import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { DmpsServiceService } from '../../services/dmps-service.service'; import { ProjectService } from '../../services/project-service'; import { DmpProfileService } from '../../services/dmpprofile-service'; import { ContextMenuComponent } from 'ngx-contextmenu'; import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import '../../../assets/custom.js'; declare function simple_notifier(type: string, title: string, message:string): any; @Component({ selector: 'app-project-editor', templateUrl: './project-editor.component.html', styleUrls: ['./project-editor.component.css'] }) export class ProjectEditorComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private projectService : ProjectService, private fb: FormBuilder) { } //whole dmp data model tableData : any[] = new Array(); //project editor data model editingProject: any = {}; projectEditorForm : any; //required by the table public filterQuery = ""; public rowsOnPage = 10; //public sortBy = "email"; public sortOrder = "asc"; //visibility rules for containers tableVisible: boolean = true; editorVisible: boolean = false; // for tableIds showIDs : boolean = false; ngOnInit() { this.getAllProjects(false); this.createProjectEditorForm(); } createProjectEditorForm(){ this.projectEditorForm ={ id: null, label: ['', Validators.required ], abbreviation: '', reference: '', uri: '', definition: '' }); } switchToTable(){ this.tableVisible = true; this.editorVisible = false; } switchToEditor(projectID){ this.tableVisible = false; this.editorVisible = true; if(projectID == null){ this.editingProject = {id: null, label: "", abbreviation: "", reference: "", uri: "", definition: "" }; } else{ this.editingProject = this.tableData.filter((project) => === projectID)[0]; } } getAllProjects(showNotification : boolean){ this.projectService.getAllProjects().subscribe( (data) => { this.tableData = data; if(showNotification) simple_notifier("info",null,"Refreshed the table"); }); } editProject(project){ this.switchToEditor(project); } newProject(){ this.switchToEditor(null); } save(mouseEvent){ this.projectService.create(this.projectEditorForm.value).subscribe( response => { simple_notifier("success",null,"Saved project"); this.getAllProjects(false); this.switchToTable(); }, err => { simple_notifier("danger",null,"Could not save project"); } ); } delete(project){ console.log(project); this.projectService.delete(project).subscribe( (response) => { simple_notifier("success",null,"Deleted project"); this.getAllProjects(false); this.switchToTable(); }, (err) => { simple_notifier("danger",null,"Could not delete project"); } ) } refreshTable($event){ this.getAllProjects(true); } @ViewChild(ContextMenuComponent) public basicMenu: ContextMenuComponent; }