import { AfterViewInit, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { UntypedFormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatExpansionPanel } from '@angular/material/expansion'; import { DescriptionTemplate, DescriptionTemplateSection } from '@app/core/model/description-template/description-template'; import { BaseComponent } from '@common/base/base.component'; import { LinkToScroll } from '../table-of-contents/table-of-contents.component'; import { Rule } from './visibility-rules/models/rule'; import { VisibilityRulesService } from './visibility-rules/visibility-rules.service'; import { ValidationErrorModel } from '@common/forms/validation/error-model/validation-error-model'; import { Guid } from '@common/types/guid'; @Component({ selector: 'app-description-form', templateUrl: './description-form.component.html', styleUrls: ['./description-form.component.scss'] }) export class DescriptionFormComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges { @Input() propertiesFormGroup: UntypedFormGroup; @Input() descriptionTemplate: DescriptionTemplate; @Input() visibilityRulesService: VisibilityRulesService; @Input() descriptionId: Guid; // @ViewChild('stepper', { static: false }) stepper: MatStepper; @Input() path: string; @Input() visibilityRules: Rule[] = []; @Input() datasetDescription: String; @Input() linkToScroll: LinkToScroll; @Output() formChanged: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() fieldsetFocusChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // tocentries: ToCEntry[]; @Input() TOCENTRY_ID_PREFIX = ""; @Output() visibilityRulesInstance = new EventEmitter(); @Input() validationErrorModel: ValidationErrorModel; // public hiddenEntriesIds: string[] = []; constructor( ) { super(); } ngOnInit() { this.init(); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { this.init(); // When the form is changed set stepper index to 0. // if (this.stepper && changes['form'] && !changes['form'].isFirstChange()) { // this.stepper.selectedIndex = 0; // } else if (this.stepper && changes['linkToScroll'] && changes['linkToScroll'].currentValue) { // if (changes['linkToScroll'] >= 0) { // this.stepper.selectedIndex = changes['linkToScroll']; // } // } } ngAfterViewInit() { } init() { // this.tocentries = this.getTocEntries(); // const rules_to_append = this._enrichWithMultiplicityRules(this.tocentries); // this.visibilityRulesService.buildVisibilityRules([...this.visibilityRules, ...rules_to_append], this.form); // if (this.form) { // this.form.valueChanges // .pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)) // .subscribe(val => { // this.formChanged.emit(val); // }); // } // this.visibilityRulesInstance.emit(this.visibilityRulesService); // this.hiddenEntriesIds = this._findHiddenEntries(this.tocentries); // this.visibilityRulesService.visibilityChange // .pipe( // takeUntil(this._destroyed), // debounceTime(100) // ) // .subscribe(_ => { // this.hiddenEntriesIds = this._findHiddenEntries(this.tocentries); // }) } onAskedToScroll(panel: MatExpansionPanel, id?: string) { //; // this.fieldsetFocusChange.emit(id); } // private _enrichWithMultiplicityRules(tocentries: ToCEntry[]): Rule[] { // if (tocentries) { // return => { // if (entry.type === ToCEntryType.Field) return []; // * TODO Me to tora implementation den tha ftasei pote edo // if (entry.type === ToCEntryType.FieldSet) { // // if(multiplicity: ) // try { // // TODO OTAN KANW HIDE MULTIPLE PEDIO TOTE STO ON SHOW HANO TA VALUES (AUTO MPOREI NA EINAI KAI LEGIT) ('NA DOUME AN ONTOS DIAGRAFONTAI I APLA DEN TA DEIXNOUME') // // * UPDATE KANEI DESTROY TO COMPONENT H NGIF . PITHANOTATA NA XREIASTEI NA TO KANOUME HIDDEN AN THELOUME KATI ALLO // const multiplicity = entry.form.get('multiplicity').value; // if ((multiplicity.max > 1) && (multiplicity.min > 0) && (multiplicity.max >= multiplicity.min)) { // has valid multiplicity // return this._createAndAppendVisibilityRule(entry); // } // } catch { // } // return []; // } // if (entry.subEntries) { // return this._enrichWithMultiplicityRules(entry.subEntries); // } // }) // .reduce((r, c) => { return [...c, ...r] }, []); // } // return []; // } // private _createAndAppendVisibilityRule(entry: ToCEntry): Rule[] { // const rules_to_append = []; // if (entry && (entry.type === ToCEntryType.FieldSet)) { // //childs that are either target or source // const childIdsWithVisRules = (entry.form.get('fields') as UntypedFormArray).controls.reduce((all, s) => { // const sval = s.value as Field; // return this.visibilityRules.find(x => (x.targetField === || (x.sourceField === ? [...all, sval] : all; // }, []) as Field[]; // const innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds = (entry.form.get('fields') as UntypedFormArray) => x.get('id').value) as string[]; // //multiplicity items // const multiplicityItemsValue = entry.form.get('multiplicityItems').value as CompositeField[]; // // ********* FIELDS OF FIELDSET ARE EITHER TARGETS OR SOURCES ***** // if (childIdsWithVisRules.length && multiplicityItemsValue && multiplicityItemsValue.length) { // //check each multiplicity item composite field // multiplicityItemsValue.forEach(mi => { // const multiplicityCompositeFieldIds = =>; // const idMappings = => { // return { // original: innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds.find(l => x.includes(l)), // multiplicityIdValue: x // } // }) as { original: string, multiplicityIdValue: string }[]; // //each field of mutliplicity item // mi.fields.forEach(field => { // //get original visibility rules (original field) // //original id // const original_id = childIdsWithVisRules.find(x =>; // //get vis rules // //as source // const original_as_source = this.visibilityRules.filter(x => x.sourceField === original_id); // const original_as_target = this.visibilityRules.filter(x => x.targetField === original_id); // if (original_as_source.length) { // //inner dependencies // const innerDep = original_as_source.filter(x => innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds.includes(x.targetField)); // innerDep.forEach(x => { // const newRule = { ...x, sourceField:, targetField: idMappings.find(l => l.original === x.targetField).multiplicityIdValue } as Rule; // rules_to_append.push(newRule); // }) // //outer dependencies // const outerDep = original_as_source.filter(x => !innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds.includes(x.targetField)); // outerDep.forEach(x => { // const newRule = { ...x, sourceField: }; // rules_to_append.push(newRule); // }) // } // if (original_as_target.length) { // //inner dependencies // const innerDep = original_as_target.filter(x => innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds.includes(x.sourceField)); // innerDep.forEach(x => { // const newRule = { ...x, targetField:, sourceField: idMappings.find(l => l.original === x.sourceField).multiplicityIdValue } as Rule; // rules_to_append.push(newRule); // }) // //outer dependencies // const outerDep = original_as_target.filter(x => !innerCompositeFieldOriginalIds.includes(x.sourceField)); // outerDep.forEach(x => { // const newRule = { ...x, targetField: } as Rule; // rules_to_append.push(newRule); // }) // } // }) // }); // } // // ** FIELDSET ITSELF IS TARGET // // ** source it can never be // const compositeFieldAsTargetRules = this.visibilityRules.filter(x => x.targetField ===; // const idCompositeFieldMappings = => { // return { // originalValue:, // newValue: // } // }) as { originalValue: string, newValue: string }[]; // if (compositeFieldAsTargetRules.length) { // compositeFieldAsTargetRules.forEach(x => { // idCompositeFieldMappings.forEach(l => { // const newRule = { ...x, targetField: l.newValue }; // rules_to_append.push(newRule); // }); // }); // } // } // return rules_to_append; // } // private _buildRecursively(form: UntypedFormGroup, whatAmI: ToCEntryType): ToCEntry { // if (!form) return null; // switch (whatAmI) { // case ToCEntryType.Section: // const sections = form.get('sections') as UntypedFormArray; // const fieldsets = form.get('compositeFields') as UntypedFormArray; // const tempResult: ToCEntry[] = []; // if (sections && sections.length) { // sections.controls.forEach(section => { // tempResult.push(this._buildRecursively(section as UntypedFormGroup, ToCEntryType.Section)); // }); // } else if (fieldsets && fieldsets.length) { // fieldsets.controls.forEach(fieldset => { // tempResult.push(this._buildRecursively(fieldset as UntypedFormGroup, ToCEntryType.FieldSet)); // }); // } // return { // // form: form, // id: form.get('id').value, // label: form.get('title').value, // numbering: '', // subEntries: tempResult, // subEntriesType: sections && sections.length ? ToCEntryType.Section : ToCEntryType.FieldSet, // type: ToCEntryType.Section, // ordinal: form.get('ordinal').value // } // case ToCEntryType.FieldSet: // return { // // form: form, // label: form.get('title').value, // id: form.get('id').value, // numbering: 's', // subEntries: [], // subEntriesType: ToCEntryType.Field, // type: ToCEntryType.FieldSet, // ordinal: form.get('ordinal').value // } // } // } // private _sortByOrdinal(tocentries: ToCEntry[]) { // if (!tocentries || !tocentries.length) return; // tocentries.sort(this._customCompare); // tocentries.forEach(entry => { // this._sortByOrdinal(entry.subEntries); // }); // } // private _customCompare(a, b) { // return a.ordinal - b.ordinal; // } // private _calculateNumbering(tocentries: ToCEntry[], depth: number[] = []) { // if (!tocentries || !tocentries.length) { // return; // } // let prefixNumbering = depth.length ? depth.join('.') : ''; // if (depth.length) prefixNumbering = prefixNumbering + "."; // tocentries.forEach((entry, i) => { // entry.numbering = prefixNumbering + (i + 1); // this._calculateNumbering(entry.subEntries, [...depth, i + 1]) // }); // } // getTocEntries(): ToCEntry[] { // if (!this.form) { return []; } // const result: ToCEntry[] = []; // //build parent pages // (this.form.get('pages') as UntypedFormArray).controls.forEach((pageElement, i) => { // result.push({ // id: i + 'id', // label: pageElement.get('title').value, // type: ToCEntryType.Page, // // form: pageElement, // numbering: (i + 1).toString(), // subEntriesType: ToCEntryType.Section, // subEntries: [], // ordinal: pageElement.get('ordinal').value // } as ToCEntry) // }); // result.forEach((entry, i) => { // const sections = entry.form.get('sections') as UntypedFormArray; // sections.controls.forEach(section => { // const tempResults = this._buildRecursively(section as UntypedFormGroup, ToCEntryType.Section); // entry.subEntries.push(tempResults); // }); // }); // this._sortByOrdinal(result); // //calculate numbering // this._calculateNumbering(result); // return result; // } }