--- sidebar_position: 6 --- # Users In this page, there is a listing where you can view details about all the registered users. The information displayed by default is: the `name` of the users, the `status` of their accounts and timestamps for the `creation` and `updates` of the records. At the top right corner of the listing you can also select which columns to display. :::tip For users, there is a column for `emails`, hidden by default. ::: You can also assign new or remove assigned roles from users by clicking to the icon next to the roles column. When you click it, a multiselect dropdown is made available in the roles column. ## Authorization Only users that have the **Admin** role can access this page. ## Pagination Not all the records are being displayed at once. By default, there is a pagination of 10 records applied to them. You can control how many records are being displayed at any time, by adjusting the `items per page` control at the bottom left corner of the table. ## Filtering There are some filtering options available for users. - **Is Active**: By toggling this control you can view only the active or only the disabled users.
*By default, this option is set to true.* - **Roles**: You can filter users by their assigned roles. You can select one or more roles.
*By default, no role is selected.* In order for the filters to apply, you have to click the `Apply filters` button. You can also clear any filters already applied, by pressing the `clear all filters` option, located at the top of the popup.