by dragging * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ /** * Override for the sort property that will be used (default is column.prop) * * @type {string} * @memberOf TableColumn */ sortKeys?: string[]; draggable?: boolean; /** * Whether the column can automatically resize to fill space in the table. * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ canAutoResize?: boolean; /** * Column name or label * * @type {string} * @memberOf TableColumn */ name?: string; /** * Language Key Column name or label * * @type {string} * @memberOf TableColumn */ languageName?: string; /** * Property to bind to the row. Example: * * `someField` or `some.field.nested`, 0 (numeric) * * If left blank, will use the name as camel case conversion * * @type {TableColumnProp} * @memberOf TableColumn */ prop?: TableColumnProp; /** * Cell template ref * * @type {*} * @memberOf TableColumn */ cellTemplate?: any; /** * Header template ref * * @type {*} * @memberOf TableColumn */ headerTemplate?: any; /** * CSS Classes for the cell * * * @memberOf TableColumn */ cellClass?: string | ((data: any) => string | any); /** * CSS classes for the header * * * @memberOf TableColumn */ headerClass?: string | ((data: any) => string | any); /** * Header checkbox enabled * * @type {boolean} * @memberOf TableColumn */ headerCheckboxable?: boolean; /** * Summary function * * @type {(cells: any[]) => any} * @memberOf TableColumn */ summaryFunc?: (cells: any[]) => any; /** * Summary cell template ref * * @type {*} * @memberOf TableColumn */ summaryTemplate?: any; alwaysShown?: boolean; valueFunction?: (cell: any) => any; } export interface StaticTableMessages { emptyMessage: string; totalMessage: string; selectedMessage: string; } function getColumnSortDescriptors(internalSortDescriptor, sortKeys: string[]): SortDescriptor[] { const direction = internalSortDescriptor.dir; return => ({ direction: direction, property: x })); } function buildColumnSortKeys(column: ColumnDefinition): [TableColumnProp, string[]] { return [column.prop, getColumnSortKeys(column)]; } function getColumnSortKeys(column: ColumnDefinition): string[] { const sortKeys = extractSortKeys(column.sortKeys); if (sortKeys.length === 0) { sortKeys.push(String(column.prop)); } return sortKeys; } function extractSortKeys(sortKeys: string[]): string[] { sortKeys = sortKeys || []; return sortKeys.filter(x => Boolean(x)); } export enum HybridListingMode{ Table, List, Card }