1.1How will new data be collected or produced and/or how will existing data be re-used?1.2What data (for example the kind, formats, and volumes), will be collected or produced?1Data Description And Collection Or Re-use Of Existing Data2.1What metadata and documentation will accompany the data?For example the methodology of data collection and way of organizing data2.2What data quality control measures will be used?2Documentation And Data Quality3.1How will data and metadata be stored and backed up during the research?3.2How will data security and protection of sensitive data be taken care of during the research?3Storage And Backup During The Research Process4.1Personal dataEnsure that when dealing with personal data data protection laws (for example GDPR) are complied with: ›› Gain informed consent for preservation and/or sharing of personal data. ›› Consider anonymisation of personal data for preservation and/or sharing (truly anonymous data are no longer considered personal data). ›› Consider pseudonymisation of personal data (the main difference with anonymisation is that pseudonymisation is reversible). ›› Consider encryption which is seen as a special case of pseudonymisation (the encryption key must be stored separately from the data, for instance by a trusted third party).4.2.1Data ownership and accessibilityMake sure to cover these matters of rights to control access to data for multi-partner projects and multiple data owners, in the consortium agreement.4.2.2Intellectual property rights4.2.3Third-party data restrictions4.2How will other legal issues, such as intellectual property rights and ownership, be managed? What legislation is applicable?4.3Ethical issuesConsider whether ethical issues can affect how data are stored and transferred, who can see or use them, and how long they are kept. Demonstrate awareness of these aspects and respective planning. • Follow the national and international codes of conducts and institutional ethical guidelines, and check if ethical review (for example by an ethics committee) is required for data collection in the research project.4Legal And Ethical Requirements, Codes Of Conduct5.1How and when will data be shared? Are there possible restrictions to data sharing or embargo reasons?5.2How will data for preservation be selected, and where data will be preserved long-term?For example a data repository or archive5.3What methods or software tools are needed to access and use data?5.4How will the application of a unique and persistent identifier to each data set be ensured?Such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)5Data Sharing And Long-term Preservation6.1Who will be responsible for data management?For example role, position, and institution. i.e. the data steward6.2What resources will be dedicated to data management and ensuring that data will be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)?For example financial and time6Data Management Responsibilities And Resources