import { Component, Input, OnInit, AfterViewChecked, ViewChild, forwardRef } from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup, Validators, ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; import { Router, ActivatedRoute, ParamMap, Params } from '@angular/router'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap'; //import { FieldBase } from '../../app/form/fields/field-base'; import { FieldControlService } from '../../app/services/field-control.service'; import { ServerService } from '../../app/services/server.service'; import { dataModelBuilder } from '../../app/services/dataModelBuilder.service'; import { DataModel } from '../entities/DataModel'; import { GroupBase } from './dynamic-form-group/group-base'; import { PaginationService } from '../../app/services/pagination.service'; import { TokenService, TokenProvider } from '../services/login/token.service'; import { ModalComponent } from '../modal/modal.component'; import { AutocompleteRemoteComponent } from './fields/autocomplete-remote/autocomplete-remote.component'; import { AngularDraggableModule } from 'angular2-draggable'; import './../../assets/xml2json.min.js'; declare var X2JS: any; var flatten = require('flat'); declare var $ :any; import * as scroll from '../../assets/jquery.scrollTo.min.js'; import '../../assets/custom.js'; declare function simple_notifier(type: string, title: string, message:string): any; //import '../../assets/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.js'; declare var PerfectScrollbar : any; @Component({ selector: 'dynamic-form', templateUrl: './dynamic-form.component.html', styleUrls: [ './dynamic-form.component.css', '../../assets/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.css' ], providers: [ FieldControlService, ServerService, dataModelBuilder ] }) export class DynamicFormComponent implements OnInit { @Input() dataModel: DataModel = new DataModel(); form: FormGroup; payLoad = ''; @Input() dirtyValues: number = 0; // pagination object @Input() pagination: any = {}; finalizeStatus:boolean = false; id: string; datasetId: string; //datasetProperties:string; private fragment: string; xml2jsonOBJ: any; expandedForm : boolean = false; expandedToc : boolean = true; constructor(private qcs: FieldControlService, private serverService: ServerService, private dataModelService: dataModelBuilder, private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private pagerService: PaginationService, private tokenService: TokenService) { this.form = this.qcs.toFormGroup(new Array(), new Array()); this.xml2jsonOBJ = new X2JS(); } getSubForm(subformName) { return this.form.controls[subformName]; } ngOnInit() { //this.route.fragment.subscribe(fragment => { this.fragment = fragment; }); //navigate to certain section of the page, it doesn't use anymore let sub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => { =; this.datasetId = params.datasetId; //this.datasetProperties = params.datasetProperties }); this.serverService.getDatasetByID(this.datasetId).subscribe( (data) => { var flatList; var formValues = ""; if ( { console.log("Found already submitted form, loading that one!"); formValues = JSON.parse(; flatList = flatten(formValues); //this.patchForm(flatList); if(data.status == 2) this.finalizeStatus=true; } //η κληση για το dataset profile pou htan prin pio panw anexarthth this.serverService.getDatasetProfileByID( response => { console.log("response"); console.log(response); const data = response; //replace the xmls {model,view,rule} definitions with json -- library data.definition = this.xml2jsonOBJ.xml_str2json(data.definition); data.ruleset.definition = this.xml2jsonOBJ.xml_str2json(data.ruleset.definition); data.viewstyle.definition = this.xml2jsonOBJ.xml_str2json(data.viewstyle.definition); //can be converted back to xml (which shouldn't be needed) with this.xml2jsonOBJ.json2xml_str console.log("this.serverService.getFields"); console.log("data.dataset") console.log(data.definition) console.log(data.ruleset.definition) console.log(data.viewstyle.definition) this.dataModel = new DataModel(); this.dataModel = this.dataModelService.getDataModel(data, formValues); //get formvalues and acossiate them with fields this.form = this.qcs.toFormGroup(this.dataModel.fields, this.dataModel.groups); this.form.valueChanges.subscribe(data => { // console.log('Form changes', data); let dirtyValuesArray: Array = []; let count = 0; let countDirtyValues = 0; let percentage = 0; Object.keys(this.form.controls).forEach((c) => { //count++; let currentControl = this.form.controls[c]; if (currentControl.dirty) dirtyValuesArray.push(currentControl.value); }); Object.keys(this.form.value).forEach((c) => { //count++; Object.keys(this.form.value[c]).forEach((item) => { let value = this.form.value[c][item] if (typeof(value) == "string") value.trim(); if(typeof(value)== "boolean") value.toString(); if (value != undefined && value != "") countDirtyValues++; //TODO REMOVE SPACES FROM EMPTY STRING }); }); this.dataModel.groups.forEach(grp => { grp.groupFields.forEach((fld) => { if (fld.visible == true || fld.visible == "true") count++; // if (fld.value != undefined && fld.value != " ") // countDirtyValues++; }); }); //console.log(count); // var percentage = Math.floor(dirtyValuesArray.length * 100 / count); percentage = Math.floor(countDirtyValues * 100 / count); this.dirtyValues = percentage; }) //this.form = this.qcs.toFormGroup(this.fields); console.log("SUMMARY: ======>"); console.log(this.dataModel); console.log(this.form); this.route.paramMap //this is how i get the projects's id // initialize to page 1 this.setPage(1); }, err => { console.log("There was an error fetching the data from server"); console.log(err); } ); //end- klhsh gia to dataset profiel }, (err) => { }); var formScroller = new PerfectScrollbar("#form-container"); var tocScroller = new PerfectScrollbar("#toc-container"); } scrollToElemID(elemID) { scroll("#" + elemID); } private patchForm(flatList: any) { for (var prop in flatList) { if (flatList.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (prop.endsWith('.id') || prop.endsWith('.answer') || prop.endsWith('.value')) continue; //console.log("updating value of "+prop +" to "+flatList[prop].valueOf()) this.form.get(prop).setValue(flatList[prop].valueOf()); } } //this.form.get("namingConventionGroup.nonamingConventionA213").setValue("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"); } ngAfterViewChecked(): void { //navigate to certain section of the page try { document.querySelector('#' + this.fragment).scrollIntoView(); } catch (e) { } } submitForm(final){ this.serverService.getDatasetByID(this.datasetId).subscribe( (data) => { if (final) data.status = 2; //is xml, so transform them to xml (it's json) // = this.xml2jsonOBJ.json2xml_str(JSON.stringify(this.form.value)); = JSON.stringify(this.form.value); this.serverService.setDataset(data).subscribe( (data) => { console.log("Updated dataset"); //simple_notifier("success",null,"Saved form progress"); this.router.navigate(['/workspace'], { queryParams: { /*returnUrl: this.state.url*/ }}); }, (err) => { simple_notifier("danger",null,"Could not save form progress"); }); }, (err) => { simple_notifier("danger",null,"Could not save form progress"); }); } onSubmit() { let final = false; this.submitForm(false); this.payLoad = JSON.stringify(this.form.value); } SaveFinalize(){ $("#confirmModal").modal("hide"); let final = true; this.submitForm(final); } shouldIShow(element) { //pagination , pages are declared in xml for every groupfield if (this.pagination.currentPage =={ return true; } else return false; } setPage(page: number) { if (page < 1 || page > this.pagination.totalPages) { return; } var pagesize = 4; // get pagination object from service this.pagination = this.pagerService.getPagination(this.dataModel.groups, this.dataModel.groups.length, page, pagesize); //get current page of items // this.dataModel.sections.forEach(section => { // if (section.groupFields.length > 0) { // section.groupFields = this.dataModel.groups.slice(this.pagination.startIndex, this.pagination.endIndex + 1); // } // }); //this.dataModel.groups = this.dataModel.groups.slice(this.pagination.startIndex, this.pagination.endIndex + 1); } signOut2() { var auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance(); auth2.signOut().then(function () { console.log('User signed out.'); localStorage.removeItem('currentUser'); }); this.tokenService.setToken(null); //kanonika prepei na mpei mesa sthn function..... } }