DO $$DECLARE this_version CONSTANT varchar := '00.01.020'; BEGIN PERFORM * FROM "DBVersion" WHERE version = this_version; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; TRUNCATE public."UserRole"; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" DROP COLUMN "Role"; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" RENAME "Id" TO id; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" RENAME "UserId" TO "user"; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" ADD COLUMN role character varying(512) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" ADD COLUMN created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" DROP CONSTRAINT "UserRole_userId_fkey"; ALTER TABLE public."UserRole" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user") REFERENCES public."User" (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT VALID; INSERT INTO public."DBVersion" VALUES ('DMPDB', '00.01.020', '2023-11-20 12:00:00.000000+02', now(), 'Sync table UserRole.'); END$$;