package eu.eudat.models.rda; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyDescription; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Schema *

* To provide information on quality of service provided by infrastructure (e.g. repository) where data is stored. * */ @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) @JsonPropertyOrder({ "availability", "backup_frequency", "backup_type", "certified_with", "description", "geo_location", "pid_system", "storage_type", "support_versioning", "title", "url" }) public class Host implements Serializable { /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Availability Schema *

* Availability * */ @JsonProperty("availability") @JsonPropertyDescription("Availability") private String availability; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Frequency Schema *

* Backup Frequency * */ @JsonProperty("backup_frequency") @JsonPropertyDescription("Backup Frequency") private String backupFrequency; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Type Schema *

* Backup Type * */ @JsonProperty("backup_type") @JsonPropertyDescription("Backup Type") private String backupType; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Certification Type Schema *

* Repository certified to a recognised standard. Allowed values: din31644, dini-zertifikat, dsa, iso16363, iso16919, trac, wds, coretrustseal * */ @JsonProperty("certified_with") @JsonPropertyDescription("Repository certified to a recognised standard. Allowed values: din31644, dini-zertifikat, dsa, iso16363, iso16919, trac, wds, coretrustseal") private Host.CertifiedWith certifiedWith; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Description Schema *

* Description * */ @JsonProperty("description") @JsonPropertyDescription("Description") private String description; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Geographical Location Schema *

* Physical location of the data expressed using ISO 3166-1 country code. * */ @JsonProperty("geo_location") @JsonPropertyDescription("Physical location of the data expressed using ISO 3166-1 country code.") private Host.GeoLocation geoLocation; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host PID System Schema *

* PID system(s). Allowed values: ark, arxiv, bibcode, doi, ean13, eissn, handle, igsn, isbn, issn, istc, lissn, lsid, pmid, purl, upc, url, urn, other * */ @JsonProperty("pid_system") @JsonPropertyDescription("PID system(s). Allowed values: ark, arxiv, bibcode, doi, ean13, eissn, handle, igsn, isbn, issn, istc, lissn, lsid, pmid, purl, upc, url, urn, other") private List pidSystem = null; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Storage Type Schema *

* The type of storage required * */ @JsonProperty("storage_type") @JsonPropertyDescription("The type of storage required") private String storageType; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Support Versioning Schema *

* If host supports versioning. Allowed values: yes, no, unknown * */ @JsonProperty("support_versioning") @JsonPropertyDescription("If host supports versioning. Allowed values: yes, no, unknown") private Host.SupportVersioning supportVersioning; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* Title * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("title") @JsonPropertyDescription("Title") private String title; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* The URL of the system hosting a distribution of a dataset * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("url") @JsonPropertyDescription("The URL of the system hosting a distribution of a dataset") private URI url; @JsonIgnore private Map additionalProperties = new HashMap(); private final static long serialVersionUID = 8564338806797654115L; /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Availability Schema *

* Availability * */ @JsonProperty("availability") public String getAvailability() { return availability; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Availability Schema *

* Availability * */ @JsonProperty("availability") public void setAvailability(String availability) { this.availability = availability; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Frequency Schema *

* Backup Frequency * */ @JsonProperty("backup_frequency") public String getBackupFrequency() { return backupFrequency; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Frequency Schema *

* Backup Frequency * */ @JsonProperty("backup_frequency") public void setBackupFrequency(String backupFrequency) { this.backupFrequency = backupFrequency; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Type Schema *

* Backup Type * */ @JsonProperty("backup_type") public String getBackupType() { return backupType; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Backup Type Schema *

* Backup Type * */ @JsonProperty("backup_type") public void setBackupType(String backupType) { this.backupType = backupType; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Certification Type Schema *

* Repository certified to a recognised standard. Allowed values: din31644, dini-zertifikat, dsa, iso16363, iso16919, trac, wds, coretrustseal * */ @JsonProperty("certified_with") public Host.CertifiedWith getCertifiedWith() { return certifiedWith; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Certification Type Schema *

* Repository certified to a recognised standard. Allowed values: din31644, dini-zertifikat, dsa, iso16363, iso16919, trac, wds, coretrustseal * */ @JsonProperty("certified_with") public void setCertifiedWith(Host.CertifiedWith certifiedWith) { this.certifiedWith = certifiedWith; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Description Schema *

* Description * */ @JsonProperty("description") public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Description Schema *

* Description * */ @JsonProperty("description") public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Geographical Location Schema *

* Physical location of the data expressed using ISO 3166-1 country code. * */ @JsonProperty("geo_location") public Host.GeoLocation getGeoLocation() { return geoLocation; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Geographical Location Schema *

* Physical location of the data expressed using ISO 3166-1 country code. * */ @JsonProperty("geo_location") public void setGeoLocation(Host.GeoLocation geoLocation) { this.geoLocation = geoLocation; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host PID System Schema *

* PID system(s). Allowed values: ark, arxiv, bibcode, doi, ean13, eissn, handle, igsn, isbn, issn, istc, lissn, lsid, pmid, purl, upc, url, urn, other * */ @JsonProperty("pid_system") public List getPidSystem() { return pidSystem; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host PID System Schema *

* PID system(s). Allowed values: ark, arxiv, bibcode, doi, ean13, eissn, handle, igsn, isbn, issn, istc, lissn, lsid, pmid, purl, upc, url, urn, other * */ @JsonProperty("pid_system") public void setPidSystem(List pidSystem) { this.pidSystem = pidSystem; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Storage Type Schema *

* The type of storage required * */ @JsonProperty("storage_type") public String getStorageType() { return storageType; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Storage Type Schema *

* The type of storage required * */ @JsonProperty("storage_type") public void setStorageType(String storageType) { this.storageType = storageType; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Support Versioning Schema *

* If host supports versioning. Allowed values: yes, no, unknown * */ @JsonProperty("support_versioning") public Host.SupportVersioning getSupportVersioning() { return supportVersioning; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Support Versioning Schema *

* If host supports versioning. Allowed values: yes, no, unknown * */ @JsonProperty("support_versioning") public void setSupportVersioning(Host.SupportVersioning supportVersioning) { this.supportVersioning = supportVersioning; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* Title * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("title") public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* Title * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("title") public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* The URL of the system hosting a distribution of a dataset * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("url") public URI getUrl() { return url; } /** * The Dataset Distribution Host Title Schema *

* The URL of the system hosting a distribution of a dataset * (Required) * */ @JsonProperty("url") public void setUrl(URI url) { this.url = url; } @JsonAnyGetter public Map getAdditionalProperties() { return this.additionalProperties; } @JsonAnySetter public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); } public enum CertifiedWith { DIN_31644("din31644"), DINI_ZERTIFIKAT("dini-zertifikat"), DSA("dsa"), ISO_16363("iso16363"), ISO_16919("iso16919"), TRAC("trac"), WDS("wds"), CORETRUSTSEAL("coretrustseal"); private final String value; private final static Map CONSTANTS = new HashMap(); static { for (Host.CertifiedWith c: values()) { CONSTANTS.put(c.value, c); } } private CertifiedWith(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return this.value; } @JsonValue public String value() { return this.value; } @JsonCreator public static Host.CertifiedWith fromValue(String value) { Host.CertifiedWith constant = CONSTANTS.get(value); if (constant == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } else { return constant; } } } public enum GeoLocation { AD("AD"), AE("AE"), AF("AF"), AG("AG"), AI("AI"), AL("AL"), AM("AM"), AO("AO"), AQ("AQ"), AR("AR"), AS("AS"), AT("AT"), AU("AU"), AW("AW"), AX("AX"), AZ("AZ"), BA("BA"), BB("BB"), BD("BD"), BE("BE"), BF("BF"), BG("BG"), BH("BH"), BI("BI"), BJ("BJ"), BL("BL"), BM("BM"), BN("BN"), BO("BO"), BQ("BQ"), BR("BR"), BS("BS"), BT("BT"), BV("BV"), BW("BW"), BY("BY"), BZ("BZ"), CA("CA"), CC("CC"), CD("CD"), CF("CF"), CG("CG"), CH("CH"), CI("CI"), CK("CK"), CL("CL"), CM("CM"), CN("CN"), CO("CO"), CR("CR"), CU("CU"), CV("CV"), CW("CW"), CX("CX"), CY("CY"), CZ("CZ"), DE("DE"), DJ("DJ"), DK("DK"), DM("DM"), DO("DO"), DZ("DZ"), EC("EC"), EE("EE"), EG("EG"), EH("EH"), ER("ER"), ES("ES"), ET("ET"), FI("FI"), FJ("FJ"), FK("FK"), FM("FM"), FO("FO"), FR("FR"), GA("GA"), GB("GB"), GD("GD"), GE("GE"), GF("GF"), GG("GG"), GH("GH"), GI("GI"), GL("GL"), GM("GM"), GN("GN"), GP("GP"), GQ("GQ"), GR("GR"), GS("GS"), GT("GT"), GU("GU"), GW("GW"), GY("GY"), HK("HK"), HM("HM"), HN("HN"), HR("HR"), HT("HT"), HU("HU"), ID("ID"), IE("IE"), IL("IL"), IM("IM"), IN("IN"), IO("IO"), IQ("IQ"), IR("IR"), IS("IS"), IT("IT"), JE("JE"), JM("JM"), JO("JO"), JP("JP"), KE("KE"), KG("KG"), KH("KH"), KI("KI"), KM("KM"), KN("KN"), KP("KP"), KR("KR"), KW("KW"), KY("KY"), KZ("KZ"), LA("LA"), LB("LB"), LC("LC"), LI("LI"), LK("LK"), LR("LR"), LS("LS"), LT("LT"), LU("LU"), LV("LV"), LY("LY"), MA("MA"), MC("MC"), MD("MD"), ME("ME"), MF("MF"), MG("MG"), MH("MH"), MK("MK"), ML("ML"), MM("MM"), MN("MN"), MO("MO"), MP("MP"), MQ("MQ"), MR("MR"), MS("MS"), MT("MT"), MU("MU"), MV("MV"), MW("MW"), MX("MX"), MY("MY"), MZ("MZ"), NA("NA"), NC("NC"), NE("NE"), NF("NF"), NG("NG"), NI("NI"), NL("NL"), NO("NO"), NP("NP"), NR("NR"), NU("NU"), NZ("NZ"), OM("OM"), PA("PA"), PE("PE"), PF("PF"), PG("PG"), PH("PH"), PK("PK"), PL("PL"), PM("PM"), PN("PN"), PR("PR"), PS("PS"), PT("PT"), PW("PW"), PY("PY"), QA("QA"), RE("RE"), RO("RO"), RS("RS"), RU("RU"), RW("RW"), SA("SA"), SB("SB"), SC("SC"), SD("SD"), SE("SE"), SG("SG"), SH("SH"), SI("SI"), SJ("SJ"), SK("SK"), SL("SL"), SM("SM"), SN("SN"), SO("SO"), SR("SR"), SS("SS"), ST("ST"), SV("SV"), SX("SX"), SY("SY"), SZ("SZ"), TC("TC"), TD("TD"), TF("TF"), TG("TG"), TH("TH"), TJ("TJ"), TK("TK"), TL("TL"), TM("TM"), TN("TN"), TO("TO"), TR("TR"), TT("TT"), TV("TV"), TW("TW"), TZ("TZ"), UA("UA"), UG("UG"), UM("UM"), US("US"), UY("UY"), UZ("UZ"), VA("VA"), VC("VC"), VE("VE"), VG("VG"), VI("VI"), VN("VN"), VU("VU"), WF("WF"), WS("WS"), YE("YE"), YT("YT"), ZA("ZA"), ZM("ZM"), ZW("ZW"); private final String value; private final static Map CONSTANTS = new HashMap(); static { for (Host.GeoLocation c: values()) { CONSTANTS.put(c.value, c); } } private GeoLocation(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return this.value; } @JsonValue public String value() { return this.value; } @JsonCreator public static Host.GeoLocation fromValue(String value) { Host.GeoLocation constant = CONSTANTS.get(value); if (constant == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } else { return constant; } } } public enum SupportVersioning { YES("yes"), NO("no"), UNKNOWN("unknown"); private final String value; private final static Map CONSTANTS = new HashMap(); static { for (Host.SupportVersioning c: values()) { CONSTANTS.put(c.value, c); } } private SupportVersioning(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return this.value; } @JsonValue public String value() { return this.value; } @JsonCreator public static Host.SupportVersioning fromValue(String value) { Host.SupportVersioning constant = CONSTANTS.get(value); if (constant == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } else { return constant; } } } }